Chapter 31: He is back

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You finally arrived outside the Bakugou's house and were in awe

"Oh wow it's so fancy." You said "this is where you really grew up, Bakugou, the garden looks amazing."

"Thank you, I try my best to keep up with it in my old age." Masaru said

"It looks really good, if you ever need gardening advice I'm your girl." You said getting out of the car

"You garden?" He asked

"Used to, I grew up in a farm up in the Hokkaido prefecture." You see, I was also part of the gardening club in high school and middle school."

"You never told me that." Katsuki said

"I didn't?" You asked "well now you know."

"Next thing you're gonna tell me is you got top grades in home ed." Katsuki said

"Oh I did." You said as the four of you reached the front door and Mitsuki unlocked it, Katsuki the first to go in.

"Hey why is it so dark!?" Katsuki yelled

"SURPRISE I'M BACK FROM AMERICA!" you heard a man yell as the lights came and then blew a party popper at him, the confetti landing in Katsuki hair who didn't look the slightest bit amused at this.

"....what is going on here?" Katsuki asked shaking the confetti out of his hair

"Izuku came back from America a few days ago and i told him you were visiting so he wanted to see you." Mitsuki said "it's been so long since I've seen you Izuku, I still can get over how big you have gotten."

"What the hell are they feeding you over there in America!" Katsuki said as you hid behind him

"A lot." He said then looked down to see you hiding behind Katsuki

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, Hi I'm Izuku." He said

"Oh hello, I'm (name)." you said "Sorry but i don't really know who you are."

"Oh I'm Kacchans childhood friend." He said

"And the number three hero now that you went to America." Katsuki added, then it clicked

"OH YOU ARE THE HERO DEKU!" you said then covered your mouth realizing how loud you were.

"It's alright, still I feel kind of bad, I was in America when Kacchan was going through this whole media swarm, they are usually on me about things." Izuku said "Still I'm sorry but I don't know who you are?"

"OH I'm Katsuki girlfriend." you said

"Ohhhh, so Kacchan you broke off your engagement with-"

"Yes she tried to blow me up, she doxxed (name), she is in prison now, moving on, this is my girlfriend (name), (name) this is my childhood friend Deku, okay introduction out of the way, I'm putting my luggage away!" Katsuki said walking up the stairs leaving the four of you alone.

"He had a long train ride here." you said

"OH that's just Kacchan." Izuku said "Still (name), I have to know how did you and Kacchan meet?"

"OH I spilled hot coffee on him, then i forget to get back my limited edition pompompurin handkerchief from him so he agreed to meet with me to return it, but the thing was I didn't know he was Dynamigth the pro hero so some guy came by and pulled his mask down, media got wind of it and well his ex thought he was cheating on her, we weren't together at the time at all by this type by the way, but he helped me avoid anyone who would want to hurt me, to many things happened after that, and yeah we became a couple." you explained realizing just how weird that story would be on paper.

"Oh I see, I caught wind of it but the news in America doesn't really report on anything outside of America so it was hard to keep track of what was going on." Izuku said as Mitsuki had a smile on her face then went into the kitchen to make dinner


"WHY SHOULD I!?" He yelled back

"BECAUSE ONLY YOU KNOW HOW YOU LIKE YOUR NOODLES, BECAUSE ACCORDING TO YOU I NEVER MAKE THEM RIGHT!" she yelled back, and you heard stomping down the stairs and Katsuki mumbling to himself as he tied an apron around himself.

"Fine but only because i know what (name) likes." He said

"OH (name) one more thing, i asked Katsuki what you like so i got you this." Izuku said, pulling out a Hello Kitty keychain that was wearing Katsukis' hero outfit.

"Aww it's so cute, where did you get this?" You asked

"OH well three years ago there was a crossover merchandise event with a few hero, And Kacchan got these, he didn't like the idea of him being a cute cat so he stopped the production and only 100 were made and never released to the public, lucky me being behind the scenes was able to get up a few and give them around."

"Dammit Deku I thought I told you to burn those things." Katsuki said

"I couldn't burn your hero merchandise." Izuku said,

"I love it!" you said and that shut Katsuki up "Still I think Badtz-maru suits him better."

"I don't know who that is." Izuku said, as you pulled up a photo, "oh you are right, that does suit him better."

The two of you laughed, Mitsuki came in whipping her hands off on a towel

"So (name) what do you do?" She asked sitting down, ah the step mother integration has begun

"Oh i am a freelance baker, along with a craft shop that I run." You said "Katsuki has been kind enough to let me use a room in his apartment for my shop."

"I see, do you sew?" She asked

"Yes I do a bit." you said

"Oh that's great, me and my husband are fashion designers, do you have anything of yours you could show us?" she asked, you took out your phone and pulled up your little shop

"Here are my creations, I'm really proud of how they came out, I had to take a small hiatus because I hurt my arm pretty bad a while ago."

"These are all very pretty." She said as she kept scrolling "and what happen to your arm?"

"OH it got crushed under a giant boulder, the doctors said it looked like someone had put a tray of lasagna in though a weed whacker."

"Well I'm glad it's good now." She said looking a little horrified. 

"Katsuki was kind of my personal trainer to get me back to normal." you said

"Really, back in Highschool Kacchan helped me with control over my quirk." Izuku said

"Aww that's sweet of him." you said

"Yup, he blew up my face so my hair was sticking up in every direction."

"Oh." you said


"Okay ill help." Izuku said getting up and heading in


"Would you like to see Katsuki baby photos?" Mitsuki whispered to you

"Yes please." you replied

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