Chapter 34: Red flag

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reader warning: this is the chapter when things are gonna hit the fan and why I labeled this a yandere story, read with caution and when in a good mood, take care of your self thank you.

You were looking through all the boxes Katsuki had in his closet, a lot of climbing equipment, rope, straps harnesses and the walking sticks, then you heard the door open and put everything back in its place and saw him put everything away.

"How was the town?" you asked

"Full of stupid people, what do you want to eat?" he asked grabbing an apron

"Hey shouldn't I be cooking for you, it is your official birthday after all." you said

"It's fine." he said "I'll make it your favorite."

"Well I can't say no to that." you said "Also I found your climbing equipment in the closet, and it was really dusty when was the last time you came up here?"
"Hmm, around three well four years now, got busy with my hero work and all, but then we'll guess I scared all the villains and just never really saw a reason to come back here. Chuya hated nature and was more city bound I guess."

"Oh you brought Chuya up here before?" you asked, it was out of jealousy and you knew that

"Once for three days before she kept harping in my ear how she wanted to go back to the city." He said sharpening the knife "Don't get upset that I brought her up here, I can tell from your tone you are jealous and there is no need for you to be."

"Okay I trust you, still shouldn't she be out in like two months, it's kind of scary to think about." you said

"She got extra time for the whole trying to blow me up thing." Katsuki said turning the burner on "She won't mess with you anymore. I can promise you that."

"I know it's just hard not to think about, also it's a bit weird I met you while you were still engaged and all."

"(name) stop bringing up old news." Katsuki said "I know your constant self-blaming mentally makes you, but how many times do I have to tell you, that relationship was already broken, your presents just ended a toxic relationship."

You nodded your head, maybe Katsuki was also crass with words but at the same time he had a way of making you feel better, he was blunt to a fault but for you that was a good thing, you never understood people who danced around issues.

"Also i got some of that sugary crap you love to eat all the time." he said

"Yay! Thanks Katsuki!" you said "also it smells good, what are you gonna make yourself by the way?"

"Something spicy." he said, sticking a thermometer in the piece of chicken in the pan reading 170 and took it off the burner and put a lid on it. You tilted your head at him

"What's with the loopy look on your face weirdo." he said

"You just look handsome when you cook." you said and he almost dropped the rice bag

"Don't just blurt stuff out like that." he said, you just gave out a small laugh, for as much as a god complex Katsuki had, receiving and accepting compliments were a foreign concept since well most of the stuff said at him were inherently about his bad attitude.

"Well it's true, and I'm hungry when there is food?" you asked

"Soon." he said and got started on his main dish, and before you knew it dinner was served

"I would have loved to give you a cake today but someone got grouchy and ate it a day before." you said

"Wonder how that could have been." Katsuki said, holding a red pepper in his chopstick and sticking towards you "Here try some."

"The smell alone is making me cry." you said backing away from the pepper that was dripping in hot sauce, you wonder did Katsuki have any taste buds left at this point?"

"Fine more for me." he said "you are missing out."

"Sure I am." you said taking a sip of water "also Katsuki I tried to use my phone but there isn't any Wi-Fi here."
"OH i cut off the Wi-Fi about two years ago since i never came up here." he said

"I see, what if there is an emergency?" you asked

"You got one of Japanese finest  heroes here." he said "I'm insulted you even have to ask that."
"You're right." you said finishing up your plate "thanks for cooking dinner I'll clean up."

"Thanks, I'm gonna go take a shower." Katsuki said

"Okay sweaty." you said as he flicked your forehead, and you got to washing up the dishes, once you were finally done, you noticed that Katsuki was taking a very long shower, still you didn't hear any thud and string of curse words so he is fine. You headed to the bedroom only to trip over the Katsuki bag. You managed to catch yourself by your other foot, but something fell out, you crouched down and were just gonna quickly shove it back in the bag when you noted the red flags, the same ones that were wrapped around the trees.

"...this doesn't make any sense." you thought "Katsuki went into town to get stuff, no way would he take down the markers."

You were at a crossroad, either bring it up or just ignore it, maybe Katsuki brought other red flags to wrap around trees to make another path, that had to be it, Katsuki wouldn't take down the only indicator on how to get back to town.

You headed back in the room, and heard the shower turn off, Katsuki came out soon after in his signature black tank top and black sweatpants.

"You okay?" he asked and you jumped, Katsuki decided to ignore it.

"I'm fine." you said with a smile, a part of you wanted to bring it up why should you be so scared to bring up something like this, but at the same time it didn't seem worth it "I'm gonna hop into the shower."
"Okay smelly." he said as he dried his hair, eyeing you as you closed the bathroom door, something was wrong, he walked out and saw that his bag was in a different place then he had left it in.

"Shit she saw them." Katsuki thought "knew I should of hid them better, gotta think of a good excuse for this"

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