Chapter 30: Meet the parents

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"HEY DUMBDUMB HURRY UP OR WE ARE GONNA MISS THE DAMN TRAIN!" You heard Katsuki yell at you as you were tying your shoe, finally looping up the bunny ears.

"I AM GRUMPY FACE!" you shouted back and ran out dragging your suitcase behind you, Katsuki taking it from your hands and walking outside. "Katsuki, you seem on edge lately, you are louder than usual."

"Oh can it." he said "Can't believe i got you to convince me to visit my old hag."

"Again why do you call her that?" You asked trying to grab your bag, but he kept a firm hold on it.

"Oh trust me when you meet her you will know." Katsuki said

"Well it's just that hag means a witch who looks like an ugly old woman, so when you say old hag you are being redundant in your insults, I thought you were better than this." you said shaking your head

"So you have decided to be smart today huh." he said checking his phone "scared the last of your brain had shriveled up from all that damn junk you eat."

"Hey I'm not dumb-" you said as you heard a loud car honk, only to turn your head towards the sound to see Kirishima waving at you two, you happily waved back.

"HEY DUMBASS YOU TRYING TO ALERT THE WHOLE DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD!" Katsuki yelled at him causing more people to look your way, Kirishima just laughed

"Haha don't be so down, I'm driving you down to the train station right?"

"Whatever." Katsuki said brushing past him and putting both of your luggage in the back

"So what's the plan?" Kirishima asked as he helped you into the back of the truck only to have Katsuki butt in and help you in instead.

"Folks are picking me up front the train station, staying the night having dinner, leaving the next morning to my cabin."

"The one by the mountains?" Kirishima asked

"Unless I slept bought, another cabin, yup." Katsuki said rolling his eyes

"I don't know man, you sure that is safe, the climbing season isn't till July there isn't gonna be anyone up there." Kirishima said as Katsuki closed the door.

"It will be fine." Katsuki replied getting back into the passenger seat

"If you say so." Kirishima replied "also happy birthday."
"Unhun thanks." Katsuki said pulling his phone out

"Haha so grumpy is it because you are turning into an old man, because he feels like he is getting out of his prime." Kirishima laughed elbowing Katsuki in the side.

" Twenty seven isn't old shitty hair!" Katsuki yelled at his friend

"Yeah but all the stress you are under. I am starting to see grey hairs." Kirishima said

"No you don't!" Katsuki said, as you reached hands over and petted his hair

"Grey hairs or not it's still full and fluffy." you said massaging his scalp, Katsuki seemed to calm down

"We have out very own Bakugou whisper here." Kirishima said

"Just shut up and drive." Katsuki said

Once you three pulled up to the Train station you helped them get the bags out, before Katsuki snatched them out of your hands

"Oh one more thing, Kaminari got you a birthday card." Kirishima said, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out an envelope.

"Geez if this is another shook card I'm gonna kill him." Katsuki said

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