Chapter 37: I trusted you

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One observation can sometimes unpack a whole mountain of issues, and when people are under a mountain they try to dig their way out, that was gonna be hard for you conjuring you boyfriend was crushing your arms to your side

"LET ME GO NOW!" you said trashing your arms, katsuki holding you in a backwards bear hug

"(name) JUST CALM DOWN!" Katsuki yelled like that was going to work

"NO LET ME GO RIGHT NOW BAKUGOU!" you yelled, what did that self defence video say to do again, stop on the person foot as hard as you can, one second having a conversation and the next Katsuki was grabbing you and trying to drag you towards the back room, you tried stopping on his foot but he was was to tall and him suspending you in the air at the moment wasn't helping, so the inner child of you came out and you bit down on his forearm as hard as you could sinking your teeth into his amr, he let out a yelp.

"STOP THAT YOU ARE JUST MAKING IT WORSE FOR YOURSELF." he yelled, he wasn't listening, and so help you, you would rip out a piece of his arm if he didnt let go of you, you kept sinking in the metallic taste of blood flooding your mouth, still katsuki had a strong grip on you, you swung your feet back kicking him the knee cap

"You...argh aren't gonna go easily huh." he said "Don't make me use my quirk on you."

You swung your headache as hard as you could and smacked him in the chin, physically you could never win against him, not in this lifetime or the next one. You smacked him so hard you also hurt yourself but the adrenaline was kicking in so the small stars you were seeing were not doing much, Katsuki let go for a brief second and you slipped out on his arms you stopped as hard as you could on leather boots that just happen to add a layer of protection, katsuki easily grabbed you again as you kept trashing, and he just through you into the back room quickly slamming the door as you ran for the exit.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH LET ME OUT OF HERE!" you yelled banging on the door

"STAY IN THERE TILL YOU HAVE CLAM DOWN!" Katsuki yelled back wondering what the hell had gotten into you, i mean sure all he was doing was planning to keep you up here to keep you safe from all those damn idiots in the city, you didn't need to lash out that bad. He kept his back to the door keeping it shut so you couldn't ram yourself though the door, who knew you were such a fighter. Katsuki kept a hand on the door keeping it close while his new freshly bitten arm was bleeding everywhere.

"Shit dammit, fuck." Katsuki said as he put a door stopper in the way, that should hold you as he went to the bathroom and washed his wound and put a shit ton of antibiotics on it then wrapped it up, wasn't the first time someone had bitten him trying to escape, but it hurt even more that it came from you.

He went back out and still heard the banging

"Okay calm down Katsuki, once she settles down we can explain everything to her and it will be fine." He thought as he heard you kick the door

"You are only gonna hurt yourself doing that." He said

"Fuck you." you said "I can't believe you would do this, i trusted you."

"(name) you can still trust me." Katsuki said

"After this how the hell could I ever trust you, going behind my back to try and keep me in the cabin while you go back to the city living your life while I have no choice but to stay here like some sort of pet!"
"You aren't a pet!" Katsuki said as he slammed his fist on the door "and without me where would you be right now, alone in that small shabby apartment living from paycheck to paycheck with no friends, or family is living in a cabin that bad to you."

"I loved the city Bakugou, that's why i decided to stay there, you-you don't even know me, haha and here i thought you were different and would listen to me."

"I DID LISTEN TO YOU, I WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU!" Katsuki yelled back, you felt familiar heart palpitations in your chest, deep breaths deep breaths, now was not the time for a panic attack thinking about that old bastard that was six feet under, you didn't need Katsuki using this as an excuse to confront you.

"You have been pulling the string behind my back for so long, finding me a new apartment to be nice only to have me move in with you, putting my highschool life that I put in the past all over the internet, threatening my old bully with your quirk, how many more things have you covered up-"

"Also being there for you when your arm was destroyed, and who was the one who got it back to normal for you, me I just want to protect you (name), you will be safe up here!"


"You still aren't understanding, stay in there till you calm down and can't think straight." Katsuki said, walking away.

You were trapped whatever was on the other side wouldn't let you open the door, no matter how much you pushed or kicked it, no window either you looked back at the phone cord and got to work rummaging through the office door, your father was a horrible man but at least you remember him teaching you how to fix wiring.

You found an old computer mouse and stripped it of its copper wiring and got to work before wrapping electrical tape around it, you dialed up the number Kirishima gave you.

"Hello Kirishima speaking?" he answer

"Hey kiri it's me, I need you to speak quietly, look Katsuki has gone off the deep end, he isn't acting like himself, or he is I don't know, look I'm in trouble, he took down the checkpoints to get back on the main path and he cut the wiring on the phone here, also he took down the Wi-Fi."

"Okay (name) stay calm that is...very very weird, me and Denki are actually on our way there right now i thought something was fishy, look hang tight."
"I will and please hurry. I don't know what is going through his mind, I'm not sure if he is dangerous or not. He threw me in the backroom and locked me in-beep beep beep."

"Shit signal gave out." Kirishima said

"What happened?" Denki said

"I was right, Katsuki is not himself and has trapped (name) in his cabin."

"Shit shouldn't we call the police." Denki said

" Denki, if the police showed up to a location and Katsuki was there, the number one hero they would think was a prank call, also the last thing Katsuki needs is more bad press. Something is wrong and we need to figure out what it is."

"I can't believe you." Katsuki said now standing in the doorway

"Same here." you said still holding the phone in hand "I can't believe you turned off the circuit breaker."

"I'm only doing this for you (name)." he said "just think about it dumbass, how many times have you been hurt or pushed around there, you are safe here."

"...I don't feel safe around you anymore." you said, That felt like someone had just punched Katsuki in the stomach.

"Okay...fine be that way." Katsuki said

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