Chapter 45:The end

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You were sitting down on your couch enjoying some nice tea, you wondered if Katsuki would show up tonight, you were finally ready to see him again, and even if you didn't get back together hopefully you could get some form of closure. You heard a soft knock on your door and you walked over opening the door to see Katsuki, surprised he didn't ram the door down with how fast he got here.

"You look...good." He said you tried to hold back a laugh after not seeing you for nearly a month that's what he opens up with

"And you look like you just ran a couple of dozen blocks, come in I'll get you some water." You said and he came in just glad to see this apartment had furniture this time around. He sat as you set the water down at the table.

"So you wanted to talk," Katsuki said

"Well, I feel more like you want to talk." You said, "I saw your little news report and started laughing so if I can laugh at you again I think it was time I thought about talking to you."

"You saw that, just great." He said leaning back

"Thanks again for keeping it under wraps about the whole thing," you said

"I should be thanking you for considering what happened." He said

"I've come to terms with it, just promise me you won't go crazy again," you said

"I won't say doctors as long as I wear this your quirk is neutralized." Katsuki said holding up the bracelet "still that's one hell of a quirk to have."

"It explains a lot about everything." You said, "My brother got released."

"That's great," Katsuki said

"He doesn't want to talk to me however," you said

"That..isn't so great," Katsuki said

"Well, I can't really blame him, it's up to the individual knowing how dangerous they can get around me." You said, "that's what I wanted to talk to you about, knowing how my quirk made you, do you still want to be my boyfriend after all this."

"Yes, but I'm more surprised you want me to be." Katsuki said finishing up his water "look what I did to you was messed up, quirk or not I crossed a line so don't force yourself to be with me after this (name) if I scare you so much, or you have the fear it might happen again tell me now, and I'll stay out of your way."

"Katsuki you are smart but you are kinda dumb," you said

"Excuse me!?" he yelled, you snorted

"Katsuki fi was so scared of you I would have sent you a note saying that I'm too scared to see you again and we are over." You said, "Look I hit rock bottom, I was very confused by people before I learned  about my quirk, and just by you showing remorse for what you have done and not just blaming me, something I have done for too long, show me you are still someone I want to have in my life."

"That means a lot," Katsuki said

"Besides how could I live without your ugly angry faces." you said, "see you are making one now."

"You are getting a little cheeky there," he said

"BUt Katsuki I have a few things I want to make very clear." you said, "One, I don't want to be financially dependent on you anymore, secondly I am going to be living here for a while, and moving in together is off the table for a while, thirdly I want us to have more dates."

"Okay, I can work with that," Katsuki said

"Also I'm never going camping with you again," you said


"Can you blame me, or at least camping where it is isolated," you said

"...okay fair enough." Katsuki said laughing "so how about a date this Sunday at 3 outside the coffee shop where we meet?"

"Sounds great!" you said, and Katsuki got off the couch and you walked him to the door

"I'll see you then and here." He said placing a kiss on your forehead "hope that's okay."

"It's fine." you said with a smile "I'll see you there."

Katsuki felt a great weight lift off his shoulders, everything would be okay now, The best thing about this bracelet was that now he knew his feelings towards you weren't just some side effect of the quirk. Between those feelings, and the overwhelming feeling that everything bad in the world would try to hurt you amped up to a hundred was not a good combination for him. You also seemed not to be well yourself, more sure of yourself now. So calling up Kirishima back up again to tell the news was a little out of character for him, but at this point, Katsuki was just too happy to care.

"Hey Bakugou, how's it going?" Kirishima asked

"It's going well, I talked to (name) face to face," Katsuki said

"That's great you're not having feelings of locking her up to keep all to yourself right?"

"Do you want me to smack you over the head, and no I haven't thank you very much!" Katsuki said

"Haha just checking, but how did it all go?" He asked

"It went...great, it went really fucking great," Katsuki said

"Dude, are you crying?" Kirishima said

"Fuck no, I'm just really fucking relieved she doesn't hate my guts and isn't scared shitless of me," Katsuki said wiping his eyes

"So where are you two going now?" Kirishima asked

"We got a date this Sunday, she is going to be independent financially for a while but we are going to date again."

"That's a great dude! Don't mess it up this time and if your bracelet blows up justice call me I'll get you another one."

"I'll make sure I don't exploit it, okay," Katsuki said

You arrived at the coffee shop a little sad they replaced the daffodils with hydrangea but hydrangea had their own beauty to them, you decided to buy both your and Katsuki coffees head of time, you were bouncing on the souls of your feet, as you saw that familiar hat to keep his spiky hair hidden, you were really happy to be having a normal date again that you ran over to him, only to trip on a certain lifted slab of sidewalk crashing both the coffees against him again, you really came full circle here.

"Really...just really, man you are clumsy, good thing I decided to wear a black shirt this time," he said looking down at the mess that was on his shirt, you sighed taking out the handkerchief and patting him down.

"Sorry about that, at least I got iced coffee this time." you said "ill go buy us some new ones, wait here I'll be back."

You came back out with the new drink and handed him his plain iced coffee as you continued to sip on your very sugary chocolate coffee drink, wrapping your arm around his.

"They have a few new hero merch shops around here wanna check them out?" you asked

"Whatever you want dumdum." he said

"Great let's go grumpy pants!" you said dragging him to the shop you wanted to go to.

Everything was going to work out fine. 


And we have reached the end, yay!!!!!!

Thank you to all my readers and I hope you enjoyed this yandere story with a fun little twist, I know it's different from the standard yandere fic out there, but I wanted to add a little diversity to the type of yandere fics out there, also this my come back after like a year-long hiatus of writing nothing so its nice to make a long story

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