Chapter 10: An old Friend

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As you waited outside you saw someone pull up in a truck and get out, long red hair tied up and a white bandanna putting his bangs back, he was wearing a black tank top, on his right bicep had a tattoo with the word Crimson riot and an old school hero on it. A tiny scar on his eyelid, and the fact he was built like a mountain.

"HEY BAKUGOU!" he said, walking up before swiftly putting him in a headlock "HOW YOU BEEN!"

"GOOD DAMMIT SHITTY HAIR LET ME GO!" Katsuki yelled before sending a blast in his face, and he released him and was laughing, both of them were "Try that shit again and i will seriously kill you."
"Sure you will." Kirishima said looking unharmed then looked at you "Ah no need to be so frightened, we just messed around a bit, im Eijiro Kirishima, I'm the hero red riot nice to meet you!"

"NIce to meet you too, I see you are close with Bakugou." You said still a little shocked by what you just witness

"Sure am i've been his friend since his first year in highschool, you know he used to be a really mean loud hot headed guy."

"Watch it eji..."Katsuki said arms crossed

"I can see it, but i have to ask how are you okay after being blasted in the face?"

"OH, my quirk allowed me to harden my skin, so blastys' explosions don't really do any damage to me!" Kiri said looking quite proud

"Till you can't." Katsuki said "Let's get going already!"

"I call shotgun!" you said running to side

"OI!" Katsuki said

"Hey she called it first man." Kiri said getting in the truck and katsuki sitting in the back

"So i gotta know how exactly did you two meet and what the heck happened with chuya?" Kiri asked "Mina also wants to know the details.

"Well there i was on the street getting a coffee and this one right here crashes into me spilling it all over me, she being hysterical over a coffee and gives me a handkerchief and forgets to get it back, so i have to go and return it her, and some asshoels comes over and pulls my mask down."

"Then he pinned him to the table." You interjected

"SUre did, so I leave and the damn vultures come and start spreading that damm rumor around, chuya catches wind of it and throws a damm glass at me."

"She did what now." you said

"Then next thing i know i see a photo of (name) swirling around with her address so i have to go and get her so some idiot won't try and get information out of her,"

"Still but she did what to you?" You asked again

"So I took her to the safe room and tried to find a new palace for her to live in and then I figured out it was Chuya who leaked her address. I go to confront her,and she activates her quirk and blows up the couch in the process, the police arrest her."

"She did what now." you said again

"So We finally find a spot for her to live and near the end my agency gets blown up and she ruptures her eardrums, so no way can i keep her at my agency while it is being fixed, so i let her crash at my place once i got her from the hospital, then last night he new apartment she decided on got a gas leak so i just cancelled it and now we are finally able to get her stuff." Katsuki finished

"Yeesh Bakugou that's a lot to happen to you, how are you holding up (Name)?" Kiri asked

"I'm doing great, Katsuki has done a very good job of looking after me." you said

"He would have thought our little firecracker would be so grown up." Kiri said

"Kiri, it has been eight years since graduation." Katsuki said

"And it seemed like only yesterday we were fighting those guy who infiltrated the USJ." Kiri said

"Same small fries I'm dealing with today." Katsuki said as the three of you finally arrived at your old apartment, you got out and walked up to the door and it was a good thing that you weren't home, the window had been broken and the door was spray painted with some not so nice words.

You unlocked the door and walked in, a home sweet home with a new brick in the middle of the front room. Kiri came in with a bunch of boxes and set them down.

"You don't have a lot of furniture." Kiri said looking at the beanbags on the floor instead of chairs and a couch, "you have a bedframe?"

"I slept on a futon, the bedframe and mattress came with the apartment, it smelt weird so I mostly used it for setting stuff on top."

"A table?" He asked

"I have one of those table trays, oh I do have a Kotatsu that is being stored in my closet." you said when Katsuki walked in

"Crap you have been robbed." Katsuki said

"No I haven't, this is my stuff, you must have not gotten a good look at it since you were in a hurry last time."

"Where is your table, or chairs?"

"Bean bags are better, and I don't have a table I eat on a tray table."

"Well your books are just stacked, where is your bookshelf."

"Eh, if I can stack them why do I need a shelf?" You said

"What about if you have guests over, where are they gonna sit?" Katsuki said

"I don't have any friends to invite over anyways." You said, and Katsuki shut his mouth up after that

"Ugh whatever kiri helps me get all these damned stuffed animals packed, how many done one lady needs." Katsuki grumbled to himself heading into the bedroom and tossing a bed full of stuffed animals into a box.

You didn't have much furniture it was mostly a bunch of trinkets you had collected, along with all your crafting materials into the back of kiris' truck, it didn't take that long to get everything you were all done at 2, and once you arrived back at Katsuki apartment took another thirty minutes to get everything in the empty wine storage room.

"Well that worked up a sweat, how about we grab lunch?" Kiri suggested

"Fine but if you take me somewhere with shitty food-" Katsuki said but was cut off

"Nah i know this great little place, you are coming with us right (name)?" Kiri asked

"Huh...i don't know if that's a good idea, I've caused enough problems by being seen with Bakugou in public." you said rubbing your arm up and down

"Eh who gives a shit what they think." Katsuki said "Lets go."

"Sweet man, come on (Name) I'm sure they will have something you like." Kiri said, you smiled and followed the two men back to the truck.


Authors note: We are about 25% done with the story thanks for sticking around! Hope you have been enjoying the story so far :D

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