Chapter 39: Rescue and choices

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"Are we lost?" Denki asked for the hundredth time

"We are not lost, look ahead of you there is the mountain," Kirishima said gripping the steering wheel

"You sure that is the right mountain?" Denki asked again, Kirishima eye twitched

"Yes, Denki, I'm 100 percent sure that the giant mountain that has clouds around it is the right mountain!"

"Yeesh no need to yell, we are just in a hurry you know, I mean you went the wrong way and we went through Saitama thought Nagano then through Aichi, you went all the way around Shizuoka," Denki said scrolling through his phone

"Yes because you gave me the directions!"

"That was your first mistake, letting me give directions," Denki said as Kirishima stopped the truck, causing Denki to lunge forward and the seat belt knocking the air out of his chest.

"Dude what the fuck-"

"Shhh look!" Kirishima said, pointing to a store and seeing Katsuki looking through the snack aisle.

"Fuckkkkkkk." Denki said ducking his head down "If he sees us here, he is gonna lose it."

"More importantly ,(Name) must be alone at his cabin right now," Kirishima said

"Let's go before he spots us," Denki said and Kirishima slowly drove away before booking it.

"Which one of these sugary shit does she like again?" Katsuki thought to himself before just throwing both of them in the basket.

Kirishima and Denki finally arrived outside the forest, spotting Katsuki's rental car.

"So do you remember where his cabin is?" Denki asked

"Uhhh sorta I know we follow this path then we go down a hill and ...."

"Great just great, good thing I have a GPS." Denki said, "Let's go, I know it's a long walk there and the last thing we need is Katsuki finding us wandering the forest."
"Well, it's a good thing Bakugou decided to walk into town. We have some time, I just hope (name) is okay."

"Well maybe if someone didn't give me the map we would have been here sooner, now let's go!" Denki said as the two of them headed into the forest.

Katsuki arrived right outside of the forest and stopped when he noticed a familiar pickup truck parked, Katsuki almost dropped the groceries, instead, he walked over to his car and placed them in the back, he came back to get them later.

You on the other hand were sitting in the bed looking out the window when you heard a knock on the door snapping you back to reality, why would Katsuki be knocking on the door, did he lock himself out? that didn't sound like him at all. The knocking persisted so you sighed and lazily got up and opened the door to see Denki and Kirishima standing there.

"(Name) thank god you okay?" Kirishima asked as you just tilted your head in confusion

"Hey, girly you good there?" Denki asked removing a leaf from his head

"I'm fine...why are you two here?" you asked

"What...what do you mean why are we here, your frantic call to me ring any bells?" Kirishima said

"Oh that....I'm fine now you two can leave sorry for having you come back here, I would have called you saying it's okay but the phone has been...obliterated," you said, remembering the now exploited remains of the phone that had been tossed in the trash can

"She has lost her damn mind." Denki said, "What's that thing called again Stockholm Sweden system!"

"Stockholm syndrome." Katsuki corrected him

"Oh, right that's it....fuck." Denki said as the two of them turned to see a scarily calm Katsuki behind them

"Hey dude how did you get here so fast?" Kirishima asked

"I know this ground better than you do." Katsuki said, "Now why the hell are you two here?"

"Well we...just came to check up on you two," Denki said

"Well we are fine so you can leave," Katsuki said, Kirishima looked down at you, you look so tired and defeated

"Well, Katsuki when are you coming back to work?" Kirishima asked

"That's none of your business and when I feel like it." Katsuki said, "Now leave."

"Denki...Bakugou is acting weirder than usual, I don't think (name) is safe here."

"Agreed." Denki said walking down "well Kacchan nice seeing you again."

"Don't touch me sparky," Katsuki said shoving Denki hand off him, before Denki grabbed his chest and shocked him hard, Katsuki seized up before dropping

"KIRI GRAB (NAME) AND RUN!" Denki said, and he didn't need to say that twice as Kirishima scooped you up, as you were still trying to process a passed out Katsuki on the ground

"You fucking bastards." Katsuki said slowly getting up "I Knew you two are trying to take her away, like you two could properly keep her safe from a hamster!"

"How much did you shocked him!?" Kirishima yelled at Denki who was on his trail

"Not enough to stop his heart, but enough to keep him down for a bit didn't think he would get up that quickly!" Denki yelled back just to see you land a punch right across Kirishima face, not that it hurt but he was more shocked by what you just did

"Hey what was that for, now stop hitting me!" KIrirshima said

"LET ME GO!" you yelled trying to wriggle out of his grip

"(name) just ow calm down, look I don't know what Katsuki has installed in your own head, but you don't need to be put away somewhere to be kept safe ow ow ow stop smacking my head!"

"You don't understand, nobody understands, what happens after this huh, I get handed over to the police Katsuki gets even more bad press about this, I'm put back into a single apartment alone and try to sweep this mess under the carpet like everything else, now let me go for once I'm deciding what I want to do!"

"IS IT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, OR WHAT BAKUGOU WANTS YOU TO DO, WE WILL FIGURE THIS OUT!" Kirishima yelled, as a loud explosion erupted behind the three of you sending Denki flying and smacked into a tree. "(Name) just think about it life is going to be current and if you go with the flow of it you are gonna get swept away, so please just run for now!"

Kirishima placed you on the ground and went to help his friend Denki who may or may not have a minor concussion, you looked forward into the forest, and back to Katsuki who was making a makeshift path by exploiting a bunch of trees. It was time you took back control of your life and ran. 

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