Chapter two: The meet up

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You were late a whole ten minutes, there was a large crowd that you had to squeeze your way through, so you had gotten to the coffee shop a whole 15 minutes late, you hoped he hadn't left you went inside the person at the register welcoming you, you greeted them back and looked around and saw him sitting in a corner, already had two coffees on the table.

"You're late." He said

"I'm sorry about that I had a hard time-"

"It's whatever your coffee is gonna get warm if you don't drink it," he said

"You bought me this?" you said

"Do I look like the type to drink this sugary crap," he said

"Point taken, but I would have bought my own," you said "You were nice enough to bring me my handkerchief back."

"Right that thing," he said, pulling it out of his hoodie pocket and handing back to you "here."

"Thank you Bakugou!" you said holding it close to your chest, you heard a grunt from him but decided to ignore it.

"Well if that's all you needed, bye." he said getting up, you must have panicked and grabbed his hoodie sleeve "what?" you looked up.

"Well, I was just hoping that maybe we could talk for a bit...I don't really have anyone to talk to right now."

And to your surprise he sat back down "well then what did you wanna talk about?" he asked fiddling with a stirring stick.

"Well, how old are you?"

"26," he said

"Oh you are three years older than me, what are your hobbies?"

"I like to go mountain climbing, and working out in my free time, also I've been told I'm a good cook."

"OH are you a cook, is that your job?" you asked, taking a sip from your drink.

"Haha no, it's a lot more straining, I've been in the profession, professionally for 8 years, went to school for it and all."

"What is your job?"

"I don't think your tiny head is ready to hear it, what about you."

"I'M doing some freelance baking at the moment, I also own a small shop and sell some stuff I made."

"Like that scarf, you are wearing?" he asked

"Yup! Knitting, sewing all that, I've always liked to work with my hands."

"Does your quirk have something to do with it?" he asked and you almost choked on your drink, this was always an awkward topic to bring up, most people have two reactions pity or laughing.

"Hahaha no...I am actually..I don't have one," you said

"Nah I'm pretty sure your quirk is asking rapid-fire questions." he said "I had a friend who didn't have a quirk growing up, then all of sudden he got one."

"A late bloomer?" you asked

"More like a miracle...still even when he didn't have a quirk he never let that stop him, kinda annoyed me," Bakugo said you smiled that must of been his way a response, ten years ago quirkless people made up 1 in 5 people, now it was 1 in 10.

"So what is your quirk?" you asked

"That's a secret for later." he said

"Aww, well why are you wearing that mask, you can't even touch your coffee." you said "you a germaphobe?"

"I'm wearing this mask because when people see my face they freak out and I get hounded, and i am as clean as the next guy."

"You a villain?"

"Fuck no!"

"Are you a movie star then?" you asked

"Wrong again." He said

"That's him, it's got to be him, same build and everything." A girl in the cafe said to her friend

"Who is that with him?"

"I dunno go over and ask him."

"No way what if it is him."

"Would the two of you stop it." their guy friend said, "here watch this."

"He is going to do something stupid isn't he?"

"Knowing him, he sure is."

You continued to have your conversation, when a guy came up and before you could even ask him what he was doing he yanked down Bakugous, mask and that was a big mistake

"HOLY SHIT IT IS HIM!" The random guy yelled at the two girls who already left the door, and sure enough there he was, the Katsuki Bakugou, the guy who flip-flopped every hero board from number one to number two with Deku.

So not only had you spilled coffee on him the other day, but you also pestered him to stay after returning your handkerchief. You had a lot of thoughts running through your head one of them was how dare this random guy just come up and yank someone's mask down, but the thought was interrupted when Katsuki grabbed the guy's wrist, twisted it and slammed him down on the table.

"Okay I'm sorry ow let me go!" the guy screamed

"Shut the fuck up, and get the hell out of my sight!" Katsuki said letting him go and the guy ran out of the café. You had a surprised look on your face and looked over and saw people with their phones out recording the whole thing.

"Shit...look I need to go," Katsuki said, adjusting his hat over his eyes and walking out cursing under his breath. You got up grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder as you ran after him.

"Hey wait up!" you said, he stopped and you ran into his back

"You really need to stop doing that," he said

"Well you just left and got out of there before I could even process what was going on, who did that guy think he was pulling down someone's mask." you huffed

"Well you should see the whole story in the news tabloids, I can see the headline now, hero dynamite pins innocent bystanders at a coffee shop, and here come the vultures," he said seeing people with cameras looking around the coffee shop, "damm paparazzi sticking their nose in everything." You started laughing under your breath.

"Oi, what's so funny."

"Sorry, sorry it's just the guy's face, he looked like he knew he fucked up, pfft hahaha sorry i can't stop laughing at the whole situation." you snorted

"You laugh like a pig." he said

"And you looked like a rabid dog who was about to bite his head ahhasnort." you kept laughing, and he flicked your forehead

"Hey remember who you are talking to!" he said

"Yhea yhea i know...thanks for taking time out of your day to talk a bit, you must be busy." you said


"THERE HE IS!" the paparazzi said

"DAM VULTURES, COME NEAR ME WITH THAT AND I WILL DESTROY IT!" he said walking up to a camera guy and trying to yank it from the guys hands, you couldn't help but laugh under your breath at the site and decided to head back home.

Cute Aggression yandere katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now