Chapter 43: There you are!

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Izuku kept knocking on doors trying to find you, but instead got a lot of angry people yelling at him, he was starting to get a little annoyed at his little adventure, till he finally knocked on door 134, and you opened it standing there, looking like you haven't showered in a few days, and looking well like your entire life has spiraled out of control.

"Izuku...what are you doing here, how did you find me?" you asked

"Oh thank god (name) I've been trying to track you down by asking around since you left, and well it looks like you have seen better days."

"I have seen better days Izuku, thanks for your concern but I want to be alone right now." You said, "though I made that pretty clear when I left."

"Well okay you can but how about we get your ankle fixed and you back to your place in Tokyo." Izuku suggested

"I don't have my place in Tokyo anymore, I moved in with Katsuki, my stuff is in his apartment and still in the cabin, I had to second hand buy this hoodie I'm wearing, and I'm almost out of money, I can't afford a train ticket back, I don't have the keys I can't-"

"Okay enough of that, look I'm putting you in an apartment for the next month and I'm getting your stuff back from Katsuki, because (name) do you want to stay shacked up in the closet? Look, I'll help you out and you can pay me back later."

"...okay, I'll go with you, I just want to get back to Tokyo, but Izuku promised me you won't tell Katsuki where I am, I'm not ready to face him yet." You said

"I Promise." Izuku said, "now let's get you out of here and get you back on your feet."

One week later Katsuki was finally released from the hospital and with the new bracelet that would cut out the effects of your quirk, he was more than set to see you again. However, Izuku was being secretive again, oh how he hated that, not like he wouldn't find out eventually but he is more than a little worried about your well-being. So with the car ride home with Izuku back to Tokyo and Izuku was being a secretive little shit as he put it.

"So Kacchan, how are you feeling?" Izuku asked breaking the silence

"If I hear that question one more time-"

"So fine as I take it," Izuku said

"Izuku did you find her at least."

"Yes, I did."

"She was a little shaken up and well wasn't taking care of herself but I put her back on her feet and she is fine."

"And where is she?" Katsuki asked as one of the veins on his forehead was starting to form.

"Tokyo." Izuku said

"Where in Tokyo!?" Katsuki asked

"At her home," Izuku said

"Where is her house!?" Katsuki asked again, trying not to slap him.

"Okay Katsuki, she asked me not to tell you, all you need to know is I got all her stuff and moved her to a new house, she isn't ready to see you yet," Izuku said, and Katsuki sighed

"She really hates me now huh."

"I said yet, look she is blaming this all on her, and she needs some time to process all of this, she wants to get back on her feet on her own, she will contact you when she is ready."

"But it isn't her fault!" Katsuki yelled, "quirk or not I shouldn't have done that, I scared her away didn't I?"

"No, that isn't how she is taking it, look give it time and I'm sure she will want to talk about what happened, but she needs space, you can't fix everything overnight." Izuku said, "for now just take your mind off it, i mean you haven't been doing hero work for a while."

"I'll get back on that, the crime rate in the city rose by 0.5 percent by me being gone, ill get it back down in no time," Katsuki said

"That's the spirit!" Izuku said

You were sitting on the couch sewing up a bag, trying to get a few orders put in, once you opened back up your shop and started making some more cash to pay Izuku back for finding this nice apartment for you, a little space to get back to what you loved doing, making a new thing. You tied to the end of the thread and looked up, all that was left was the zipper. You looked down at your bag and smiled at the Hello kitty Katsuki keychain Izuku had got you, You wondered how Katsuki was taking all of this, was he still angry at you, did he even want to be your partner after all this, or was the whole relationship just an effect from your quirk, you shake your head and got back to sewing, it wasn't the right time.

Once the zipper was on, you packaged it up and grabbed your crush, and headed down to the post office with your other orders, it was the start of May and things were getting hot, you were gonna have to buy some new tank top and shorts, sweater weather was always the best.

"Hello, again you sure do come here a lot." The lady at the desk said

"I have a small business, so you will be seeing a lot more of me." you said handing over the packages and paying the shipment as you left the post office your phone rang, who could that be, it was Ayane.

"H-Hello?" you said

"FINALLY YOU PICK UP IT HAS BEEN TO LONG!" She yelled at you thought the phone

"I'm sorry, I've been caught up in a lot of stuff, how have you been?"

"Well work went dead for a bit, it's finally picking back up since The boss returned, you two get in a fight or something."

"Well it's...complicated right now, I just needed a little time to breathe."

"Ohhhh okay I get it, well take care of yourself and call me more, I get bored here."

"I will, thanks for calling to check up on me." you said, "tell Giju I say hi."

"I will, later the boss is coming back and doesn't want him to yell at me for slacking." She said and hung up, you had a small smile, at least Katsuki was back at his job, things were finally getting back to normal.

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