A Puzzling Pick Up

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AN: Alright guys, it's cover your butt time.  I do not have the rights to these amazing Supernatural characters but since this is Fan Fiction it is considered a transformative work.  I absolutely love Supernatural and decided to write myself into it.  I may refer to things that happened in the series but my story is from my imagination. I hope you enjoy!

Sitting at a table doing her crossword puzzle, while also muttering the correct answer to every question from the trivia show on the tv; she didn't seem to notice the stares. She wouldn't have looked too out of place, if she were at some coffee shop or a cafe or something like that. However, she was at a bar, well... a dive bar to be exact, and she is one of the few patrons to even grace it's doors that night. She didn't order much, just a glass of water and some fries, yet both stood mostly untouched as she worked on her papers.

She stood out for many reasons, including requesting said trivia show be put on the tv, but the thing that brought her the most attention is that she had been there for about four hours. Just munching on fries, sipping on water, completing a few crosswords, and answering the questions under her breath, for four hours! Other than the occasional rolling of her eyes to grumble that the game show had gotten their information wrong, her head remains buried in her papers. The only time she lifts her gaze and pauses her odd behavior is when the door opens and in walks a tall man with sad green eyes, who looks road worn and slightly out of sorts.

With a look of recognition appearing in her eyes, she puts her pencil down, and stands up. "Finally!" she breathes out a sigh of relief and pushes her long brown hair behind her.

As he walks over to the bar and orders a drink, she walks towards him and pauses just briefly before she slides into the seat next to him. Turning his head almost instantly, as he sees her sit beside him, he gives her a rather dazzling smirk.

"Hey there, beautiful." he says, turning his smirk into a radiant smile.

"Hi." she barely gets out, a little thrown by how good looking he actually is close up.

"What's a girl like you doing in a dump like this?" He asks angling his body closer to hers. The bartender brings over his drink and he takes a slow sip from the glass, his gaze combing over her features.

"Looking for you actually." She states with a slight redness creeping up her neck.

"Seems you've found me, now what?" He says arching his eyebrow and smiling wider, as he sets his drink down.

"Can we go somewhere more private, to talk?" She inquires quickly looking away as she finishes her question.

"Sure, Sweetheart. Let me finish this drink and we'll go... talk." He says, making sure the word 'talk' came out in a deep, sultry way. Then he downs the last of his whiskey and gets up from his stool looking rather eager for what is to come.

As he consumes the last of his drink, she swiftly goes back to her table and gathers her things before returning to stand in front of him. He smiles down at her and puts his hand on her lower back leading her towards the door.

Stepping out into the night air she takes a deep breath and smiles to herself, liking the feeling of his hand on the small of her back. She looks over at him and thinks, He has no clue what's coming next.

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