Chapter 9: A Place to Stay

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Katsuki was fast asleep when you tiptoed into his room, you didn't think he was supposed to be sleeping this late seeing his dead phone tossed across the room made you believe that he didn't have an alarm, still how would you go about waking him up.

a.)jump on him

b.)shake his shoulder

c.) dangle food in front of his face

d.) poke him with a stick

D it is you thought as you grabbed a work out stick and pokes his shoulder, nothing so you poked him again, his reflux went off and he grabbed it nearly breaking it in half, yup good thing you didn't nudge his shoulder.

"Ughhh what the fuck..." He mumbled out looking at the stick "Oi, what the hell you think you're doing pipsqueak."

"Well it's 10:30 and-"

"GOd dammit." he mumbled "Hand me my phone."

YOu nodded and picked it up and handed it to him, he plugged it in.

"I'm surprised you don't have an alarm clock. You seem like the type of guy to have three."

"Used to, after the sixth one got exploited from me I decided to just stick with my phone." HE said getting up and heading to the bathroom and slamming the door, Katsuki was normally a morning person but today he deserved to be a little pissed off, he still had to break the news to you that he had to cancel you moving day because life decided to throw yet another wrench at him.

Katsuki felt a lot better after a hot shower and clean shaven face, he finally opened his phone and his work asked him where he was, just sent them a quick text.

Katsuki felt a lot better after a hot shower and clean shaven face, he finally opened his phone and his work asked him where he was, just sent them a quick text

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HE made his way into the kitchen only to see you eating a plate of eggs, bacon, toast and with apples on the side.

"Enjoying your meal?" Katsuki asked drying the rest of his hair

"Yup, I'll pay you back for the ingredients." You said

"No need." Katsuki said, taking out his protein shake powder.

"Want me to make you a plate?" you asked him

"Nah bacon has too much salt, you don't need those quirk carbs from the bread, and i got my protein from my shake." He said

"Wow you are really restrictive on your diet huh." You said

"Sure am, I will take one of these." he said, taking an apple slice.

"Well good news is that I should be moving into my new apartment today." you said, and katsuki almost choked on his shake.

"About that, i got more bad news, there was a gas leak and I canceled it." he said

"A gas leak!" you said

"Isn't that what i said." Katsuki said

"Well it was a good thing I wasn't there, dodge a bullet there!" You said

"I don't think you understand, this is bad."

"Yeah i know i hate to take up so much of your time-"
"I MEANT FOR YOU." He said and you jolted "...sorry didn't mean to yell, the last couple of days have just been..."

"Yeah i understand, not everyday stuff like this happens..something i learned to do is that while you may want to focus on everything that might go wrong, try to focus on what might go right."

"Well aren you a little ray of sunshine." Katsuki said

"Yup, took years of practice, i mean i get to hang out with someone, i get to move to a new environment which is exciting, i survived a villain attack and my ears should be healed up soon anyways, so see a lot of good stuff has happened, now you try." you said as katsuki took a long sip of his shake.

" out of bad relationship that was going nowhere." he mumbled

"How about, you are able to start dating again and find someone better, or you are able to take some time off of relationships to focus more on yourself." You suggested, he just snorted.

"Wish it was that easy, dating for pro heroes is like navigating minefield, a lot of crazy fans out there."

"Well how did you meet chuya?" you asked

"Old classmates dragged me out to a bar, met her there, went on a few dates at the end." Katsuki said

"Oh yeah you went to UA right, that one really famous hero school." You said

" don't seem to know a lot about heroes do you?" Katsuk said finished up his shake

"Yeah not really, i was busy with other stuff growing up." You said I finished the last bite of breakfast.

"I have to ask one thing, why don't you have any family to help you out with this stuff?" KAtsuki asked and you froze, feeling that familiar pit in your stomach as you swallowed the lump in your throat

"It's...a very complicated story." You said

"Okay i can see you don't want to talk about it." Katsuki said grabbing your plate and putting it in the dishwasher

"'s just...hard to explain." you said

"You have nothing to apologize for, what you should be apologizing for is the fact you stink, go take a shower already!"

"Agh that's no way to talk to a lady!" you said

"A lady where...i don't see one." Katsuki said, you playfully punched his side

"Fine fine, not my fault i haven't gotten the chance." You said walking to the bathroom and grabbing a spare change of clothes.

Katsuki made a quick phone call to an old friend while you were getting ready.

"Hey bakubro what's up haven't heard from you in a while, you have been in the news a lot lately." He heard Kirishima say

"YOu know how those damn vultures are, anyway I need your help can you bring your truck over."

"Yeah sure what's the association."

"Well you know how chuya doxxed that woman i was seen with, well i'm trying to help her find a new spot and i need to get her stuff from her old apartment somewhere safe."

"OHHH yeah no probs, but i gotta ask you what was that all about anyways, i know you're not the type to cheat on someone."
"Chuya jumped to conclusions, and truthfully i'm glad i'm out of that relationship, the amount of times i've had a glass thrown at my face was one times to many."

" sure you are okay?"

"IM FINE!" katsuki yelled "Look, bring your truck over so I can help this lady move her stuff already."

"Alright but you gotta give me more detail about this whole thing when i get there, later bro!"


"All done!" you chirped drying your hair off "So what's the plan for today?"

"My friend is coming over with his pick up truck, we are going to go get your stuff from your apartment today."

"Eh? But i don't have a new place yet." You said

"YOu are storing it here till we find you a new place, and don't ask me if it's really okay for me to do that."
"I just really don't want to impose anymore." You said

"I'm the one who brought it up so don't worry about it anymore." He said, putting on his shoes, you followed him outside and wanted for his friend to arrive.

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