Chapter 14: Going back and new news

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You were shivering on the floor trying to catch your breath along with wanting to throw up, you felt frozen in place your hands felt numb as they gripped your arms. Katsuki was mad, very mad at you right now, you knew he was, on top of being a throne in his side for the past couple of days, you made him even more panicked but just leaving, what was wrong you, why did you always mess up everything, you felt weak as Katsuki opened the door, you were cowering in the corner of this gross bathroom shivering like you had been left out in the cold. Katsuki froze in his place, you looked so small and frail.

"(name)...why did you leave?" He asked crouching down and said in calm voice as you just kept hitching your breath " aren't being burden on me, if you were i would of kicked you out, how many times do i need to say it."

You only managed to mutter out a weekly "I'm sorry." to him

"You have nothing to apologize for, look (Name) it's my job am a sa hero to help people, you don't need to worry about how it affects me, the media has hounded me for years, what they are talking about now is nothing, who cares what those damn vultures think anyways."

"But it's my fault."

"No it was Chuyas fault, look stop blaming yourself for the relationship she ruined, me and Chuya weren't on good terms for a long time, it was doomed to fail anyways, and if anything i am fucking thankful i am out of that relationship okay!?"

You didn't say anything back

"Come on (Name) look at where you are, on a dirty bathroom floor." Katsuki said as you looked up and sniffed in your arms "And it smells like shit in here as well, i told you i would help you out didn't i, and i don't lie."

"You don't." you said

"I don't lie, so come on let's go back you're not safe out here, i don't think you are safe from yourself either." He said, you just nodded your head and slowly stood up still not looking up "Here grab onto my arm and we will head back okay?"

You nodded and grabbed his sleeve and walked out of the bathroom, Katsuki grabbed your belongings as you continued to grab onto him,, and headed out and back into his car, you kept looking down in your lap.

"(name), can you tell me why you were curled up in a tiny ball in that filthy bathroom?" Katsuki asked

"...I thought, I heard my dad banging on the sorry, i know it sounds silly but it felt so real."

"Your dad huh." Katsuki said reaching over and putting your seatbelt on

"He was always very loud and banging stuff around the house." you said "It's silly I know, I know it is...still I couldn't help but think he was going to break that door down and hit me."

"Your dad hit you?" Katsuki said starting the car

"A lot, my brothers weren't very nice to me as well." You explained "There is a reason I don't like talking about my family."

"Well , I hate to tell you this but while I was looking for you, I stumbled upon your record. Is the reason you were a child of the state was because your home life was abusive?" Katsuki asked

You shook your head no

"Well I think I know why you ran out like you did, but (name) tell me you will never do anything that idiotic again."

"I promise, but promise me you will tell me when you want me gone." You said, as Katsuki plopped the hello kitty plush in your lap.

"I will." Katsuki said as he drove off, and when you arrived back at his apartment, Katsuki saw that your eyes looked hollow.

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