Chapter 25: New news

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Another day another patrol, Katsuki leaves and the new information finally got the press off his back, funny how it went from Dynamite Cheats on his fiancée and lashed out at him to Pro hero Dynamight helping the former bully victim and crazy fiancée attack him in a fit of "hysteria". A happy ending for him and his hero image , so when his alarm went off his patrol for the day was done he headed back to his agency and Ayane was staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" he asked

"Nothing, just weird to see you actually go home once your patrol is done, i mean you were out till like 11 every night like two months ago, then you actually go and take a break."

"Well this city is the safest it's ever been, also I have someone at home that doesn't make me wanna blow my brains out with my quirk." Katsuki explained

"OH yeaaah, how is (Name) by the way, I haven't heard from her after a while, also the whole arm thing happened."

"She is fine and nearly back to normal, I took the break off to help her recover."

"Nope i am not in the whole personal life, but since that all seems to be settled i do have a few apartments that i think would be nice for her."

"No need." Katsuki said, taking his gauntlet off.

"You already found her a new apartment, you could have told me before I put in all this work to find her one!" Ayane said

"No (Name) is living with me now." Katsuki said "Anyways I've shared enough of my personal life, make sure my gantlets get clean."

"...right..." Ayane said waiting for Katsuki to leave and ayane immediately called up Giju

"Hello this is the-"


"Hello Ayane, is this work related or personal news."

"Both, it's about the boss, he seems in a good mood today and he left on time. Also you remember (Name) the boss told me that she is living with him now!"

"Ayane as much as i would love to entertain you with gossip I have work to do."

"Ugh fine just keep me on the line and let me talk."

"Fine." he said

Katsuki finally arrived back at his home and opened the door

"Hey dumbdumb I'm home." He said as you popped your head out of the kitchen

"Hi grumpy, how was work?"

"Incredibly boring." Katsuki said "also what are you doing in the kitchen?"

"I was doing some baking and I saw you had chicken in there so I made dinner, also I tried this new spiky sauce so hopefully you will get a kick out of."

"So that is why it smells good in here, and (name) as much as i support your baking hobby...what the fuck are we going to o with 5 cakes."

"You could give them to your work, or your friends." you suggested as the buzzer went off and you put on the oven mite and took out the bird and stuck in the thermometer "Also Katsuki you stink."

"Well no duh I was out working all day." Katsuki said as he saw you carve up the bird and rip the legs off "You seem to be very skilled in carving up meat."

"Haha guess so, my family always bought the whole bird so I had to learn to pluck and remove the insides, caving up the bird is easy." You said as you seasoned the bird "but all the blood and carnage not my style so baking is more fun."

"Makes sense." Katsuki said as he phone rang and he saw a red idiot appear on screen 'WHAT DO YOU WANT IT'S LATE!"

"Nice to hear from you as well." Kirishima said on the other line "I was going to go eat out and was near your house wanna come with."

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