Chapter 17: I'm not dead yet

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Your first relaxation when you woke up was the extreme pain shooting through your body , you arm felt like it had been put through a woodchipper, you had a mask and were getting oxygen flown into your lungs and another needle giving you a blood transfusion, what was going to happen to your arm, quirk medicine was great but could they fix this or was this going to be something you were going to have to learn to live with. The pain was once again too much for you to handle and your body passed out.

You woke up again this time in a hospital bed, you looked down to see your arm, it was still there somehow, it was smashed into hundreds of bits, what had happen, oh right, there was loud banging and screaming outside so you had assumed the villains had gotten in and you hid, then something crashed through the side of the safe room and you passed out soon after.

"How the hell am i not dead?" You thought "I wonder if Katsuki is okay?

"So what's her condition?" Katsuki asked the doctor

"Well good news is that we saved the arm, bad news is that it will probably never be the same, she will need extensive physical therapy, other bad news is that she keeps slipping in and out of consciousness-"

"Why can't you just give the shot you give me when I get in an accident."

"Mr,Bakugou  you know that it is only allowed on a hero and according to her record, she isn't a hero and doesn't even have a quirk, it would be a waste of the drug."

"A waste, what the fuck are you saying!" Katsuki yelled, almost ready to shake down the doctor.

"Sir calm down, she is still in and out of realty  you can calm down and wait for her to wake up or you can leave and continue this somewhere else." The doctor said and Katsuki never felt a deeper hatred for the medical system then he did now, still it would be bad if he was kicked out, so he just tsk under his breath and went to your room, your eyes were open but you were so hopped up on pain medications you didn't even acknowledge him in the room. Along with your lower arm and half your humor being shattered, the whiplash also did a number on your, he was just grateful it didn't land on your head, he placed the hello kitty plush your brought with you next to your head, it still was covered in a suit and he tried his best to wash it as best as he could but the white fur still had splotches of black on them. Your eyes kept scanning the room before your eyes closed again. Considering you had about three large rods in your arm and even more in your hands he sighed and leaned back in the hospital chair.

You slowly drifted back and everything felt really fuzzy your eyes glanced over to him, and you were wondered why a guy was wearing a Pomeranian as a hat, you let out a small laugh

"Hey can you hear me (name)?" it said and you just laughed again

"Hehe pompom..." you said still loopy on the meds, Katsuki flicked your forehead

"Man you really drugged up, at least you are talking right now." He said

"Fluffy..." you said "No arm...hurts."

"I bet, it got shattered. I'm surprised it is still attached." He said as you closed your eyes again and went back to sleep

The next week was about the same, you drifting in and out sputtering nonsense to him and Katsuki just waiting till you were able to leave, he was still fucking pissed the hospital just couldn't give you the regrowing serum, but nope a less effective medication to help bones regrow around the metal rod they put in your arm, it was slow and very painful.

"Ugh Katsuki is that you?" You asked

"Are the drugs finally wearing off miss loopy?" he asked

"I think arm still really hurts like someone is crushing it slowly with their hands." You said "also the rest of my body hurts..."

"Well a bolder did crash through and crush your arm, do you remember anything after?"

"NO everything just kind of felt like a weird dream like state, where am I?"

"In the hospital, and well about your arm (Name) I don't think it's ever gonna work the same again, that's what the doctor told me."

"...well...could be worse." You said

"What are you talking about, stop talking like that, your arm is-"

"Bakugou you are blaming yourself for this aren't you, you have the same look on your face i have when i do that." You said reaching your working arm up and placing it on his head "I know you were doing what was best for me, so stop it, that's what you tell me to do."

" I don't know how." He said "I made you a sitting duck, it should have let you leave the city."

"Well there is no telling what could have happened if i did leave the city." You said "Besides my arm is still attached ill just work really hard to try to get as close to normal."

"You do know you died for like three minutes could have stayed dead (name)."

"Well I'm not dead yet Katsuki." You said taking your hand off his head "Besides I have you to help me out, so I'm sure ill be back in no time."

Katsuki just remained silent staring at the ground

"You know something, i never really had a friend before, my classmates were really mean to me all the time, and well being an adult it's even harder to find friends, I always had a recurring thought that i would die without anyone caring that i was gone, so death never really scared me but the fact i would be forgotten and nobody would care, kind of a sick thing to think about i know, i mean who wants people to suffer, but I think mourning is just a way to show how much people really care about you."

"Why are you telling me this."

"Well it's kind of messed up thing to say, but if I died I would be happy that at least one person would miss me and know I'm gone."

"You are right...that is messed up." He laughed under his breath, you gave a small chuckle with him

"So don't worry Katsuki- mean Bakugou, even if i did die i wouldn't have died miserable." You said

"You can call me Katsuki if you want, i think we have gone way past the line of just a hero helping a civilian."
"So can i call you a friend then?" you asked

"You can call me a friend." Katsuki said

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