Chapter three: Ugh The Media

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Katsuki had a hectic day to say the least, and arrived home very late, after dealing with the paparazzi, he then went on patrol for another nine hours and got home at 11, and his day wouldn't end there, because she was there.

"Chuya I'm home." he said and silence, great she was going to play this game as he set his boots down by the front door

"Well well look who decided to show up." he heard her from the kitchen, she swirled a cup full of what looked like whisky.

"Have you been drinking again, i thought you said you were going to try and stop." Katsuki said

"And i thought you were going to stop losing your temper at people...i saw the headlines."

"Bastard pulled down my mask and the paparazzi showed up, so excuse me for pinning him down, damn bastard wasn't even hurt."

"Then...going behind my back to see a little skank, was that part of your day."

"I told you i was meeting someone to return something to them."

"ANd it just happened to be a girl, I see you left that part out of your little story!" Chuya yelled slamming her glass down

"Chuya, i told you someone spilt coffee on me and they gave me their handkerchief and i just wanted to return it, WHAT PART AREN'T YOU GETTING!"


"I WAS RETURNING IT TO THEM!" he yelled back, Chuya grabbed the glass the through it at him he dodged and it broke against the wall

"FUCK YOU!" she yelled storming past him and slamming there bedroom door, katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose, before picking up the pieces of broken glass and mopping up the rest of the drink, he looked at his phone.

 Katsuki couldn't help but give a small smile as he went to his designated spot on the couch, when did things get so bad with Chuya, he said looking at his left ring finger and seeing the silver band, before taking it off and putting it on the sid...

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 Katsuki couldn't help but give a small smile as he went to his designated spot on the couch, when did things get so bad with Chuya, he said looking at his left ring finger and seeing the silver band, before taking it off and putting it on the side table, and went to see what the damage is.

"Is the number 2 hero cheating on his fiancée of four years."

"Dynamight pins innocent civilians to table, seen with a woman, while he was in a disguise."

"Cheating dynamite!!!"

"Who is the lady seen with dynamite today as he pins the harasser down on the table."

Click baiting shit, and that was enough of that, he just hopped you wouldn't somehow be dragged into this dumb publicly mess, he knew the drill, in about two to three week they would move onto the next controversy.

You on the other hand were a bit worried, they found your social media and you were getting some weird messages

"Are you having an affair with him."

"Isn't he a bit too old for you!!!" "Skank, he is going to be a married man soon!"


"Can i see your feet?"

"You know he is going to be married soon right!?!?!"

"What is he like in bed, how long have you been seeing him behind his wife back!?!?!"

"Can i get one of those pins with the glitter background?"

"Arent your prices a bit too high?"

"Are you his sugar baby!?how can i get in on it!"

You knew you should stop scrolling but you just couldn't stop yourself, maybe you should send out a reptile or something to set things straight, but would they even believe you or would some of the fire go out once you addressed it, katsuki was 3 years older then you and you knew the hero was in a long engagement with a women name chuya, but you didn't know it was him till earlier, and if word got out you meet with him without knowing it was him that could just because more trouble.

"Hello everyone, no need to worry im not having an affair with anyone, i accidentally spilt coffee on him the other day and i forgot to get my handkerchief back is all, he was just there to return it to me :)"

You hovered over the post button and decided to press post and put your phone face down and rolled over and tried to get some sleep. You spent enough time looking through this drama today, you hoped that katsuki was handling it better than you.

The next morning katsuki saw your little message you posted online, some people were in disbelief that he would go out of his way to return something, and maybe katsuki was holding a soft spot. Other people called bullshit saying katsuki would never be that kind and if someone spilt coffee on him, he would break their nose, thoughts varied. Still none of it seemed to matter to Chuya, still pissed at him for meeting up with another woman.

"Im heading out." he said and all that was returned was silence, he sighed and left slamming the door a bit to hard

You on the other hand were looking through the yarn section of the local craft store, what pattern, you were thinking of maybe doing black and orange to commemorate the meeting with the prohero the other day. You checked out and went on your merry way out the story and were nearly run over by someone who was running away from a few heroes. You sighed another villain doing petty thief.

You kept walking and lo and behold you saw bakugou putting the villain you just saw into a cop car. Before you could think that maybe it wasn't the best idea to go up and say hello you were already over to the police tape waving at him, he must have seen you cause you saw him jolt a bit before quickly walking over.

"Hey what are you doing here." he said "Did you forget the whole fiasco from yesterday?"

"Kind of, guess i was just excited to see you again, and no need to worry im sure that whole thing will blow over soon." you said "I was just getting some yarn and saw you."

KAtsuki just sighed and looked down on you, for some reason he got the overwhelming urge to just squeeze you a bit, he quickly put that thought in the back of his mind as patted your shoulder.

"JUst head home okay, i can't deal with anymore rumors the PR team is having a riot about yesterday."

"Understood, later bak-Dynamight have a good rest of your day!" you said and started to walk to your empty apartment, when you saw someone outside your door.

"Scuse me?" you said

"OH sorry i must have the wrong apartment complex." a ladies voice said

"No problem, hope you find it soon." you said walking in and locking the door something about her gaze gave you the creeps but you do try to think the best in people.

You were working on your scarf when your phone started blowing up with text messages 

You didn't get a message from him after that, who would've hated you so much that they would dox you, were people really that crazy after just one misunderstanding they would try to get in a dangerous situation, without much of a choice you waited...

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You didn't get a message from him after that, who would've hated you so much that they would dox you, were people really that crazy after just one misunderstanding they would try to get in a dangerous situation, without much of a choice you waited for Bakugou.

Cute Aggression yandere katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now