Chapter 33: Arrival

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The drive there was painfully boring, your eyes just counting the lamp post on your way there, The car Katsuki rented also had a weird sounding whistling noise from it and kept pulling over every hour and seeing if the damn thing was going to blow up and kept commenting on how horrible this car was. You on the other hand were still very tired , when it feels like you are being hugged half to death it's hard to get some sleep, only to wake up when Katsuki slammed on the brakes to check the engine again. It was a long process and a long drive, you just rested your head back and tried to get in a few more hours of sleep, maybe if Katsuki didn't wake you up at 4 in the morning to get going you would be talking to him during this ride.

"Lousy no good piece of shit." Katsuki mumbled under his breath

"Hey what did I do?" you mumbled

"Not you! This damn car." Katsuki said turning the key in and a few click the car started up again

"I see, how much longer?" you asked

"Half and hour, then a thirty minutes  walk to the cabin." Katsuki said and started driving down the road again

"Ugh we have to walk up there?" you pouted putting your face on the window

"Stop being lazy, it's a small hike in the forest and away from annoying people." Katsuki said "besides look at the mountain."

"It is really pretty, we're gonna climb it together once the paths open back up again?" you asked

"Let's start you out with something small." Katsuki said "Now go back to dreamland i'll wake you up once we get there.'

"Okie dokie." you said the rocking back and forth of the car pulled you back to sleep, right before you heard the screeching of the car and you lunged forward the seat belt keeping you in palace but your breath getting knocked out of you in the process

"We are here." Katsuki said visibly trying to hold back a laugh

"Katsuki i thought you said you would wake me up." you said

"I did, didn't i.?" he asked getting out of the car and going to the back to pop open the trunk and sling both your duffle bags over his shoulder, you got out of the car and stretched your arms, the smell of fresh air and the forest put a smile on your face. "Okay let's get going."
"Alrighty." you said following behind him down the path, you were taking in the scenery when Katsuki stopped near the path way and was looking for something down

"What cha doing?" you asked

"Looking for my marker...there it is." Katsuki said sliding down the side of the path

"Katsuki shouldn't we stay on the path?" you asked

"My cabin is in a remote location i put markers on the trees the the officials know it as well so hurry up and get down." he said, you were hesitant as sliding down the side of the hill wasn't something you wanted to do, still you remembered your childhood and how you would run up and down hill in the back and muscle memory must've kicked in because you slid down only to crash into Katsuki you didn't budge.

"You good twinkle toes?" he asked

"Kind of." you replied "Can I hold you hand so we don't get separated?"

"Look just jump on my back, last thing i need is you twisting your ankle around here." he said crouching down, you shrugged and decided not to pass up this golden opportunity because knowing him if you didn't get on his back he would just carry you like a sack of potatoes, so you hopped on.

"You good?" you asked him

"Yeah I've dragged out five people at once on my back this is nothing." he said and started walking down to find the other red flags that were wrapped around the trees, till you finally saw his cabin in near view, you hopped off Katsuki back and ran towards the front

"Wait a second." Katsuki said picking up speed to catch up to you as you were already on the porch

"Aww it's so modest , very expected of you Katsuki." you said going around the wrap around porch as Katsuki unlocked the front door

"I haven't been here in a while so there might be some cleaning that needs done, but here it is." he said, as you popped your head in, there was a fine layer of dust on everything and you sneezed very loudly.

"I'll get to dusting, you help." Katsuki said setting your stuff down and heading to a closet and getting out a bunch of cleaning supplies, you followed him and wrapped a mask around to try and protect yourself from the dust.

"Okay let's put on some loud music and get this palace spotless!" you said

So after two hours of cleaning and rock music blaring in the cabin you were done, Katsuki was a fast cleaner, and everything looked good as new.

"Few glad that is over, Katsuki I'm hungry." you said

"Alright I'll go into town and grab some food." he said grabbing his jacket

"Can I come?" you asked

"No you stay here and relax, I'll be back in about an hour, hour and a half." He said

"Okay stay safe." you said

"I will, I will." he said closing the door and heading out, you decided to unpack both of your bags, you dragged them to the room, wondering how Katsuki could carry these and you on his back, pro heroes were on a whole other level of strength, still with Katsuki work out you have been doing on the side you were gaining a bit of muscle.

Once everything was unpacked you got out your phone, only to see no signal, ugh one of the richest pro hero and japan and he couldn't get a cabin with good Wi-Fi, still maybe he got this cabin to escape the never ending stories the internet provided. To each their own you thought as you went to the back porch and looked out into the dense forest, you could smell a lake nearby, maybe you and Katsuki could go swimming if it was permitted. Still just some time away from everything crazy and some alone time with Katsuki, what could be better? 

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