Chapter 32: An early gift

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You flopped on the bed as you were full from dinner and about to go into a food coma.

"Ahhh dinner was so good and filling." you said rubbing your tummy then looking at Katsuki who had a grumpy look on his face "you okay Katsuki you look grumpier then usual?"

"I'm fine." he said taking his shirt off and putting on his pajamas

"No you aren't, come on tell me what's wrong, was seeing your mom that stressful for you?" you asked

"No." he said

"Was it because she gave you all the cooking duty?" you asked

"Stop analyzing me." Katsuki said "I said I'm fine."

"Something is bothering you and I can tell Suki." you said, he just huffed and stepped over you on the bed and got under the covers.

"I said nothing is wrong." he said, your furrowed your eyebrows and then just sighed

"Well you are making me feel bad about something, you barely talked to me today." You said "you barely said a word to me at the dinner table."

"(name) for the last time it is nothing." he said his back still turned from you, you took in a deep breath, Katsuki when upset was usually very quite and something was on his mind, was it Kirishima comment about him getting older was he worried about his ability as a hero, was it his mother who he had a complicated relationship with pulling on his ear, or his childhood friend/rival showing up unexpectedly.

"Okay fine if nothing is wrong then I'm just gonna." you said getting under the sheet and becoming a jetpack on his back.

"Hey what are you doing!?" he said as you put your icy cold hands up his shirt "HEY!"

"What nothing is wrong so you should be fine with me cuddling you all over huh suki, my whittle suki is turning 27." you cooded, you knew how much he hated baby talk, but if nothing was wrong then surely he wouldn't mind

"The hell are you doing women." he said trying to break free of your vice like grip "When The hell did you get so strong!?"
"I've had a good trainer." you said planting a smooch on his neck then bite his cheek

"What the hell!" he said "you are so weird."

"Nom Nom." you said "I can't help it. I love my suki so much. I just wanna smother him with love and affection."

"Who are you and what have you done with (name)?" Katsuki said finally preying off your arms then tried to get your damn legs off only for you to relatch your arms around him "Hey get off me you crazy lady!"

"Nahhhh~~" you sang and nuzzled into his back

"Okay fine I'll tell you what's wrong just stop acting so damn weird!" he said, and you let go "okay finally, it's dumb but...i got jealous..."

"Huh?" you said "But of what?"

"Well you seemed to be pretty close with that damn nerd deku, and with my folks as well, it was your idea to come up here for my birthday, and well you were spending it with everyone else besides me." he said

"Oh...Katsuki I'm sorry." you said "I was just trying to get them to like me, i mean i wanted your parents to like me, and well it was a surprise to see Izuku there as well, and well he just kept talking and talking to me."

"Yhea he talks a lot, and what about that gift he gave you huh, you liked it better then anything i got you before."

"No, I liked it because it has two of my favorite things together." you said, Katsuki was just being cranky meaning he was getting embarrassed. "Don't worry Katsuki, you are my number one in my life, and we still have the cabin where you will have my undivided attention."

"Fine..." he said crossing his arms "still mad you didn't give me the time of day today though."

"I'll make up for it, don't worry." you said planting a kiss on his cheek and then walking over to your bag " wanted to give you tomorrow on your actual birthday but seems like you need it now."

"What is it?" he asked as you pulled out a box and opened it.

"Well I was trying to hold it to keep it safe, but you tossed it so much it's ruined now, but it's a birthday cake, an autumn spice cake with cream cheese frosting, not too overly sweet, but still a cake but it's kind of ...smooshed." you said showing him the remains of what was left of the cake

"I'll still eat it." he said taking it

"That's good I wanted just the two of us to eat it, also I saved up and got you something else." you said handing him a small box, he undid the orange ribbon and looked inside to see a compass.

"For mountain climbing?" he asked

"Yup, and I engraved the back myself." you said as Katsuki flipped it over and saw

"To Katsuki Bakugou the man who always finds his way to my heart"

"I know it's kind of cheesy, but i hope you like it." you said as Katsuki looked at you then pulled you into a tight hug

"Thanks airhead." he said

"Again with the insults Katsuki." you said patting his back and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hey don't just do weird things like that." he said

"Love you too Katsuki." you said "now stop being a sourpuss and get some sleep."
"I will." he said placing the compass back into the box, then looking at you getting comfy in bed, he pulled the sheets over himself, the placed an arm around you and gave you quick peck on the forehead, all while one thought ran though his mind, he would do anything to keep this feeling of comfort forever, and how he would keep it like this no matter what it took.

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