Chapter 8: Everything Bad That Can Happen Will

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When Katsuki saw you get driven off the hospital he got a weird pit in his stomach, felt like a rock was just sitting in there, he felt so useless just seeing the look of confusion and panic on your face when your ears were bleeding and not knowing what to do and just let Giju figure it out, all he could do was capture the people who set off the explosion, this isn't what he meant when he said he wanted something interesting to happen. Once all the villains were driven off to jail he needed to know where you were, if only he had been faster with finding you a new spot, if only Chuya didn't dox you, if only you had been in the safe room.

No now was not the time to focus on a past that doesn't exist. All he could do now was to see which hospital you were at, so after finding out that information from Giju he was off, everything just seemed to be going wrong and you were caught in the crossfire of it all. When Katsuki finally arrived at the hospital and walked in the front door and up to the front desk.

"Hello how can i help you today?" the receptionist said

"I'm looking for a (full name), she was in my office when it got attacked and i need to ask her a few questions." Katsuki said showing her his hero listens

"Oh Mr. Dynamite she is in room 8-gh floor three." she said looking flustered that she didn't recognize him at first, Katsuki went on his way passing past the gift shop he stopped, should he get you something. nah all this overpriced crap wasn't it worth it, although that bunny in a doctor's outfit looked like something you would want. So seeing the ever so intimidating hero dynamite caring a bunny plush thought he hallway was something not many people would have thought they would see that day. He opened your room door and saw you sitting down with cotton stuffed in your ears.

"Hello are you here to pick her up?" the doctor asked, you looked at him and smiled at him.

"Sorta, she was in my agency when she got attacked. I'm here to see the damage."

"Well no real damage was done, if this was a 100 years ago it may of taken 10 weeks to heal, but we gave her some healing ear drops and she should be able to fully hear again in about three days, just make sure she takes them three times a day, two drops in each ear." The doctor said to hand you the prescription. "Her eardrum ruptured from the sheer sound of the exemption at such close range, are you okay?"

"I'm fine with my quirk. I deal with explosions all the time so I'm used to the sound." Katsuki said

"Okay well come back if you have any problems with your hearing." the doctor said as he was leaving "And make sure she keeps that cotton in overnight."

"Hi Bakugou." you said "you came here to check on me right, don't worry I'm fine."

"Well it could have been a lot worse, you got any burns?" he asked, tossing the bunny at you.

"No, my back is just a bit sore from when you tackled me down to protect me from the explosion, I'll be fine."

"Well then that's all that matters, now let's go." Katsuki said

"Where are we going?" You asked "i feel really bad about taking up so much of your time..."

"Well, if I didn't want to help you i wouldn't." Katsuki said taking you out side of the hospital "Look I can't bring you back to the safe room since they are patching up my front door, and i don't think it's a good idea to put you up in some hotel for the night, you seem to attract trouble wherever you go."

"Then where else is there, they say my apartment isn't gonna be ready till tomorrow morning." you said

"Well i can't stop you from staying at a hotel, or you can stay at my palace for the night." Katsuki said opening his car "I had Giju pack up the stuff you had in the safe room so it's up to you."

"You sure if i stayed at your place i wouldn't be a bother?" you asked "I mean I kind of broke up your engagement-"

"Quite about that, Chuya broke that up on her own, and secondly i wouldn't give you that option if i didn't want you there!"

"Okay I'd feel safer at your house then." you said looking at the bunny plush he tossed at you earlier, first time anyone had ever gotten you a gift.

Once you arrived you were in awe at how big his apartment, or penthouse was, rich people really did in a whole other world, i mean who just has a pool on there balcony that was right next to there in home gym, only thing that looked out of place was the singed carpet in front of the fireplace.

"That was an accident that happen a few days ago with Chuya someone is coming to re-carpet it in a few days." Katsuki said placing your suitcase down as you looked out the window

"Wow you can see the whole city from here!" you said as you feel back down on the couch as Katsuki tossed a blanket at you.

"Stop hopping around the palace and get some rest." Katsuki said

"Alright, night Katsuki thanks again for letting me crash here for the night." you said

"Whatever, just get some rest already." Katsuki said going to his bed room and getting under the blankets, not even bothering to shower or remove the rest of his hero costume, he just wanted some rest, so when his phone rang he almost threw it out the window


"Hello I'm calling about the apartment you were planning to move in tomorrow, you see there was a gas leak and it's going under a safety inspection, so we will have to postpone your-"

"Cancel it." Katsuki said

"Excuse me-""You heard me cancel it, I can find another place, night!" Katsuki said hanging up and tossing his phone on the floor, of course something like this would happen, why wouldn't it.

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