Movie Night

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Sitting in the den with the food spread out like a buffet, the trio debates over which movie to watch while they eat. Dean is shooting down all of Sam's movie suggestions, and sending his brother death stares because Sam had somehow wrangled the seat on the couch next to Mae, while Dean ends up in a recliner by himself.

"No chick flicks, c'mon Man." Bemoans Dean.

Sam throws his head back in frustration. "That's not even a chick flick."

"What about the cover?" Dean says pointing.

"Ok, I'm about ready to just let Mae pick and you can go eat in your room."

Dean gets up from his chair and heads towards the door. "I'm gonna need more beer."

"Do you need more water?" Sam asks as he gets up to follow his brother.

Mae checks her glass. "That'd be great!"

Walking down the hall to the kitchen, Sam runs a hand through his hair, wondering what's going on with his brother. He enters the kitchen and gives Dean a 'what was that?' face.

"Care to explain why you suddenly hate every movie I throw out?"

"Yeah, all of them suck." Dean answers.

Sam rolls his eyes and shakes his head.


Sam crosses his arms. "What's up with you tonight?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dean dismisses the question.

"Yeah ok." Sam heads to the fridge and pulls out two bottles, one beer, one water. "I'm gonna go see if Mae picked out a movie yet."

"Oh right, I'm sure the two of you are gonna have tons of fun on the couch together... laughing and bonding... all cozy and cuddled up." Dean mumbles out the last part.

"What do you mean?" Sam scoffs. "We aren't cuddled up."


"Oh... so that's it!" Sam's eyes open wide in realization. "You wanna be all cozy with her on the couch."

"What? No!" He says avoiding Sam's gaze. "I... I don't want her nestled in my arms, all close and..." Dean stops as he finally looks up at his brother's grinning face. "You know what, shut up."

"Right Dean. So I guess you wouldn't mind at all if I went back to my seat on the couch and put my arm around the back." Sam chuckles as he sees Dean's eyes bug out. "Or maybe I'll stay in the kitchen for a little longer, letting you have first pick of the seats."

Unsure of what Sam will do, Dean squints his eyes in scepticism. "Uh..."

Sam puts his hand on his brother's shoulder for reassurance. "I think I'll choose option two."

Dean grabs the water bottle from Sam. "Whatever floats your boat, Sammy." He grins broadly as he saunters back towards the den.

Strolling into the den Dean's eyes snap over to the couch where Mae sits with the remote in hand. He makes his way over and sits where Sam was a few minutes prior. She smiles over at him as he hands her the water.

"Two drinks in one night, this is starting to become a trend."

Dean opens his mouth to reply but never gets the chance, as Sam enters at that very moment. "So what are we watching tonight?"

Mae motions to the tv. "Let's press play and find out."

Sam hurries to sit in the chair and their heads turn simultaneously to the tv as she hits play. The screen lights up and a very familiar theme song starts to play.

Dean's head snaps back to Mae. "No... you've got to be kidding me!"

"Do you not like it?"

Dean's face lights up with delight. "I love Scooby Doo. This is one of my favorite shows! Especially these, they are the originals."

"Where did you find this? I thought I hid them from him." Sam puts his head in his hands.

"It was on the shelves with the other dvds." She explains. "Would you like something else Sam?"

"No!" Dean protests.

"It's fine, at least it's been a few months since the last time." Sam gives her a half hearted smile. "Be prepared to watch the entire season."

Leaning forward they set to making plates for themselves, each piling on different food. Once they have all that they want they settle back into their spots and dig into their food. All three laugh at Shaggy's joke, when Sam glances over and sees something truly amusing.

Smiling over at her, Sam chuckles at Mae as she devours a wing with a rapturous look on her face. "Guess you like the wings."

"Yes! They are so good."

Dean can't help but laugh along. "We told you they were good."

"Best frickin' wings I've ever had, and I've had quite a few."

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