Chapter 40: Realization

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Katsuki could not believe what he was seeing, why were you running away from him, like he was some sort of bad guy here, those two idiots just coming along and ruining everything. Didn't surprise him, by now he knew that you were the only one out there who could understand him, he tried not to get too mad at you for letting them get to you, well he was still mad, but not as mad as he could have been.

Kirishima went headfirst into a "battle" with his friend, well not really a battle more like a restrainment, something was up with his friend and at the end of the day it was up to him to smack some damn sense into him.

"You really think you can take me on!?" Katsuki said

"I don't think i know I can, besides I just have to keep you here long enough for Denki and (name) to get out of here," Kirishima said

"And you think I won't find her again!?" Katsuki yelled, "If you think for one second this is where it ends well you are a bigger idiot than I remember."

"Okay owch." Kirishima said

"(name) you good?" Denki asked

"I have been better." You said, "you hit that tree pretty hard is your head okay?"

"I'm used to head injuries just keep running." Denki asked, "Wish Kirishima gave me the keys now I gotta hot wire his car."

"I'm sure you will be able to figure it out," you said as a root of a tree that was protruding in front of the earth snagged your foot ns you fell down hard

"Shit, you okay?" Denki asked stopping to help you up

"Kinda, now I think I twisted my ankle, just my luck," you said wrapping an arm around Denki using him as a makeshift crutch, you hoped Kirishima could keep him at bay.

"Only bad thing is that when I got exploited into that tree my Gps got crushed," Denki said

And with one last blow to the face, Kirishima was down

"Well good job, you managed to last twenty minutes, better than you used to be." Katsuki said

"Bakugou, why are you doing this." Kirishima asked, "You are becoming way too overprotective, and too controlling, you're not even asking what she wants."

"What she wants and what she needs are two different things," Katsuki said

"Is it what she needs or what you need." Kirishima said, "I don't know why you are acting like this, but calm down we can figure this all out."

Katsuki just ignored him and began running after the two of them, as Kirishima slowly got up and was trying to keep up, but why Katsuki sure did know how to pack a punch.

"Hey (Name) look there is the path, let's go," Denki said

"What about Kiri, I think Katsuki hurt him."

"We can worry about him later, just come on," Denki said lifting you up the side of the hill, your ankle now red and swollen, as you heard frantic footsteps coming towards you. You looked back hoping to see Kiri, but your blood went cold when you saw Katsuki and his eyes full of bloodlust, you felt frozen as he looked disheveled and frantic.

And Denki screaming in the back wasn't helping as he was frantically dragging you as you kept limping.

"Shit we need some sort of miracle to get out of this one," Denki said allowed as he meant to keep that to himself, Katsuki hand sparking up to smack him in the face, and just when everything seemed lost, someone came crashing through the trees slamming Katsuki to the ground from his back.

"That was too close, you two okay?" Deku asked pulling his hood down, and Denki nearly passed out

"Izuku...what are you doing here?" you asked letting Denki fall

"Well my sixth sense was telling me something was wrong, so I flew down here, and well seeing Katsuki going on a rampage and about to blow Denkis' head off told me it was time to intervene, I should have got here sooner-"
"No no don't do that, you came just at the right moment." you cut him off looking at a now passed-out Katsuki "Kirishima was holding him off we should go get him."

"On it." Deku lifted Katsuki up and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, Deku came back ten minutes later with Kirishima wrapped around the other side "You need to get to the hospital."

"What about Katsuki," you asked

"He needs a hospital as well." Izuku said, "Don't worry we will keep this under wraps if you want it to, something isn't right here."

"I just don't know what happened, one-second Katsuki is fine and the next he is just acting like that," you said

"I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation." Izuku said, "I've known Kacchan for a while and this is definitely out of character for him."

One ambulance call later and Katsuki and Kirishima were loaded into one, Denki drove down to the hospital by himself and Izuku was with you.

"We are gonna have to do an x-ray of your foot once we get there since you continued to walk on it while it might be broken." The medic said, "what happened in the forest anyway?"

"Climbing accident." you lied

"IN your pajamas?" they asked

"Hey never said I was a good climber," you said, and the medic dropped it after that, a good thing the ones who were still awake decided to get a fake story up.

Meanwhile you were waiting for your x-rays back with Izuku next to you.

"So you noticed Kacchan was acting weird and when you confronted him about it, he went well like what I just saw?" Izuku asked

"Yes, and well... I just decided to stay because at that point why wouldn't I, I mean I don't really have anything outside my relationship with sounds pathetic."

"No don't say that, look I wasn't there when this all happened and I'm sure you have a bunch of confusing feelings about him right now, but for now let's just wait till your X-rays get back."
"Thanks, Izuku...I just wonder why this keeps happening?" you said to yourself and not really to Izuku

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked

"It's a long story, but well my brother killed my entire family since they were highly abusive, Then everyone at school just got really nasty with him, like very bad they just seemed to hate me for no reason, then Chuya who I never meet and got the wrong idea hated me so much she doxxed me, now Katsuki with his overprotectiveness, just...what is wrong with me!?"

"Nothing." Izuku said, "I use to think there was something wrong with me, but there never was so don't beat yourself up okay."
You nodded your head "Just numbed my first relationship turned out like this." You said as the doctor came in with your x-rays.

"Hello (last name)." she said "So on your record, it says here you are quirkless?"

"Yes," you said

"Well...your x-rays say otherwise, you are not double-jointed in your pinky toe."

"What?" Izuku said

"What?" you said

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