Chapter 19: Hop to it!

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The next week was the same schedule over and over again, wake up, eat, see Katsuki off to his job, lounge around with minimal exercise, Katsuki coming home, eat dinner ,getting your shot, sleep and repeat you were feeling in a rut as you dangled off the couch.

"What are you doing?" Katsuki asked as you stared out the window

"Board..." you said

"What?" Katsuki asked


"Get a grip, you are getting your cast off later today you can hold out."
"UGHHHHHHHHH." you said as you slid off the couch

"So over dramatic." Katsuki said

"How would you feel if you couldn't do your hero work Katsuki?" you said "I can barely knit, sew, draw with this thing on." you said waving your cast up and down

"Right..." he said taking a long sip of his water "appointment to get it off is in an hour."

"Too late I just wanna move my arm again, and not put a damn bag around it whenever I need to shower." you kept going on "at least I'll be able to move into a new apartment soon, everything that happened kind of put a pin in it."

"Don't worry I'll figure it out." Katsuki said, setting his glass down, "okay let's head down."
"Finally." you said getting up and putting your shoes on and grabbing your bag and heading out in front of him, You were really happy to be getting this damn thing off, all those shots were done with and you could finally get your life back on track, so when the doctor finally sawed that off and your arm was still limp you were confused, you couldn't even ball your hand into a fist.

"It's going to take some time for your arm to be able to work again." The doctor said "any questions for me"

"How long will it take for me to regain some movement back to it?" you asked

"Earliest 2 months." the doctor said and left you and Katsuki the doctor's office

"Hey...look don't worry I'm used to arm stains I'll have it working back soon." Katsuki said seeing your previous excitement die inside of you

"Okay." you said getting off the table and signing to yourself as you tried to reach for the door handle your arm was shaking and Katsuki just watched you switch arms and open the door and walked out, you got in the car and was just staring at your arm. Katsuki started the car but didn't drive off.

"Okay what's up you are all sulky." He said

"I just wanted my arm to be well, my arm, guess I was kind of dumb for thinking it would be full healed in a week."

"(name) don't worry about it, ill help you with the physical therapy, between you and me, my quirk puts a heavy strain on my arms and back, so getting one arm working again will be a piece of cake, i bet you will be able to use it by the time the we go see the cherry blossoms."
"We?" you said

"Well ...shut up I'll have you back to semi normal movement in two weeks, and if you can show me you can open a door I'll take you to a nice spot for a viewing-HEY WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?"
"You are just really nice to me." you said using your sleeve to whip your tears away "I'm not use to anyone going out of there way to help me."

Katsuki was a complete loss for words, he doesn't know how to console someone, so he just awkwardly patted your head

"Quite crying, the next two weeks are going to be grueling getting that arm back in use."

"I can do it, you'll see." you said

three days later

"AHHH I CAN'T DO IT." You said dropping the weight, since when were arm curls so exercising

"You need to do more, then 50 arm twists, I want you to be able to do a push up before bed, also I was thinking in three days you should be able to do a pull up." Katsuki said lounging on the couch "hop to it."

"Katsuki, I've been working at it for the past three hours!" you said

"All I hear is excuses, now ten more come on!" he yelled, as you picked up the three pound weight and were only able to do six before you dropped it again

"That's it give me another ten!" he said

"I'm done for the day." you said falling on the floor

"Stop being so overly dramatic." Katsuki said walking over "if you don't give me one set of five right now, you are going to regret it."

"Ugh let me rest-ack!" you said as he just sat on you "HEY GET YOUR FAT ASS OFF ME!"

"Push me off tiny." he said taking his phone out, as you tried to use your good arm to get him off, why did he have to made of muscle at this point, you gritted your teeth and put your other arm up and tried pushing him off, he barely budged "Come on."

"This isn't fair you got like a good 70 pounds on me."

"So will you do the ten arm curls then." He said handing you the weight, and you did the five while this bastard was still on top of you

"Now get off me!" you said

"Do ten more." he said, and you completed throwing the weight at his head, so you gritted your teeth and did six before giving up." Come on, do the last four and ill get off you."

"Can't it hurt too much.." you said, Katsuki sighed and got off you and retrieved a one pound weight "here use this one."

"One...two...three huff huff four." you said finishing and collapsing, your arm was throbbing, you were expecting a trainer not a drill sergeant.

"Okay good now 50 arm twist then you can do two set of thirty with the hand grip." he said

"Katsuki it's only been three days don't you think this is a little much." you said

"Not really no, if anything I think I'm going too easy on you." He said, as you complete running and hiding in the bathroom for the time being as he had his back turned, he clapped his hands twice.

"CHOP TO IT I WANT TO SEE THAT ARM MOVING!" he yelled and you jumped "You had a week of rest and i gave you my word I would have that arm working again, SO MOVE IT!"

"ON IT!" you said stretching your arm out and rotating back and forth

"You are doing it wrong, it's like this!" he said grabbing your arm and twisting it back and forth "start from the beginning."

"But I already did thirty..." you said

"Well if you did it right front he beginning you would almost be done." he said, as your eye twitched.

You were finally done with the work out and were passed out on the couch as Katsuki handed you a water bottle.

"You are making good progress but you didn't meet the expectations I had for today, we will need to make up for lost time tomorrow."

"Ugh someone kill me." you thought

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