Chapter 21: A talk under the cherry blossoms

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Kaminari was walking down the street with Kirishima when he snooze and Kirishima hair stood up

"Dude if you are going to sneeze do it away from me." Kirishima said as he hair was all staticky now and only attracting more pollen then before.

"Sorry man, the cherry blossoms are blooming and the pollen is making me ACHOO!"

"Ow!" Kirishima said as he felt himself get zapped again "dude i think you need to take spring off till you get your allergies in order."

"I'm trying ACHOO!" Kaminari said zapping Kirishima again


"I'm sorry I can't help it..ugh these allergies are really something cause i think i see Katsuki and (name) over there." Kaminari said blowing his nose into a handkerchief

"Dude that's not your allergies, it's them , HEY BAKUGOU, (NAME)) HOW YOU BEEN!" Kirishima yelled and running over

"Kirishima!" you said "Hey long time no see."

"Same to you, I heard about what happened to your arm, the doctors described it as a steamroller going over lasagna...oh it looks good now don't worry."

"Thanks, between the meds and the physical therapy my arm is doing better, just some numbness in my fingers and a little restriction with them." you said

"That's great you are doing better, oh hey Bakugou what are you doing out here by the way you never really cared for going out." Kirishima said

"Told (Name) i would take her to see these damn things in bloom if she was able to finish her physical therapy program I made for her."

"(name) i'm so sorry." Kirishima said "blasty over here isn't the best at teaching, he smacked me with paper whenever we studied together."

"Kirishima..." Katsuki said

"With a rolled up newspaper everyone at that café was really annoyed with us, oh well Bakugou isn't here for subtly i guess." Kirishima said as Katsuki stared him down

"(Name)!" Kaminari said walking up wearing a mask "Glad to see you are okay."

"Kaminari back up before you shook the poor girl." Kirishima said

"Aww I'm fine now, so (name) how about you ditch the grump here and watch the blossoms with me."

"Hey dunce face aren't you on patrol." Katsuki said

"It's okay, I'm sure a tiny break is fine, and I can make one for this cutie here." Kaminari said

"You should not slack from your hero work." you said standing next to Katsuki, Katsuki had a smug look on his face.

"Well we will leave you alone now." Kirishima said dragging Kaminari off by the ear

"Ow ow hey you aren't my mom!" Kaminari said "Bye (name) hope to see you soon!"

"Your friend is weird." you said to Katsuki

"And dumb." Katsuki added as the cherry blossoms kept falling down and landing on your head, Katsuki whipping them off "you are getting covered."

"Haha yeah it's okay, you should see your head." you said as a blossom fell on his nose and he shook his head "Ugh damn things."

"They are pretty though. Also it means the school year is starting."
"Sure is, wonder what poor saps are going into the hero course this time." Katsuki said

"You ever thought of being a teacher at your old school."

"NO thanks, hate kids, and teenagers, and most adults." Katsuki said

"True, you would fit as the scary gym teacher." you said "I can picture it now, you playing a game of dodgeball and throwing a ball straight into some poor teenager's stomach."

"Damn right, there fault if they couldn't dodge it...although at my school we never played dodgeball."

"Lucky." you said

"Why's that?" Katsuki asked picking up some cherry blossoms from off the road

"Every time i would play, the other kids would single me out and try to make the ball hit my face..." you said "And the thing is, you weren't out if it hit you in the face...i got in trouble a lot for skipping gym class those days."

"The teachers didn't do anything."

"Not really, just a remember hit to the face is a foul." you said as Katsuki dumped the cherry blossoms over your head and you laughed

"My early schooling teacher didn't do much to correct my so called, angry behavior." Katsuki said

"The school system didn't really do much to correct the others behavior as well." you said picking the petals off your hair "But i survived."

"(name) I got to tell you something." Katsuki said "I know you are going to hate me for this, but i use to be a pretty bad school yard bully to my childhood friend, we made up later but... well I thought you should know."

"Is that so...i wish more people were like you then, none of my bullies ever really tried to make things better." you said

"You aren't disgusted by that fact?" Katsuki said

"I kind of figured early you were a problem child, but I can tell you are a good man now, i mean kids are kind of awful and it takes a lot for a person to admit they are wrong and work to improve yourself!" you said Katsuki trying his best not to take offence to your observation.

"Quit it with the sappy shit." Katsuki said, nudging your arm "Still what were the kids like at your school?"

"Well...mean, I was always quiet and sat in the back, there was that one time they put cockroaches in my desk, or when I went to use the bathroom and threw water over the stall and splashed me, they would steal my shoes and throw them in the trash." you explained "One time these girls dared this guy to ask me out, I went out to meet him and he never showed up."

"Assholes." Katsuki said "You never did anything."

"I tried, I reported them but the school was all like, we don't wanna because of a rift, and I did end up punching this girl Ami in the jaw but that just escalated the problem."

"Did you punch her good?" Katsuki asked

"That's what you got with that story Katsuki." you laughed "Her little girl gang jumped me after school and well a five vs one fight, was not in my favor."

"I would have blown their faces off for you." Katsuki said

"Katsuki you can't blow off 17 years old faces, besides that was 6 years ago who knows where they are now." you laughed "I appreciate the concern though."

"Anytime." Katsuki said as he bumped into some ladies shoulder

"Hey watch it!" she said then looked at you and raised an eyebrow and your blood went cold, what were the chances you would run into her of all people!

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