Chapter 12: This idiot.

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It was nice and breezy since February was coming to an end. It was time for hot weather, and after march would probably be cherry blossom season, you kept walking with happy go lucky on your face when your thoughts were interrupted with a sharp "HEY."

"Huh." you said looking at katsuki

"You have that spacey look on your face again, did kirishima make you uncomfortable with that question about your family."

"HUH!? No no that's not it at all, i was just thinking how the cherry blossoms are going to be blooming in a month i mean we have march then we can see the cherry blossoms."

"We!?" Katsuki asked

"Well not we as in you and me, more like we as a society, your friend didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all."

"Your hand was shaking when he asked you about your home." Katsuki said

"Oh....well it's just one of those things I rather avoid talking about, like I'm sure you have things you don't like to talk about but you deal with them." You said and he let out a sigh

"Fine, just keep up."

"My legs are shorter than yours!" you said catching up

"Not my fault." He said, man he could be an ass sometimes

"Hey look it's dynamite!" you heard someone yell "Hey who is that with him!?"

"Fuck, come one move it!" Katsuki said, as you ran next to him but since you haven had any physical exercise for a while were falling behind "dammit could you be only slower!"

"YES!" you yelled back, then were swept off your feet and swung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes "Couldn't you carry me any other way!"

"Shut up and enjoy the free ride slow poke." He replied by turning a sharp corner and picking up speed till he finally seemed to lose them he ran all the way to the beach.

"How are you not out of breath." You said

"Eh it's like caring for a bunch of grapes." Katsuki said

"Bet you wished you took that ride from kirishima now don't you?" You said kicking your shoe in the sand

"Can it shorty." He said "or you wanna go for a late night swim?"

"You wouldn't dare." You said

"Oh I wouldn't?"Katsuki mocked as you backed up, he looked like he was about to pounce, so you ran, unfortunately for you him being a pro hero made him unsurprising very fast, and he picks you up from your waist you started squirming as he headed towards the water, not wanting to go into the freezing water you latched around his neck

"Hey let go!" he said

"You let go first!" you said as he was holding you above the water, not your best choice of words as he let go of your waist as you oh so commanded him to do, you still had a tight grip on his neck as you were hanging off him like some sort of spider monkey.

"Oi you're hurting my neckyou damm barnacle!" he said as you latched your legs around him, unfortunately sand isn't the best for keeping your balance and he slipped falling forward and both of you went into the ocean with a loud splash, you spat the salt water out of your mouth as katsuki was a soggy mess next to you

"Hehe ...oops..." you said, as he put his hand in the ocean and then splashed you

"...oops." Katsuki said as you just started laughing, and he rolled his eyes, and got out of the ocean before a wave came by and hit you toppling you over "You are a walking magnet for disaster aren't you?"

Cute Aggression yandere katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now