Chapter 16: That's gonna leave a mark

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When you walked into Katsuki agency you saw Ayane at the front desk when she saw you she stood up and yelled

"THERE YOU ARE, THE BOSS HAS BEEN HOGGING YOU!" She yelled and you covered your ears

"Ayane, I thought i told you to evacuate this morning." Katsuki said his arms crossed and she just rolled her eyes.

"You said to be out of the city by 8, it is only 7 I still have an hour, besides I wanted to see (Name), you have been hogging her and never bringing her by!"

"Out." Katsuki said

"Ugh fine you old grump!" She said grabbing her bag and leaving, but stopped next to you and whispered "The boss can be a real hard ass sometimes."

you stifle a laugh as she left and Katsuki looked down at you "What did she say?"

"Nothing that was untrue." You snickered

"What did she tell you?" he asked again

"Just how much of a great boss you are." you replied, Katsuki rolled his eyes knowing you wouldn't snitch on her.

"Well let's get you into the safe room." Katsuki said as you followed him down the stairs and he opened up the familiar room, you walked in and sat your stuff down on the bed

"Now (name) promise me you wont come out no matter what you hear, even if there is a large rumbling, you won't come out." Katsuki said in an usually low stern voice, you nodded

"I swear on my mothers grave" You said

"Okay I'll be back in about two to three days." He said walking out

"Wait." You said and he stopped dead in his tracks and looked back at you with a "hm?"

"Stay safe okay." You said

"I will." Katsuki said as he shut the door and you sighed as you were left alone, a familiar melancholic feeling, not like you haven't been alone before but being with Katsuki and his friends just left you feeling hallow in a way you didn't know was possible, you rolled over on the bed in a fetal position and stared at the wall, what was there to do?

You grabbed your phone and your hand was shaking maybe people were finally over the whole rumor of Katsuki cheating on his fiancée, you opened up and looked him up and nope if anything it just seemed worse, someone caught a photo of Katsuki getting you back from the hotel and well people assumed the worst, they connected it back and it was all apparent that it was the same person as before, there you went and ended up making more problems for him- no-no it was Chuya fault for jumping to the worst conclusion, she was behind all this and tried to hurt you and ended up making things worse for herself, and these idiot were just board and making up there own narratives to entertain themselves.

You tossed you phone on the foot of your bed, who needed them, who needed anyone anymore, all you needed was to get a new apartment soon and then you could finally get back to your everyday normal life, you took out your knitting needles and went back to work on that scarf that you wanted to make for Katsuki but got sidetracked on.

You had ended up making five scarfs, two pairs of socks, and half of a sweater when you finally decided to doze off in bed, nothing seemed to be happening above it was so quiet. You kept looking at your phone and waited for something, you felt bad canceling everyone's orders, you kept waiting, still even if there was only bad stuff about you going on it was weird you hadn't gotten one message, too weird. You opened up your app and to your surprise your account was gone, you felt like someone just punched you in the gut, did so many people report it that they took it down, no wonder you haven't gotten one message. Still you should wait till this whole thing blows over and then make a new account. You tried to sleep it off you wondered what Katsuki was doing right about now, probably waiting for something interesting to happen.

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