Chapter 15:Something big is about to happen.

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Kirishima stopped at a pastry shop and got you a chocolate bun that you were happily enjoying, as he was munching on a porkbun.

"Thanks for getting me something to eat." You said

"NO problem this place has really good pork buns glad you were able to find something you like." Kirishima said as you walked through a park "Oh and if Bakugou ask, tell him I took you straight home."

"I will." you said, you felt better after getting some fresh air and something sweet to eat, and since it was the end of February you could get even more excited for the cherry blossoms.

Once Kirishima actually brought you back to Katsuki apartment you waved him off as you went back to the couch and started up your documentary again. You laid down and let out a yawn. The narrator's voice was really soothing and you soon were lulled to sleep. You were asleep for hours when Katsuki finally arrived home he saw the tv was still on, some documentary on sea turtles he then looked down at you who was deep into dreamland, he sighed knowing you would wake up with a stiff neck like that. Katsuki has never been a soft man, in words or actions so he pushed you off the couch, and you landed on the floor with a thud.

"AH EARTHQUAKE!" You yelled before seeing Katsuki "Nope just Bakugou."

"Yes just me, you realize if you sleep like that you are gonna wake up with a knot in your neck." Katsuki said, as you sat on the floor now

"Hmm i guess." You said as you reached for the remote and turned off the tv

"Well get to bed." Katsuki said

"Alrighty." You said getting up and heading down to where your futon was

"Hey where are you going?" Katsuki asked

"To my bed." You said as you were a bit confused

"The bed is that way, did you hit your head when you fell."

"You mean when you pushed me, no and that is your bed." You said

"Well go and sleep on there." Katsuki said

"But it's your bed?"

"Barley now go to bed." He said grabbing your shoulders and pushing you towards the bedroom

"Fine! Fine!" you said brushing him off, knowing full well how hard headed Katsuki was, and you weren't gonna fight over sleeping in a comfy bed.

Katsuki opened his laptop and got to work on the plan Kaminari sent him, they were planning the attack tomorrow or the day after like that really helped was it tomorrow or the day after, then there was the question of what to do with you, if there was a large scale attack having you cooped up in a large building that had a chance of being hit was a big nope for him. He could easily put you in the safe room at his agency again and that seemed like the best option, he was sure he could have your cooperation, not like he could evacuate you with the others, since you had no family and little to no money.

You stared up at the ceiling, you had a problem falling back asleep, did have to be an ass and wake you up just to tell you to go back to bed, you got out of bed and tiptoed to his closet, maybe he had an extra blanket in here. You opened it and it was all black clothing, at least he knows what he likes, you stood on your tippy toes and reached up still couldn't get to the top of it, you jumped up and grabbed the edge and pulled yourself up and looked around, just more black and grey sweatpants.

You let go and dropped back down to the ground, you wish you had your phone on you, you saw Katsuki bring it with him when he went and got you, maybe he just forgot to give it back, so you opened the bedroom door and saw him still working.

"Why are you still up?" you asked

"Work shit." Katsuki said "Why are you still up?"

"Can't sleep, also do you know where my phone is?" You asked and Katsuki stop typing on his laptop

"Yeah, I put it away." He said

"Huh, why?" You asked

"Because you kept looking up all the bad shit people have been saying about you, and that's what caused you to run off last time." Katsuki said

"Well i'm gonna have to have my phone back soon." You said standing your ground, he could have at least told you what he did with your phone.

"Tomorrow you need to go to sleep." Katsuki said going back to his work, you walked over and put your head in front of his laptop.

"I can't sleep."

"Yeah because you fell asleep watching some documentary." KAtsuki said "Go twiddle your thumbs or something, you shouldn't be on your phone when you are trying to sleep anyways."

"Ugh you can be such a stickler." you said sitting on the floor as you watched him work

"...what stop staring at me and go to bed." Katsuki said

"Nah i'll just watch you work, also do you know where the other blankets are?" you asked tapping away at the table

"Just go to sleep. I have important hero work to do!" Katsuki said as you stuck your tongue out at him and continued to watch him type

"Well maybe if someone just carried me to bed then i wouldn't be up."

"You anti no princess." Katsuki said placing the laptop on your head "And stay still you have been demoted to table."

"Katsuki where are the blankets?" You asked again as you grabbed the laptop and took it off your head and placed it on his lap, he rolled his eyes placing it to the side and getting up "Hey where are you going?"

When Katsuki came back he was holding up a blanket and placed it over your head

"There is your blanket now, be quiet, I have to focus." Katsuki said

"I'm not a bird!" you said

"You sure are screeching like one." Katsuki said, you huffed as you slapped his foot from under the blanket "Oi! Cut that off."

"Or what!?" you said and that shut him up, before Katsuki wrapped his arms around your legs with the blanket so you were dangling upside down still in the blanket and he started walking

"Or this!" he said as he tossed you back on the bed "Night princess don't let the bedbugs bite!"

"NIGHT MR GRUMPY PANTS!" you laughed at him as you took the blanket off and cocooned yourself again with it, you grabbed your hello kitty plush and tried to get some sleep still that whole Urgent mission message that Katsuki was looking at did concern you.

You woke up with someone, that someone being Katsuki shaking your shoulder, you read the alarm clock it was just 6 in the morning.

"Ughhh whatttt." you said pulling the covers over your face

"I need to put you up in the safe room for a bit." Katsuki said

"Huh? Does this have to do with that urgent mission message I saw on your laptop." You said as he pinched your cheek 

"So you were snooping." Katsuki said as he let go "And yes it is."

"Is everything gonna be alright?" You asked

"You don't need to worry about anything, we evacuated most of the city." Katsuki said as he handed you a back a fully charged phone. "Now let's get going, you may be in there for two days."

"Two whole days..."You said looking down at your phone

"Don't worry there is enough food to last weeks, besides i'll be in the fight, so everything will be just fine."

"Okay." You said still feeling a bit uneasy at the thought of a large scale villain attack, the last one you could think of that happened was when you were in middle school, still Katsuki would be fighting so everything would be fine, he said it would, and Katsuki doesn't lie. 

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