Chapter 22: good old blackmail

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"Oh my god it is you!" the woman said "(last time) right from anzu high school right, i was in your class remember!"

"Haha how could I forget you." you said "Emiko it's been so long."

"I know right, you look so different, I see you are still holding those childish bags around."

"Haha yeah not much has changed." you said just wanting to leave

"(name) who is this." Katsuki asked

"Oh,,,this is emiko, an old classmate." you said

"HI IM emiko, and you are Dynamigth right, i saw (name) in the news and i was so shocked to learn the little scruffy nerd who sat in the back of the class was up in personal with a prohero life."

"Hahah well Emiko it's been uhm nice seeing you." you said "but i was just about to leave."

"Aww why, you know I'm with a few other old classmates, i'm sure Ami would love to see you."

"I'M surprised that you can talk to her like nothing happened." Katsuki said "Anyway i'm done hearing you flap your lips and spewing shit out, Come on (Name) lets go, you don't have to deal with this Snide extra."

"Excuse me!" Emiko said clutching her bag "I used to be her classmate, you are some hero who thinks he can just do whatever he wants."

"I can do whatever I want,and if you wanna because a scene in public, go ahead, but me and (Name) have actually important stuff to do,and not listen to the bullshit you keep yapping out."

"(name) are you really gonna let him talk to me like that!?" She said

"...Emiko just went back, and leave me alone." you said, katsuki grabbed your wrist and walked you away from a very flustered Emiko who was left standing there.

" are hurting me." you said as he was gripping your wrist a bit to much, he let go of you stared down on you

"What was that?" he asked

"What was what?" you asked back

"Why didnt you just tell her to fuck off!" Katsuki asked

"I..well i...well i just wanted to leave." You said looking down

"(name) you can't just let people walk all over you, if i wasn't there she probably would've dragge you back to that ai girl."

"Ami." you corrected him

"Don't give a shit about her name." Katsuki said "You are just...just...why can't you defend yourself."

"I'm scared of them." you said "I was hoping i hic would never have to see hic any of them again."

"Come on, quit the sobbing." Katsuki said taking out your handkerchief from the face and rubbing your face with it "you looked like a deer in the headlight, she is just some petty bitch from highschool who bullied you, all she can do is try to bring you down to make her feel better about herself."

"Sniff, i know that but i just wondered why they hated me so much, was it my accent, or my clothes, or just what was it."

"Who cares, look if a bad person hates you it usually means you are doing something right." Katsuki said "Now quit the blubbering, come on i'll buy you some mochi or some other sweet shit you like."

"Sniff okay." you said

"Hey ami you will never believe who i ran into...(Name) i know right and guess what she was with the pro hero so looks like all those rumor are true...she is still like a little mouse could barely speak up for herself, oh and the best part is he dragged her away and got all pissy at me, wait till he learns just how weird she is, still i wonder how she managed to weasel her way into his life it's like back in highschool be quiet and docile and people will feel bad for you and defend you, god she pisses me off....haha i wish i'll be back with the group in a second." Emiko said and hung up not seeing Katsuki walking behind her, he had left you in the sweet shop with his card and told you to go nuts which would give him enough time to talk to this person.

"Hey!" Katsuki said and Emiko stopped and looked back "Good I caught up to you."
"UGh what do you want." Emiko said

"I need to talk to you." Katsuki said

"Not interested." She said

"Oh I wasn't asking, also if you don't stop I can arrest you for harassment and intimidation of a civilian." Katsuki said and Emiko eye twitched in annoyance.

"Ugh you heroes always use underhanded tactics, fine what did you want to tell me!" she asked

"Why exactly did you bully (name) so much in highschool." Katsuki asked

"That's why you followed me, fien you really want to know why (name) got messed with so much, is because she was annoying okay, she was always sucking up to the teachers,a tattle tell, and worst part was she always judge use tokyo people, just because she didnt come from a city."

"How exactly?" Katsuki asked looming over

"What do you mean how, she would never talk to us like ever, she would never participate in class with us and always wanted to work alone, she thought she was better then use, and if she was gonna think we were a bunch of vain city people then might as well prove her wrong."

"So in other words you harassed a girl who you didn't understand and was socially awkward because you thought she was judging you." Katsuki said

"Did you not hear a thing I said, ugh I'm done talking to you, I told you what you wanted to know." Emiko said and continued walking as Katsuki stopped the record button on his phone. He really did hope she enjoyed the cherry blossoms today, not sure if she would enjoy the upcoming days.

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