Chapter 4: Is this gonna end well?

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You turned off the lights and went into your bedroom and locked the door, you grabbed one of your knitting needles and crawled under the bed making sure your feet were hiding and kept waiting, Katsuki made it seem like a big deal, but would anyone really come after you, then again you knew how desperate villains could be to get any hold of a weakness that a hero had. The more you thought about it the more you were panicking, you could feel your heartbeat in your ears till you heard a knock at your door, then your phone light up

 The more you thought about it the more you were panicking, you could feel your heartbeat in your ears till you heard a knock at your door, then your phone light up

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You slid out from under the bed and slowly made your way to the door you looked through the peephole and sure enough there was that scowling hero standing outside. You opened the door and he came barging in.

"Okay come in..." you said closing your door and locking it, he had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot on the ground

"Why are you holding a knitting needle?" he asked, you looked at it then back to him

"Weapon." you said bluntly

"You didn't think of grabbing i don't know a knife or."

"True but it was in my room and I was hiding, so I have a few things to ask." you said


"WHo leaked my address?" you asked

"I don't know if I'm having my agency track the person who posted it using the ip address."

"Still my address has been leaked."

"This is a little more than a "this sucks" situation (name)!" he yelled

"Okay hey hey i can tell you are worried let me get you a glass of water you got here quickly." you said walking to the kitchen and grabbing a glass filling it up with some nice water and handed it to him, he chugged it down, and then placed it back on the counter.

"Bakugou I'm sure it will all work out in the end okay."

"HOw can you have a carefree go lucky attitude, do you know what type of villain are out there that would just love to get their hands on someone who can't defend themselves who has any involvement with me!" he yelled

"I'm not, I'm just trying not to panic at the moment!" you yelled back, katsuki was taken back and cleared his throat he had gotten a little hysterical, why was he so worried right now he wondered.

"Okay pack a bag you are staying somewhere else it's too dangerous for you to stay here, i'd hate to also get into a direct flight in a building where i would need to use my quirk." he said

"Eh!? But where am I staying!?"

"My agency has a safe room you can stay there for the night and then we can figure out a more permanent living citation."
"YOU really think I'll have to move."

"Yes, whoever is responsible for this will face repercussions so don't worry, I'm a hero after all..I'll help you figure it out."

"...alrighty let me pack up some stuff real quick." you said going into your bed room and pulling out your suitcase that you never used, you never thought this would be the reason you were pulling it out, you pack the essentials, and looking over at your bed and grabbing your blanket and your badtz-maru plush and shoved them into your suitcase and zipping it up and then heading out giving your room one last look, before shutting it.

"You got what you need." he said, you nodded and headed out locking the door and Katsuki escorting you to his car, you placed your luggage in the back seat and sat upfront.

"I updated the landlord about the sition and more police are going to be partroling this area for the night, you just nodded your head looking abc at your apartment, just as your life was getting together something came along and pulled the rug right from under you.

One car trip later and you arrived at his hero agency, there were still news reporters, Katsuki gritted his teeth as he went to the underground parking lot, not really caring if some news reporter got in his way at some point. He parked his car and you got out he grabbed your suitcase and handed it to you, you dragged it behind you as you followed him into the agency, you never thought you would be in any hero agency, you were quite disappointed to get see it looked like another office you walked down a set of stairs and he put in a code to a room, the large steel door opened to reveal what looked like college dorm room.

"You can open the door from the inside,and only i know the code to open it, this is five inches of reinforced steel." he said

"Thanks bakugou, how long will I be here?"

"Just till the morning we should have tracked the person down, also I'm calling an old friend to help me get your stuff from your apartment."

"Thank you bakugou...i think i need some rest this is a lot to take in." you said

"Get some rest, the mini fridge has water and some food if you get hungry." he said as he left

"Thanks again." you said, he just let out a grunt and closed the door, you laughed a bit at his response.

Katsuki went to the elevator and hit floor number 8, he walked into the room where his assistant Giju was busy at work.

"You find them yet." KAtsuki asked, Giju just looked at him and blinked

"Well you see there is something very weird about this ip address, you see the account that leaked the photo was made just a day before everything got leaked, then i noticed the ip address is under one Katsuki Bakugou.

"What..." Katsuki said

"You tell me mr bakugou." Giju said, from the ihero 9

"That is my old phone. I have ihero 12 now,"Katsuki said "And i make sure i keep all my old phones away.

"Well is there anyone who could have gotten their hands on it."

"Not unless someone broke into my house-" Then the realization hit katsuki like a ton of brick

"Looks like you came to realization of something extraordinary, boss." Giju said as he saw Katsuki clutching his ring.

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