Chapter 29: Understanding the past

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You were sitting up in the bed hugging your knees trying to make sense of the scene that just happen, it was all in your head but you could still feel the spot where Katsuki made contact with your back when he meant to hit Emiko, he looked scary and not his usually scary that you found funny, but full blown hatred over a slap, yes she shouldn't of hit you but at the same time Katsuki record her and not only let out Emiko information but yours as well, you told him what had happen to you in high school and here he goes and post it around everywhere to get Emiko in trouble and people off your backs, you just wish he hadn't dragged up your past and told everyone about it.

Right now Katsuki was being uncharacteristically  quite and had not come back to the room to try and talk to you about what just happened at the store, Emiko should of never bullied you, or tried to intimidate you in the street that day when you asked her to leave, Katsuki shouldn't of confronted her and post the story of her online when you wanted it to be dropped, Emiko shouldn't of been on a watch out to get you alone and slap you across the face, And Katsuki shouldn't of tried to use his quirk on her when the citation didn't call for it, he could of easily taken her down without use of his quirk, he wanted Emiko to feel pain. You don't want anyone hurting someone else over you and he needed to know why.

You slowly opened the bedroom door and looked out, Katsuki was on the couch facing the cushions, you took a breath and walked out and tugged his sleeve.

"Katsuki, can we talk?" you asked meekly and he turned over to look at you

"Don't talk to me in that tone, make it sound like you think I'm gonna hurt you." he said

"Katsuki, i just need to know, what was that about back there?" you asked him again

"She hurt you what were you expecting me to do, not smack her down." he said

"Why would you use your quirk for that, why didn't you just leave with me, why did you feel the need to escalate it like that when you could have easily taken her down without your quirk?"

"One question at a time." Katsuki said sitting up "Don't you know how late it is?"

"I thought you would want to cool down a bit." You explained, and he sighed

"Look, I did what I did because I take down villains."

"Emiko isn't a villain, she was a bully who grew into a nasty person." You said

"Nothing more than a villain in my eyes, she continued to hurt you well into adulthood so she is way past a bully in my eyes, and why the hell would you care what happens to her!" Katsuki yelled

"I don't want anyone hurt because of me Katsuki!" you yelled

"She deserved it!"

"And you aren't listening to me." you said getting up "Good god you are stubborn."

"Look who's talking, you won't listen to me either!" Katsuki yelled and stood up facing away from him and gripped your arm. "Don't want people to get hurt because of you, so what if some villain comes by and breaks your leg you don't want me to go after them!"
"She didn't break my leg, she slapped me, there was no need to escalate it, did you forget what i told you earlier I hit Ami back one day and all it did was make things worse."

"(Name) this isn't high school anymore, she doesn't have some little group of people that will hurt you anymore you are a full grown woman now those rules don't exist anymore!" Katsuki continued to yell at you

"You don't see where i am coming from or how I feel about it, and now you are screaming again, I know where you are coming from Katsuki but listen to me when i say, don't go out of your way to hurt people who have hurt me." you said

"Why not!?"

"....I can't with you right now, i was hoping we could talk this through but you are once again getting worked up."

"No, tell me why i want to know the whole reason why you don't like people defending you even though you can never defend yourself, you need protection."
"YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!" you screamed at him, Katsuki looked surprised with how angry you were looking now, the pure anger that laced our tongue when you said that made him want to take a step back, but Katsuki being Katsuki stood his ground

"You feel better now?" He asked

"No...I don't and how you're making me feel bad about isn't helping." you said using your sleeve to whip a tear away "Besides even if i told you you would just think it's dumb and wouldn't understand."

"Just tell me already, maybe if you tell me instead of just thinking about some crazy irrational man then i will understand better." He said you could tell he was trying really hard to hold back his anger.

"My older brother joey killed my entire family and got arrested and i was put into the custody of the state, in some weird way of protecting me." you put it bluntly "Happy now, you happy to know that piece of information about me and my past, well congratulations Katsuki the truth is on the table have fun trying to swallow it."

"Wait... he did what, when he was how old?"

"15 like i said he had a strength enhancer quirk it was real easy to overpower everyone." you said sitting down and putting your hands on your face and exhaling loudly "My brothers played a cruel prank on me to get me in trouble with my dad, my dad fell for and beat the crap out of me that night, Joey found me and he said don't worry ill take care of it, locked the door and put a large bookshelf so i couldn't get out, could hear everyone screaming and I was screaming at joey to stop, morning came and the cops came and found me and took me away, I learned later he called the cops on himself."

"(name) you know I wouldn't actually kill someone, right?"

"That's what I thought about Joey as well, he got into so many fist fights with our father always saying "I'm gonna kill that bastard one day."" you said "So what i saw you were about to blow Emiko up, my body just moved on it's own Katsuki."

Katsuki let out a long sigh before sitting next to you on the couch "well i always assumed your brother did something to get you taken away didn't know it was that." Katsuki said "And well if your body moved on your own then there isn't much more to be said."

"You don't care that I have a murderer in my family, that I still care about for gad sakes." you said

"Not really, i mean what your father beat the shit out of a defenseless seven year old, but i think i understand now where you are coming from."

"Thanks." you said as you feel over and your head placed on your shoulder "The one thing i hate about it is not the fact the rest of them are dead, but the fact joey left me alone, he took away my whole family including himself." you said

"I'm not here to judge the complicated relationship you have with your brother, still now I know why you are so admit about people not getting hurt because of you." He said, giving you a reassuring pat on your head.

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