Chapter 36: Outside view

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You woke up the next morning and nothing out of the blue, Katsuki however was still fast asleep, which was weird he was usually up at dawn and would get started on a morning workout, instead he had a strong hold around your waist with his arm, too strong. So you pinches his nose till he jolted up

"You trying to suffocate me!?" he said

"Nah just trying to get you to let me go so i can use the bathroom." you said swinging your feet off the bed "Enjoy your rest sleeping beauty."

Kirishima was longing on his couch, he hasn't heard from Katsuki or you since you left, he sighed and decided to call up Denki.

"Yellow." Denki said

"Hey dude you heard from Bakugou or (name)?" He asked

"No, I thought they would have contacted you by now." Denki said

"Well I'm bored on my day off. What are you doing?" Kirishima asked

"Looking at the hamsters in the pet store." Denki said

"Okay just don't sneeze, we wouldn't want a re-run of-.


"Sir please lower your voice." a worker there said as Kirishima was laughing on the other line

"Sorry ma'am." Denki said and went back on the phone "anyway lets meet up for lunch im hungry."

Sounds good, the usual spot?" Kirishima said

"Got it, see you there." Denki said hanging up and Kirishima headed down, and waited, and waited till Denki came strolling up.

"Hello, sorry i got swarmed by fangirls." Denki said "I think the back of my neck got licked."

"Ew." Kirishima said "You got off lucky, when i dropped off the love birds katsuki used me as a distraction."

"You poor things, do these fangirls think it's okay to touch use just because we are male, if a male fan did that to a female superhero he would never hear the end of it."

"Touching without permission is unmanly on both parts." Kirishima said patting his shoulder "Maybe a new PSA can be about laying off the whole touching thing, i mean i wouldn't mind hugs or a hand shake."

"Same." Denki said looking at the menu "So speaking of which you haven't heard from the since you dropped them off."

"Nope, I heard from Izuku saying that Kacchan has a girlfriend who really suits him now." Kirishima said "And that they left for his cabin near Fuji before anyone woke up."

"Uncool, Katsuki really just wants (Name) all to himself huh." Denki said

"That's actually what I'm worried about." Kirishima said before getting to the front "Ill have the number seven with extra beef and a side of chicken, he will have the number 3."

"Coming right up." the server said as they took the flag with there number on it and went to sit down

"You think Katsuki is getting too possessive over (name)?" Denki said

"Well...look man, I've known Katsuki since highschool, And well Izuku always had this whole Kacchan is amazing thing going on, but when he was with me."

"She who must not be named." Denki said

"Yes her, even when the relationship turned south, Katsuki always gave her personal space and even let her venture out on her own a lot, but i can't think of one time (name) went out without Bakugou, and when i offered to take her out to get some fresh air she was worried he would find out."
"Hmmm true, that is a bit weird." Denki said

"The other thing is that well, look (name) was living paycheck to paycheck and Katsuki at first was just going to find her a new place, so he held the whole, I'm getting you a new home over her head, and well instead of deciding he liked her and wanted to date and get her a new house close to him, he decided they should move in after two months."

"Maybe they just are moving quickly." Denki said "Some couples are like that."

"I know, i know, and Bakugou is a guy who when he wants something he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, but i think instead of a goal he is doing it to a person."

"That is sus." Denki said "I mean (name) is a sweet person, but she seems like the type who was alone and didn't have many friends or relationships as harsh as that sounds, so maybe she thinks the speed they are going at is normal, since she doesn't know any different."

"I was thinking the same thing." Kirishima said as their order came out "thank you."


"Hmm I'm trying to think, I wouldn't say it's toxic or unhealthy but it is definitely weird."

"I think Bakugou is putting too much of his hero complexion on her, and after the whole crushed arm i think is when it really started to kick in."

"Agreed but I mean who wouldn't be overprotective of someone just as their arm looked like it had been trashed around by an alligator."

"I'm just worried and half of me is saying go check up on them, the other half is just they seem happy so leave it be."

"Well I mean I'm always down for a road trip." Denki said taking a large bite from his burger

"Let's do it, my mind isn't gonna be at rest till i figure this out. I can feel it in my gut, I'm worried about (Name)."

"Calm down dude you're starting to get over protective-OW DID YOU JUST KICK MY SHINE!"

"...why did I just do that, sorry for some reason when you said that i got too angry, my bad dude you can kick me if you want-OW NOT IN THE FAMILY JEWELS YOU ASS!"


"Hey Katsuki." you said walking out "why is the phone line cut?"

"Hmm." Katsuki said, setting his book down and looking at the phone wire "I don't know, maybe a mouse."

"More like a rat." you said

"What was that?" Katsuki asked

"Katsuki, I know this wasn't the work of a rodent, the cut is way to clean, almost like a perfectionist did it." you said

"What are you implying here?" Katsuki asked, crossing his arms, what to do now, you could back out and say nothing sorry must be me jumping to conclusion, but you trusted your gut well enough.

"Why did you cut the wire Katsuki?" you asked "You were in charge of cleaning that room and this was cut clean."

"Nothing to say, why...why would you do this, and the flags."

"I told you I-"

"I know what you did, you didn't bring anything to replace them, you are being very very weird right now, so explain, and don't you dare lie to me ever again." You said, Katsuki let out a long sigh before rubbing the side of his head

"Okay you got me, look I hate lying to you, I took down the flags and cut the wire because i just wanted some peace and quiet up here, no one intervening, you understand right."
Don't back down now you thought.

"No I really don't, if that was the case you could have just told me, but instead you go and lie to me about a mouse and replace the markers!" you said, you were now angry, very angry, how could he lie to you.

"(Name) sorry." Katsuki said standing up.

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