Where Did She Go?

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Easing the car into the garage, Dean parks, grabs the extra food, and enters the bunker to an eagerly awaiting Sam. To Sam's dismay, Dean ignores him and goes straight to the kitchen to put away his food.

Sam follows after him with an annoyed look on his face. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"How'd it go?"

"Great." Dean can't help but smile thinking about it. "We had a lot of fun."

Sam lifts a brow at him. "How much fun? You didn't kiss her, did you?"

"No, well, not more than the usual, on her head or her hand." He is still getting a glare from Sam. "I've been doing that all along."

"At least no saliva was swapped right?"

"No." Dean pauses and touches his cheek, where she kissed him mere minutes ago. "She did kiss my cheek."

"Do you feel any different because of it?"

He tilts his head to the side and thinks. "No, I feel the same way I have since the night I met her. I want her by me all the time and to stay there."

"Well at least it's the same and not greater than what you've been feeling."

"We almost kissed but Jody called about a case and interrupted."

Shaking his head in disbelief, Sam sighs. "You can't kiss her Dean!"

"I know but it's hard not to, especially when we're alone." Dean starts heading towards his room but stops. "Hey, didn't Jody call you?"

"Yeah, I got a call from Jody, too. But she was more interested in the fact that you were out on a date, than talking about the case."

"She didn't really say much about the case to me but I did tell her I was busy."

"She said something isn't right in Brookings and according to the footage she sent, it's definitely our kind of thing."

"There's footage?"

"Yeah, come on, I'll show you." Sam turns and gestures for Dean to follow him.

They both peer down at Sam's laptop, as Sam brings up the clip. "Based on the video, what do you think it could be?"

"Well, it looks like..."

Dean cuts Sam off mid sentence. "Wait! I have an idea." Dean slides the laptop over to him and begins typing furiously.

"Yeah, sure, you can use my computer." Sam grouses.

Muttering to himself, Dean doesn't hear Sam at all. "Ah, here we go." Dean points at the screen.

"What am I looking at?" Sam asks, cocking his head to the side.

"We can follow her on the traffic cameras and find out where she lives."

"We know a little bit about Mae but we have no idea where she lives or where she goes when she's not with us."

"Oh, good idea!"

"See, there she is on this camera." Dean pulls up the next one. "She should show up on this one within minutes of the first."

"I don't see her anywhere."

"That doesn't make sense." Dean rewatches the footage. "This is the only road she could take to get out of here."

"Where did she go?"

"Is the camera broken?"

"Check the next one that she would pass."

"Hold on." Dean pulls up a few different cameras. "There are three that she could have passed."

The boys watch the three different footages but her vehicle doesn't show up. "Wow, she just disappeared. What did she do, turn her car invisible?"

"No!" Dean scoffs. "But that would be pretty cool and helpful in some situations."

"This is crazy. This girl is such a mystery."


Driving down the road and away from Dean, she smiles and sighs. I wish I didn't have to leave him. But I need to get back to my house and to the safety of my sanctuary. In the blink of an eye, she is in front of a small cabin in a very secluded and hard to get to wooded mountain area. Turning off the engine of her car, Mae picks up her leftover ribs and gets out of the vehicle to grab her bag.

She approaches the door of the cabin and begins chanting in an ancient language. the door glows purple and opens. She goes in and chants once more to close and seal the door back up, then puts her things away. Once she is finished, she sits down in her favorite puffy leather chair, near a fireplace. With a wave of her hand a fire ignites in the hearth and soon the room feels warm and cozy. Reaching next to her she picks up a book and opens to her bookmark, she tries to read but her mind won't let her, it continues to wander back to Dean and the wonderful date they just had. Is there a way to be around him more? The bunker is protected but not as much as here but could I bolster their security, so I could stay off the radar? Would they even let me?

Sighing, she lets out a small growl of frustration. "What is this man doing to me? Why do I even want to be around him all the time?"

Putting her bookmark back in the same place it was prior, she has a suspicious thought. What if this is just part of his plan to pull me out into the open, so he can get to me? He would do something like that. With these new thoughts in her mind, she has a lot to think about, so for now the book will have to wait.

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