Checking on Sam

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A/N: Sam's rescue is a part of Supernatural canon and I will not be putting it on here, my story will be all my own plots. So if you want to know how Sam was freed from the British Men of Letters check out Supernatural the tv series, season 12 episode 2.  I will sometimes refer to something that happens in the show but would never take a plot that isn't mine.

About a week after Sam is rescued, Mae arrives at the bunker and raises her hand to knock on the door. Pausing with her hand in the air, her resolve starts to waver and she begins to rethink her decision. Just as she is turning to leave the door swings open to reveal Dean with his gun at the ready.

"So, it was you setting off our perimeter alarms. What are you doing here?" he asks, as he brings his gun down.

She lowers her head, averting her eyes from his scrutinizing stare. "I came to check on Sam."

"Should I even ask how you found out he's home?" Dean dry pans at her.

She shrugs her shoulders and smiles broadly at him. He sighs while shaking his head and leads her down the spiraling metal stairs to the main room in the bunker. A small gasp escapes her lips, as she stares around the room.

"This place is amazing." A smile spreads across her face.

He nods his head. "Yeah, it's pretty great."

Scanning the room her eyes fall upon Sam, who just came from another room, carrying a rather large leather bound book. "Hi Sam!" she chirps out excitedly.

"Hi." He gives Dean an inquisitive look.

"This is the girl who found me at that bar." Dean explains.

"I'm Mae, nice to meet you!" she says holding out her hand for him to shake.

He shakes her hand, as he says, "Right, you're the one who showed up outta nowhere, gave him info to help rescue me, and left him beguiled."

She simply stares back at him in confusion as he continues. "Yeah, I was starting to think that he made you up."

"Nope, I'm real." she replies. "How are you doing?"

"Pretty good considering." he answers. "Would you like a drink? We have beer, an assortment of liquors, water, uh, I think some milk."

"Water sounds great."

He heads off and leaves Mae alone with Dean. They stand there unsure of what to say, a few moments later Sam returns with a metal cup full of water.

"There you go." he says, handing it to her, keeping his focus on her as she takes it.


Both brothers watch as she puts the cup to her lips and drinks its contents. She smiles as she lowers the cup. The brothers look at each other and then back to her.

"Nice and cold." She gives them a knowing look. "Did I pass the test?"

"Sorry." Sam apologies. "But we had to."

"I understand. Can't be too careful." she replies with a soft smile.

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