Chapter 23:Here is a gift!

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"Katsuki, Katsuki look at what I got!" You said showing him the bag of goodies "I also got you some spicy stuff since you seem to enjoy it a lot, also you took a while using the restroom."

"Long line, a lot of people come out here." Katsuki said "did you get your fill of the cherry blossoms."

"Sure did I'm gonna press some of them once we get back!" you said chewing on a bun, you handed him a spicy jerky stick. "Thanks again for letting me buy some sweets, you have like nothing in your house."

"Well it's not like I eat that type of stuff anyways." Katsuki said "Also don't eat with your mouth open!"

"Yeah okay whatever you say." you said as you and Katsuki headed back to his apartment and you collapsed on the couch eating some more sakura mochi you saw Katsuki bring in two packages.

"What did you order?" you asked

"They are for you." he said handing you the boxes, and you raised an eyebrow

"What is it?" you asked

"Well if you open it you will find out, come on you don't have to wait till Christmas." Katsuki said as you opened the box and the mochi dropped out of your mouth

"Oh no no Katsuki I can't accept this!" you said

"Why the hell not?" Katsuki asked

"I would be fine with a 200 dollar laptop, not the latest state of the art laptop!" you said "These things for like 3500!"

"It was 4000." Katsuki said correcting you


"(Name) how many times do I need to tell you, YOU DON'T NEED TO PAY ME BACK!" Katsuki said "Also it's pretty rude when you don't accept a gift."

"But's FOUR THOSAND DOLLARS!" you yelled back, as Katsuki handed you the other box

"OH no you don't!" you said handing him back the box, and he shoved it back to you

"WOULD YOU JUST OPEN IT!" He yelled, and you just nodded and sure enough there it was the latest phone model

"Katsuki these are like one thousand dollars..." you said

"And?" Katsuki said

"AND!? THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY!" You yelled

"Maybe to you, but not to me." Katsuki said and you felt like slapping him over the head

"....don't remind me that I am broke." you said as you collapsed on the couch and Katsuki just patted your back

"Just enjoy the fucking gifts would ya." he said

"So much money. Rich people really do live in a different reality from our own..."

"I can still hear you." Katsuki said pushing you off the couch you are still in a state of disbelief at how much disposable income this man had. "Well once you are down from your dislocated state I'll be in my office."

"Okay..." you said staring off into the ceiling and Katsuki got up and left, he sat down on his office chair and called up Giju on a video chat.

"Hello boss long time no see." Giju said

"Ah shut it, did you get the recording I sent you? I have a feeling this will get everyone off her dam back."

"I did, it's all edited and ready to be put online, but boss are you sure you want to do this."

"I don't see why not, once people learn that the women they have been harassing online have gone through bullying they will focus their hate on this Emiko instead, and I'm in every right to do so, the media will suction cup on anything that will stir up drama."

"True the Pr team had a lot of fun with this audio, I can see it now Pro hero dynamite defends bully victim who you have all been bullying." Giju said "still boss not like you to use such underhanded tactics you are more of a fist first ask questions later."

"True, someone said to me that it can only escalate a situation, also hitting a woman never looks good no matter what context it is." Katsuki said

"Well we will upload it soon enough, I'm logging off have a good rest of your night boss hope to see you come in soon."

"I'll be in soon enough." Katsuki said ending the call and heading back out to you who was still on the floor

"Hey ditzy get up, come on I'll help you set up your phone, they were able to retrieve your sim card." Katsuki said nudging you with his foot

"Ughhhhh." was all you replied with as he dragged you back up on the couch and got to work with getting your new phone set up, and put on a box for a phone case

"Katsuki, this phone case is not cute at all." you pouted

"Not supposed to be cute, it's supposed to be protection." Katsuki said "And how come I'm your only contact here!"

"How many times do you have to remind me I have no friends or family!" you said

"Oh right." Katsuki said "here set your background."

"Fine fine...which one pompompurin or my melody?"

"I have no idea what any of those things are." Katsuki said

"pompompurin is a cute dog with a hat, my melody is a cute bunny with a flower or bow!" you explained

"Fine, the rabbit then." Katsuki said

"It's my melody!" you said


"IT'S MYYYYYY MELODY!" You yelled back trying to hold back your laughter


"Nah i'll do pompompurin." you said sticking your tongue out at him, and he put you in a head lock and started ruffling your head "ahhhhhhh!!!"

"Put the damn rabbit on." Katsuki said

"HER NAME IS MY MELODY!" You said trying to wriggle out of his grasp, he was just laughing at your futile attempt to escape, till you bite down on his arm not enough to break skin but you knew how much of a germ freak this man was.

"...did you just bite me!?" he said letting you go "ew i got your dam salvia on me."

You just blew a raspberry in response and then laughed at his response as he went to wash it off, when his phone went off. You looked at it and saw the name Old hag pop up

"Katsuki, who is old hag?" you asked, was it Chuya?

"My mom is calling me again." he said walking over and hanging up

"Why didn't you answer?" you asked

"She is just gonna talk my ear off for the next hour...also you better not have filled up on sweets because I'm making dinner and we still got your arm exercises to do."

"Why must you torture me in these ways?" you asked

"Stop yapping or I'll make you do 20 pull ups." he said, and you shut your mouth not wanting to awaken personals trainer Katsuki again.

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