Chapter 20: We need to talk

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Katsuki was not joking around when he said it would be a grueling two weeks, by the end of week one you were able to do a push up, even if his tactics were rough they did work, the only thing that seemed to be an issue was your hand, Katsuki was focusing more on the major groups of muscles in your arm and overall strength, but the intrigant detail that was finger movements was up to you, you kept doing them before you could sleep and half way through the second week was when you were finally able to pick up a cup and bring it to your mouth without it falling out of your grip and it falling all over the floor.

"For the last time i told you i was taking three weeks off after the incident so you can tell those damn vultures that i said they can all kiss my ass!" You woke up to the sound of katsukis voice yelling on the phone, you got up to go and check on him.

"Katsuki you okay?" you asked as he tossed his phone on the couch

"I'm fine, tis everyone else who seems to have a problem, it's always one thing after another, wish i could just permanently silence those bastards." he said

"That's usually called murder Katsuki." you said sitting next to him "you seem to have a lot on your mind."

"Yhea i have a lot of questions, not to you but too...well yeah her." Katsuki said running a hand through his hair

"Why don't you go and see Chuya then maybe it will help you get some closure i mean." you said

"Maybe, she just said something to me and she has been spouting her mouth off on how I'm such a horrible partner, like she didn't try to blow me up."

"... it's time like these where I'm glad I never dated." you said "still what did she say to you?"

"Something along the lines with the way I am I'm always gonna be alone." he said leaning back

"Well that's just dumb, you have a lot of great qualities that I'm sure plenty of people love." you said looking at him, he looked tired those under eye bags weren't looking so good. "You should get some rest."

Katsuki just nodded his head and pat down his pillow on the couch

"No, go back to your bed. I've been hogging it for long enough." you said pulling him off the couch, bet he wishes he didn't push you so hard now.

"You really aren't gonna let that up are you?" he said still laying on the floor as you loomed over him

"I am not, now up, up and going to bed." you said as Katsuki got up and grabbed you around the waist and lifted you up "Hey I said the bed is back in your possession!"

"I heard you." Katsuki said tossing you on one side of the bed, you nearly bounced off as he put a pillow wall in the middle of the bed "come on I'm not going to do anything weird."

You went under the blanket and mumbled "everything you do seems weird..."

"Heard that." he said rolling over and you popped your head over the pillow wall and stared at the back of his head "i can feel your eyes on me what do you want women." He said as you placed a my melody plush next to his head and retreated back to your spot on the bed.

You work up to the sound of Katsuki phone alarm. You lazily rubbed your eye open as Katsuki turned it off.

"How did you sleep." you said still waking up

"Better than ever." Katsuki said stretching his arm over his head and walking to his closet "I have some unfinished business to get done with."

"Are you going to see Chuya?" you asked

"Yup, need to know what the hell she was thinking." Katsuki said

"Well Katsuki would it be okay if i went with you?" you asked

Cute Aggression yandere katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now