Chapter 27: More about me

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"Well I had four older brothers growing up, and we all lived in Hokkaido as fruit farmers with our parents, mostly our dad was the person in charge." you said

"I figured out that you didn't know you had four older brothers." Katsuki said

"Truth be told I hated most of them, I feel bad for hating them but looking back I can't think of one nice thing they ever did for me, they saw me as purposeless part of the family, pretty sure my father installed the fact that to be useful you need to pull your weight, and family all had enhancement quirks if that makes any sense."

"Kind of. How so?" Katsuki asked

"Well joey had enhanced strength he was basically the ox of the family, the others had sight, taste and smell, don't remember who had which one." you said

"What about your mom."

"I don't remember much of her either, every time I Try to, I just see her back turned around working in the kitchen."

"So where is joey."

"...i don't know." you said "I never saw him again after the incident."

"What incident."

"...I can't talk about that right now." you said a twisting feeling in your gut "I'm sorry Katsuki I don't think i can tell you the rest yet."

"Calm down, you don't have to tell me yet, can you tell me anything about your father instead."

"What's there to say about him, the only thing I remember is him yelling and hitting me, fights would always break out between him and joey...joey was always there to look after me, i miss him."

"How old was joey?" Katsuki asked

"Last time I saw him was when I was seven so he would have been...fifteen." you said and you couldn't quite remember what his face looked like but you do remember those kind eyes.

"So you left your home when you were 7?" Katsuki asked, you nodded your head.

"They took me away and put me up in a statewide shelter since I didn't have any other relatives to live with when I moved here to Tokyo. It was so different." you said "There were other kids who lived with me, six others they didn't really pay me any mind but found me weird that i didn't have a quirk."

"Kids' can be real monsters, I should know." Katsuki said as you leaned back

"When i went into middle school it got more rough for me, when kids learn you are quirkless and you are an orphan they can say some nasty things, I hated when they called me a throw away child, like I had any say in the matter." you kept explaining as Katsuki kept looking at you taking in every word "Still when you don't have friends you learn find stuff to keep you occupied, and surprising I was able to sell someone of my stuff and leave when i was 18 and live on my own, it was hard and doing crunches to meet deadlines and finding different stuff to sell kept me on my feet that i didn't realize how much time had past."

"What do you mean?" Katsuki asked

"Well before I knew it I was 23 still living in Tokyo making a living selling baked goods and crafts." you said laughing under your breath then you looked at him "What about you?"

"What do you mean, what about me?"

"I mean what were you doing, you are older than me, when you graduated and became a hero overnight, i just got into highschool, so what were you doing."

"Suffering in a loveless relationship bored of the everyday mundane life because all the villains are too candy ass to try anything with me here."

"Well if i was a villain I wouldn't want to go head to head with you." you said "But come on what were you like in highschool, or middle school?"

"My friends would describe it as an asshole phase, my mother said it was a religious phase, and my dad asked her if a phase could last a lifetime." Katsuki said

"Guess your dad was right." you said

"Watch it shortly." Katsuki said as you nudged his side

"Still what should we do when we go see you parents, where did you grow up?" you sked

"You sure are asking a lot of questions, Shizuoka."

"Oh so near, mt Fuji?" you asked and he nodded his head

"Yup I loved climbing it during the new years, and then look down on everyone and how insignificant they are to me."

"Katsuki, your arrogant god complex is slipping out again." you said

"Ah what of it, I reached the top of the highest point in japan three times." Katsuki said

"Maybe you should climb the highest peak in the world then." you said "They use dead bodies as landmarks."

".....creepy, neat." Katsuki said "And maybe one day i will!"

"Although the amount of human shit on it has made it a health hazard to climb."

"Dammit!" Katsuki said "Also how the hell do you know this weird shit."

"When you are inside all day you go through the weird side of Wikipedia." you said looking out the window "I have been cooped up in here, any chance we can go to a convent store and get some junk food."

"NO that shit is bad for you, there is a reason it's called junk food." Katsuki said

"Awww come grumpy pants im getting cabin fever and i want some unhealthy food Mr. nutrition nut!"
"Nah." Katsuki said, grabbing the tv remote and you took it out of his hand and stared him down "Stop looking at me, your face is getting ugly."

"I'm gonna keep staring at you till i get some chips." you said doing a void face and being two inches away from his face

"I said no." Katsuki said as you just kept staring him down "Stop that it's creepy as hell."

"I want cookies." you said


"YAY!" you said 

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