Chapter 18: Back on your feet.

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You were finally released from the hospital with a pastel pink cast on your arm, you were being rolled out on a wheel chair by a doctor with Katsuki walking next to him. He already had the physical therapy exercises memorized ,he had a couple cases where he needed it especially with the strainer the quirk put on his arms, when they finally got out you saw a woman who looked familiar but just couldn't put your finger on it, her face lit up when she saw you.

"What are you doing here round face?" Katsuki said

"I came to see how she was doing, ah I'm so glad she is alright!" The women said

"Uh I'm sorry but I don't know who you are." you said

"Oh right you were passed out, I was the one who lifted the bolder off you and got you to an ambulance, I'm Ochako, I was one of Bakugou's classmates back in highschool."

"Oh I see, well thank you so much for saving me, it's thanks to you I'm still here." You said

"You are so very welcome I'm just glad you are okay and that they were able to revive you in time, Bakugou how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, I'm taking her back I'm in charge of seeing her through her physical therapy." He said

"Go easy on her Bakugou, can i sign your cast?" She asked

"Sure!" you said holding it out and she took a marker out and drew a couple stars and plants on it

"Don't taint the thing." Katsuki said as she finished up, and capped the marker

"Well I got to get back to my area now, give me an update when you get better okay."

"I will, thanks again Ochako." you said and Katsuki got you into his car and waved her off with your good hand, Katsuki was tapping one of his hands on the steering wheel "are you upset about something?"

"What are you talking about?" Katsuki asked

"Your fidgeting something is on your mind." you said "Did you wanna sign my cast first?"

"What why the hell would I get upset over something as dumb as that!" He said

"So you did wanna be the first to sign my cast?" You said still looking out the car window, Katsuki was fun, his reactions were always so over the top.

When you were finally back in Katsuki's apartment you sat back down on the couch and fell over, so nice to be out of the hospital bed. Till Katsuki dropped a pillow on your face

"Hey get up." He said, you rolled your eyes under the pillow

"Why I'm tired and want to relax." You said

"Well you stink go take a bath."

"Again that's no way to talk to a lady." you said rolling over

"If you were a man i would tell you that you still stink, now come on i'll help you put the bag over your cast-"
"That's okay i can do it." You said getting up and taking the plastic bag and ties from him, you went and grabbed a change of clothes then to the bathroom, Katsuki placed the medical bag he got from the doctor on the counter and bread the instructions

"Inject one shot into the middle of the arm once a day till all dosages are used, warning causes fatigue and pain, pain medication is recommended...motherfuckers." Katsuki said, still not seeing why they just couldn't have given you a one time shot that they use for hero's, guess it's the perks of putting your life at risk everyday. Still knowing you, you would be a baby about getting a shot and he would have to deal with it.

You had stepped out of the bathroom and were drying your hair as best you could

"Hey you gonna catch a cold if your hair is wet come here I'll do it properly." Katsuki said

"It's okay i got it." You said sitting next to him, before he took the towel out of your hand and started drying your hair

"I wasn't asking, just let me do it." He said

"Fine, fine just now not so rough you are pulling my hair." you said

"Whatever..." Katsuki mumbled as he finished and you felt like a poodle who just went through a carwash

"...thanks." You said repositioning your hair in the way that you liked as Katsuki got up and picked up the medical bag.

"Alright, i need to give you your medicine." he said

"Okie dokie." you said as Katsuki took the needle out "uhhhh Katsuki."
"What?" He asked

"I think i should give myself the shot."
"Huh why?" Katsuki asked, "Are you scared of needles?"

"No, but I'm scared of you with a needle." You said

"Why?" Katsuki asked

"Have you met yourself, you are not exactly the most umm , well you are more rough and a needle is well."

"Spit it out women." he said\

"I don't trust you not to hurt me with that needle." You said with an awkward smile


"I don't want a shot from someone who is angry at me." You said backing up on the couch, and Katsuki lower his voice

"Okay look, I've given myself plenty of shots from hero work i know how to give a shot without it hurting someone, Kirishima is so much of a baby i also have to give him his shots when he gets hurt so I've done this on others as well, so i wont hurt you okay?"

"Hmmm you promise." You said

"Ugh, I promise." Katsuki said and you extended your casted arm towards him, and one little prick later it was done.

"Oh wow you are good." You said

"How hard is it to give someone a shot." Katsuki said returning to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water and pain medication. "Also the pain from your bones extensive regrowing from the shot will hurt here."

"Thank you." you said taking the meds and gulping down the water

"Also since healing requires energy you are going to be very tired."

"Noted I think I already feel the effects..." you said as you laid down on the couch "I'm gonna watch some tv."

"Alright I'm getting something to eat." Katsuki said heading to the kitchen, you on the other hand were getting really sleepy, along with the throbbing stabbing feeling in your arm, sleep was for the best, still whatever Katsuki was making smelt really good. So when he nudged you out of your half awake half asleep state with a plate of food you quickly grabbed the plate, and dug in.

"Thanks for the food." you said, as Katsuki took your plate away, whatever was in those shots sure were potent, as you grabbed the blanket that was hanging off the side of the couch and tucked yourself in, no use in trying to stay awake when your body needed rest.

Katsuki had just finished cleaning up the dishes when he returned to the couch to see you passed out, and he rolled his eyes, as he picked you up

"Hmmm?" you mumbled out

"Don't get any weird ideas I'm only doing this once, you need to learn to fall asleep on the bed." he said pushing the bedroom door open with his foot, and placing you under the bed sheets "get some sleep."

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