Chapter 24: New Feelings

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You were staring at the ceiling trying to get some sleep, it still felt a little weird to share a bed with Katsuki even if he did do the whole pillow wall, it's not that you didn't feel safe next to him, you know he wouldn't do anything weird to you. Still sometimes staring at his sleeping face when he didn't have that permanent scowl you grew accustomed to seeing everyday, it had just become April and you were wondering if you were ever gonna move out of his place. You quietly got out of bed and snuck down to the empty wine cellar and pulled your futon out and laid it out on the floor, you yawned and went back to sleep. All till you felt someone judging you awake not soon after going into dreamland, to see a grumpy and sleepy Katsuki hovering over you.

"AGH KATSUKI!" you yelled

"What are you doing here?" he asked groggily

"I could ask you the same thing." you said sitting up and crossing your hands, he let out a yawn and just collapsed on you "oof...ack katsuki get off me."

"Mnnghhh don't wanna." he said

"Katsuki don't you think this is a little weird?" you asked

" hate me or something?" he asked

"Of course I don't, but isn't sharing a bed and all that for couples. We are just friends and all."

"You think i'm gonna attack you while you sleep...what do you take me for..." He mumbled drifting back to sleep

"Of course i don't you would do something like that...also you're acting like a different person while you are half asleep." you said pinching his cheek, of course he had perfect skin as well.

"Hmmm don't care...shut up..." he said

"And there he is." you said as you pulled his cheek enough to where you could see his molars

"UGh damm women what are you doing to me." he said

"I could ask you the same thing." you said as you continued to play with his face that scowl you knew so well was returning.

"Ugh." Katsuki said snapping his head towards you "you can be really annoying you know that."

"Aww is someone grumpy because he can't sleep." you said booping his nose and he scrunched up his face.

"Yes so stop egging me on." Katsuki said

"Well excuse me katsuki, but you are crushing my ribs." you said as he rolled off you

"You are no fun." Katsuki said "also you are dence."

"Gee thanks." you said

"But (Name) i hate you less then the others."
"Katsuki, I know in your mind that is a compliment but you are still insulting me." you said as he grabbed your face and squeezed.

"Katsuki, I'm not a stress ball." you said

"This is payback for earlier, and when I said I hate you less then the others I meant that i like you."

"Well i hope my friend likes me." you said as he let go of your face

"You are as dense as a brick wall." Katsuki said, as you were connecting the dots

"Wait a second, katsuki...are you saying that you like me!?" you asked "Or are you pulling a cruel prank?"

"Why would i lie about this (name), look i don't know when it started but i know that i like you, and want to protect you and shit, look i'm barely able to get this out so if you start laughing at me-"

"No i'm not laughing just confused i mean, it's a little hard to believe that you would like me like that." you said "Or is this some half asleep lucid dream you are having, or maybe i am having the lucid dream!"

"Why do you find it so hard to think someone would like you?" Katsuki asked getting a little too close to your face

"Because no one has before...and there is still stuff you don't know about me, and i'm sure there is still stuff i don't know about you."

"(Name) I don't want you to leave." Katsuki said "I want you to stay here with me, I want to protect you."
"...i just have a lot of questions right now." you said still in a state of shook, katsuki wrapped his arms around you and squished you to his body

"You can ask whatever you want in the morning...just let me hold you like this tonight, i feel like this is the first time in a long time it's been peaceful."
"O-okay." you said your face felt extremely hot, and why did have to smell so good, stupied Mr. perfect, you hoped that this isn't some sort of dream, because it sure did feel like one.

"For the last time Ami, he cornered me and asked me these things I didn't know he was recording me!" Emiko yelled at her phone "And how do you think i feel right now the amount of messages I'm getting at the moment is ridiculous, DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP!"

Ami hung up and left Emiko alone looking at the arrangement of messages being sent to her, her followers were cut in half yet this is the most messages she got.

"I thought you were cool but you really did bully someone just for being quiet."

"You are a real bitch you know that, you need to be taken down a peg."

"Lol always knew you were a fake bitch."

"You have a pretty face but your personality needs some work."

"You had this coming."

"Emiko slammed her phone down on the bed and let out a rage scream at this, what just because he is some hero he can spread around some petty drama from years ago that didn't even involve him, the story said they got it from an anonymous source, yeah right that dam "Hero" was behind this social suicide trick, they didn't believe her when she said that it was the pro hero himself who talked to her

"Right Mr., I talk with my fist and pull this trick."

"You really need to think outside the box with your reptiles."

"Even if it was him, which I'm pretty sure it's not, you do admit you bullied some girl who couldn't even defend herself :/ "

"Lolol look at how hard she is trying to weasel out of it."

Emiko bit down on her nail hard "Those two are going to pay for this, using some hero who she weaseled her way in to get back at me for something in highschool, she is dead!"

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