Chapter 44: Where do we stand now?

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You know making amends wasn't always Katsuki's strong point, so sitting across from his now ex-fiancee who just got out of prison wasn't exactly how he thought he would spend his Saturday.

"So first of all, sorry," Katsuki said

"That's a first," Chuya said taking a long sip of her drink

"Look, I told you about the effects of (name) quirk correctly, The court had settled it since they believe you only doxxed her because of her quirk."

"I was in jail for how long, about five months." She said, "Still I'm surprised you wanted to talk."

"I'm just as surprised as you, but my therapist said it wouldn't be a good idea to let things end the way they did."

"OH, I see where this is going," Chuya said

"OH, I'm glad we are on the same page," Katsuki said

"So when should I move back in?" She asked

"Okay, we are not on the same page." Katsuki said, "Look, I'm not here to start our relationship back again."

"Excuse me, But her quirk made me go to an extra hatred towards her, if she didn't have that damn quirk I wouldn't have done it, you wouldn't of become infatuated with her, and we would have still been together."

"Chuya listen to me, even before I met (name), we were not in a healthy relationship, look I already reimbursed you for the time you were in jail, but any chance of us getting back together is dead." Katsuki said getting up "also don't forget the restraint order against (name) is still intact so if you do try anything funny you will go back to jail, quirk or not."

"Fine." she said leaning back "When you see (name) again tell her I'm sorry."

"I don't know if I'm seeing her again." Katsuki said "good luck with your life."

And with that Katsuki had one more thing he needed to do today, and he wasn't going to enjoy it one bit.

"Twenty dollars for a tank top, you know how much fabric I could buy and make my own tank tops." You said as you were furiously sewing up a new tank top for the summer the tv in the back was on when an important announcement came on.

"Now For pro hero Dynamight and the story behind his vacation." You heard and you nearly choked on your own spit

"What what what!" you said, going over to the tv, and seeing there was a swarm of reporters surrounding the stage as KAtsuki came walking on wearing a suit that he looked very comfortable in, as he stood up at the podium he reports hounding him for a question, he leaned into the microphone.


"Why did you leave hero work?"

"That is none of your fucking business that's why now you!" KAtsuki answered

"Katsuki, where is your new girlfriend."

"Ask her not me, I'm taking one more question, you."

"Uhhh what do you have to say to the public?"

"I'm back and the crime right is going to go down, and for any villains out there just know you are going to die!" he said and walked off the stage for the shortest press conference in history and you were on the floor laughing, good old Katsuki anger.

"Well, that went well." Katsuki said as his pr manager jaw was on the floor

"In what world was that good!?" they said

"Well I really don't care about public opinion, I'm getting back to work." Katsuki said unbuttoning his suit so there was less pressure on the back of his neck and headed back to his hero agency.

You on the other hand were walking down there yourself, and once you finally arrived you knocked on the door, Ayame looked up and had a big smile on her face as she went up and opened the door.

"There you are (name)." She said, "what brings you by?"

"I saw Katsuki's little tv interview and decided to come down, seems like he is back to normal." you said "I can't stay for long, I'm not ready to face him yet, but can you give him this for me."

You handed her a homemade dinner for him to eat, knowing Katsuki and how wrapped up he can get.

"Sure but why don't you give it to him?" she asked

"Just not the right time, ill see him soon though, I better get going, thanks Ayame, here I made you a snack as well."

"Thank you, I am starving." She said, "I'll make sure he gets it, get home safe now."

"I will," you said waving her off and heading back.

When Katsuki finally arrived back to office Ayane was there with a scheming look on her face

"What is that look on your face?" he asked

"I saw your little interview and that could have gone better." She said

"Who cares, I answered their questions," Katsuki said

"Not really, also your little girlfriend dropped this off for you." Ayane said holding up the wrapped dinner

"....what?" Katsuki said

"(name) came by to drop off dinner for you." she said, "better eat it while it's still how."

"I will now get back to work." Katsuki said snatching it out of her hand and storming off the elevator, and quickly heading into the office like he was hiding something, more like the look of relief on his face as he sat down.

"Okay, so she doesn't seem to hate my guts." He said unwrapping the lunch, the strong spicy smell hitting his nose, felt like home, he hoped the day where you would see him again would be soon.

It seemed to look that way, for the next two weeks there it was waiting for him when he returned from his shift, this must of been your way to tell him you were almost ready to see him again. He kept waiting and just enjoyed what little part of you he could get.

"Okay hand it over." KAtsuki said taking his gauntlets off

"Hand what over?" Ayane said playing dumb

"You know fully well what." Katsuki said as Ayane reached down pulling up the wrapped dinner

"You mean this." She said as Katsuki snatched it out of her hands

"What a softie." She thought as Katsuki went back to the office and opened it only to see a folded up note waiting for him, now he was anxious was this your answer if you wanted to see him or not, a note to tell him that it was over, he couldn't blame you if that was the case, he prepared for the worst and unfolded it

Hello Katsuki it's been a while since I last saw you, it took me a while to figure out what to think about us and our relationship, truth be told I am very unsure if you wanted to be with me still or if it was just my quirk making you feel that way, I still wonder if you like me or not, but you seem to still be eating my cooking so that's a good thing to know, so if you wanted to talk more about us here is my address, if you can make it here after work to talk I'd appreciate it, I'd like to know where we stand now


Katsuki was out the door like someone just set his seat on fire. Ayane wondered if this meant she had to finish his paperwork. 

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