Chapter 5: You think you know someone...

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It had been a long time since Bakugou had this amount of rage in his body, the last time he had felt this angry was a tie between learning his childhood friend had gotten a quirk and the time old freezer burn didn't use his full power and got a dude metal, but this time his anger was directed toward Chuya, she had grown bitter through the years towards him but she never broke off the engagement, then again neither had he.

This time however he had a reason, a good reason she didn't think this though did she think he wouldn't find out or just wouldn't care, how dumb did she think he was. HE had meet her when she was 20 and they seemed to hit it off having somewhat similar quirks, she just didn't have a way to ignite

"But Hey that is what lighters are for." she said to him that one night, she went from an admire of him

"Honestly it's nice seeing a hero with explosive quirks, I always got a bad wrap for mine." she said to him on the first date, removing the oxygen from water molecules to just leave hydrogen gas in its place, she always had a certain melancholy feeling to her. From being an admirer to him to becoming someone who would indirectly put people in danger, where did it all go wrong.

How could two years of dating then four years of engagement turn her into this? He reached the door and was going to find out just what in the goddamn hell she was thinking.

"Chuya i'm home." he yelled closing the door, and silence as he saw the back of her head as she was resting on the couch warming her feet by the fire, all he heard was a long sip.

"Chuya, I know what you did." Katsuki said standing behind her, her not paying attention to the large silhouette that was looming over her

"Oh have you finally decided to take an interest in what I'm doing again." she said, swirling her drink.

"I know you took one of my old phones and found her house and leaked the address."

"Wow i'm surprised you think i am that smart, to pull something off like that, i mean it would take you noticing me leaving the house, or noticing me rummaging around the house for your old belongings, or seeing your old phone charging."
"Stop being a fucking smart ass, if you have a probulm take it up with me, you didn't need to take it out on an innocent civilian!"

"Her..innocent, the damm home wrecker." chuya said

"How many times do I have to tell you, I wasn't cheating on you, I was returning something." Katsuki said.

"OH please you couldn't just mail it to her, you just had to go and meet up again, and then sit down and talk with her, then proceed to let the media snap oh so many photos of you and her."

"Okay i can see you aren't gonna believe me, but chuya-"

"Don't fucking call me that, we haven't been a first name basis in a while."

"Fine, you committed a crime and I have to arrest you now and turn you over to the police."

"Oh I see how it is, always putting your hero work over everything else in your life."

"That is your issue to work out, I'm done with you." Katsuki said pulling off his ring and setting it down on the table next to her " we are over."

"You are nothing but a coward." she said before proceeding to chuck her glass into the fire, Katsuki got a whiff of rotten egg, he went to grab her hand but it was to late, a large explosion sent him back a couple feet, she used her dam quirk and was gone, didn't really matter he had already told the police and were waiting down stairs, but his couch and the carpet around it were gone in the explosion she had made.

Katsuki went outside to see a cop putting chuya in the back of the cop car, she gave him one burning look of hatred

"The way you are, you are always gonna be alone Katsuki." she yelled at him before the door was shut in her face, chuya was gone it almost felt unreal at this point, all the nights he dreaded going home to a screaming match, all the night sleeping on the couch or alone in his bed, eating a meal made for two in one sitting by himself, all gone those event were never gonna happen again.

Along with the night of playing poker and her throwing her card up in the air when she lost. Or the nights when she had made a level three spic curry for him. And the movie nights where she would get so bored and fall asleep on his shoulder and he was stuck for the night. Those were never gonna happen as well.

A cop tapped his shoulder and he was snapped out of his confusing thoughts.

"So we will take her down and further question her for this, it's a pretty open and shut case, since she put someone who had no way of defending selves in danger she will most likely  get a 5000 dollar bail, and a 5000 dollar fine and around a year, year and a half in jail."

"She isn't my problem anymore, do what you want with her. Contact her family, I'm done." Katsuki said

"And about your apartment-"

"I'll handle it you can go now, also the press will be here soon so you may wanna get her away from here as soon as possible." Katsuki said

"Okay you are free to go, have a nice night." The officer said leaving Katsuki alone, alone yet again, back to an empty apartment.

You were back in the Safe room sleeping away your worries, you had spent to much time thinking about a new apartment, you trusted that Katsuki would help you handle it, you hope that tomorrow they would find the person who leaked out your information.

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