An Overly Easy Waitress

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Sliding into an open space in the diner parking lot, Dean turns off the engine and exits the Impala, trying to quickly get over to Mae's door, so he can open it for her. She looks up at him stunned but allows him to open it.

"Some left over residual date actions there, Dean?" She jokes.

"Oh, I umm, well, I guess."

"Wait, he opened doors for you on your date?" Sam questions.

"Yeah, he was quite the gentleman."

"I think I would have paid money to see that." He turns to Dean. "What did you turn into Mr. Congeniality for your date or something?"

"Ha ha, Sammy. How about we just go in and eat."

The three hunters enter the diner and are escorted to a booth in the front, the entire time, the server seating them hasn't taken her eyes off of Dean. As they sit down and start looking at the menus, the server lingers near, leaning as close to Dean as possible without actually sitting on top of his lap.

Mae blinks wide eyed at the server, who seems to only acknowledge that Dean is there. "Hi, I'm Candy and I'll be taking care of this table myself, so let me know if there's anything you need." She traces her fingertips down Dean's arm, then slinks off using her best catwalk moves.

"I guess the rest of us are going to fend for ourselves."

Dean looks over to Mae. "What do you mean?"

"I think the lady serving us doesn't know we exist."

He shrugs. "She seemed pretty attentive to me."

"She would, she was drooling all over you."

"Really?" He asks, arching his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, didn't you hear how she emphasized the word 'anything', plus the whole arm thing and sexy walk?"

Dean pulls her closer to him in the booth and rests his hand on her hip. "No Sweetheart, I didn't notice."

Smiling at him, she bites her lip. "Aww, that's so sweet." Her demeanor changes quick as a flash to serious and deadly. "She better keep her hands to herself or she might lose them."

The boys are both taken aback by her sudden switch but quickly nod in understanding. "On that note, let's look at the menus and order."

"Sam's right we need to find this wolfie and fast." Mae agrees, while looking at the menu in front of her.

Barely two minutes after leaving their table, the server is back and once again as close to Dean as she can. She smiles seductively at him with her pen and pad in hand bringing the end of her pen up to her lips, just to draw attention to them.

"What can I get you?"

"I'll have the cheeseburger with fries and a Coke." He responds without really looking away from his menu.

"Is that all you want?" She asks, flitting her eyelashes at him.

Mae pipes up. "I'll take the same but with a Sprite."

"Sure." Is the brusk reply, then Candy frowns as her eyes scan over to Mae and notices Dean's arm around her.

Sam clears his throat and she looks at him. "A grilled chicken salad with balsamic vinaigrette and a side of sweet potato fries, with water."

Scribbling things down as fast as she can, she walks away pouting that her tactics aren't working on Dean. "Ten bucks says Dean will be the only one to get what he ordered."

"Why do you say that, Sweetheart?" Dean wonders.

"Because she barely paid attention to what Sam and I asked for."

Sam nods his head. "The waitress is hitting on you pretty hard and didn't seem too pleased that you two are so cozy."

Coming back to the table with drinks, the server tries even harder to get Dean to notice her. Leaning over him to place his drink down.

"Here you go." She leans over him once more to drop off Mae's glass. "And for your sister."

"She's not my sister." Dean replies, while taking a sip of his drink.

"Your water." She says looking defeated, as she sets Sam's cup down.

Bustling away once more in a huff. "I think you made her mad."

"Ehh, let her be mad, I'm happy right here with you by my side."

Sam looks out the window and feigns a hurt expression. "Guess I'm chopped liver over here."

"Aww, you know you're my best, biggest little brother ever." Dean jokes.

Sam rolls his eyes. "Yeah ok, Dean"

"Well, he has died for you." Mae reminds him. "That says a lot." Especially since you both left your half brother in the Cage...

"Yeah, he has."

Mae takes a sip out of her drink and gags. "Bleck, this tastes horrible."

"Here let me see." Dean takes the glass from her but Sam stops him.

"Let me." He looks at Mae's confused face. "I have a better sense of taste."

"Right." She nods her head. He still doesn't trust me and thinks I'm dosing Dean somehow.

Taking a small sip, Sam's face sours and he spits the liquid back into the cup. "That is awful."

"She probably made my drink purposefully bad."

"Maybe." Dean shrugs. "How is your water Sam?"

Cautiously tasting his drink, he shakes his head. "Seems fine."

"See." She gestures to Dean.

"What if the soda dispenser was just out of the syrup stuff."

Sighing in frustration, she concedes slightly. "Perhaps."

"Here we can share mine." Dean pushes his glass closer to her.

Sam slides his glass over to her. "Take mine, I'll get another water."

"Hmm." She looks between the two drinks and the brothers. "I'm going to have to go with water on this one, Sorry Dean but I don't care for regular Coke." He stares at her flabbergasted. "Now if it were cherry Coke, that'd be different."

"Ok." Dean mutters. "Note to self get cherry Coke in the future."

Mae laughs at this. "You can order whatever you like."

"I like cherry Coke too. But this way we could share next time."

Sam makes a disgruntled noise but the glare he throws with it gets interrupted by the waitress coming with the food. She gently places Dean's plate down in front of him and basically dumps the other two on the table and not even to the right people. Mae rolls her eyes and takes her disheveled plate from the other side of the table, while Sam slides his salad over.

"Hey Miss, can I have another water?" Sam asks.

"Sure, what happened to the other one?" Candy eyes the table and gives Mae some side eye.

"Just spreading some good habits around." Sam smiles up at Candy. "You know water is the healthiest thing you can drink."

"Uh, yeah." She says, as she leaves the table with a confused look on her face.

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