Chapter 13: Runaway

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"You look like shit." Katsuki said as you stumbled out the kitchen

"Didn't sleep well...where is the coffee?" You asked

"I usually just go out and get some when I need it, I don't like to have that additive stuff in the house." Katsuki said as you just blinked at this health freak

"Righttt." You said grabbing a glass of water, the reason you didn't sleep so well was because you kept tossing and turning all night, everything bad that was happening was your fault, if you don't harp on him to stay and talk to you longer then he wouldn't be in this mess, and it didn't help you were just doom scrolling about this situations, You realized Bakugos heroes imagine has always been rocky since was very brash, but a lot of people hated cheaters more then villains it seemed and from the looks of it, that weird guy from yesterday did bring up a good point, anyone who heard of this would think you two were together.

"Well I'm leaving for work, don't set anything on fire while I'm gone." Katsuki said putting his shoes on

"I won't." You replied as he left the door closing on the way out, you slowly got off the counter and got dressed in your day clothes, you packed up your essentials and what you could, you couldn't stay here any longer if word got out Katsuki would be in even hotter water then now, you got a note and pen and wrote down

"Thanks for all you have done for me, i don't wish to be anymore of a burden then i have been, i will figure everything out from here, I'll text you my new address please bear with my stuff in your house for just a bit longer."

With that you left the large penthouse and were walking down the street, you would just stay at a hotel, you should of put your foot down more when he decided to let you move in for a bit, he may of been a pouty mouth and brash but at least he was trying his best to fix the situation.

You found a pretty crummy run down hotel you could stay in for the night, you walked to room 506 and entered, didn't smell the best so you sat on the floor and put your hands over your eyes and rubbed them and let out a long sigh, why did you have to impose all your problems on someone who was dealing with his own life.

It was times like these you wish you still knew where your eldest brother was, still you knew you shouldn't be thinking about him, after what he did, still anyone to talk to, a family, nah you were a child of the state you didn't have a family anymore, you haven't since you were seven, again you should stop thinking about it, you gripped your arm and tried to retina steady breath as you pulled out your hello kitty plush and squeezed it.

"I'm going to be okay, it's going to be okay, ill figure it out on my own, I'm not gonna drag someone into my problems that I caused, I caused it I'll fix it, I'll fix it."

Later that night Katsuki had returned from patrol and Ayane was still clacking away at her computer

"Hi boss how was the patrol?" She asked

"Boring as shit, like usual, I see you are slacking again." Katsuki said

"Not true i was here when they fixed the front of the building, also how are (Names) ears?" She asked

"They are fine." Katsuki said "Make sure everyone filed the paperwork the police department sent over for today's arrest."

"Aren't you gonna do it, since we are "inadequate at filing something as simple as this"" Ayane said air quoting

"Well don't mess it up, I have to get home anyways."

"Your little missy waiting for you?" she mocked

"Shut up before I fire you." Katsuki said

"Boss if you really wanted to fire me, you would have a long time ago." She said, he just scoffed and headed home, and opened the door expecting a hello or something but just silence, did you fall asleep? He walked in and looked down at the note you had left him, before he quickly crumpled it up in his fist and dialed you, it went straight to voicemail.

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