At Least For Now

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The Impala's beautiful black and chrome glistens in the midmorning sun, as it rounds a corner with the trio and their gear in tow. A person on the street stares as the car passes by, their head turns and they let out a low whistle. A few minutes later the low grumble of the engine is cut off and the doors of the car open with a slight squeak, as the three hunters get out looking for the main entrance to the motel.

"So, two rooms right?" Sam asks, while pulling the strap of his computer bag over his shoulder.

"Yes." "No." Mae and Dean reply at the same time.

"Yes." Mae states firmly, giving Dean a side glance.

Letting out a small sigh, Dean concedes. "Fine, but make sure it's close by."

"I always do." Sam nods.

After Sam gets the keys, the three of them walk off in the direction of their rooms. Dean's one arm laden with his bags and the other is across Mae's back, holding her close.

"We need to discuss what we are going to do next for the case. After you get settled, come over to our room, so we can get to it." Sam says, as he heads to the next door down.

"Ok, I'll be there in a few."

Not wanting to let her go, Dean slowly slides his arm away. "See you soon."

"Of course, Dean." She replies with a sweet smile on her face.

Continuing on to the door that Sam just entered a few moments ago, Dean can't help but smile to himself. That familiar tingle runs through him from the look she gave him and the promise of her words. I love how she says my name. He enters the room with a large goofy grin on his face and Sam smirks at the sight.

"I'm surprised you both aren't still in the hallway staring all googly eyed at each other."

Dean clears his throat and shakes his head. "Would it even matter if I told you to shut up at this point?"


"Whatever, she'll be here soon."

"Great, can't wait." Sam replies, opening his laptop. "I'll be working on the case while the two of you moon over each other."

"Hey, don't even start. We've worked with her in the past and gotten the job done."

"True, true. She's very good at this and knowledgeable too, especially when she pulls herself out of the haze you guys get into."

"Yeah, I've noticed that." Dean runs his hand through his hair. "She can free herself from whatever it is that happens pretty easily."

"I don't know if it's that easy for her but it might seem that way to you, since you struggle with it." Sam gives him some serious side eye.

"Hey, I've pulled away a few times too!"

"Not that I've seen."

Just as Dean is about to open his mouth to refute Sam's claim, a knock sounds at the door, interrupting their old married couple's squabble. Opening the door wide, a goofy grin spreads across Dean's face when he sees Mae standing there waiting to be let in.

"Hey, you ready to get to work?"

"Yeah but can I ask you guys a question first?" She asks, entering their room.

Sam looks up from his seat at the table. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Since I'm going to be spending time in here, can I put wardings up in this room like I did in mine?"

The boys both look at each other, before Dean speaks. "You put wardings up in your room?"
"Yes, every motel room I've stayed in."
Sam's brows go up in surprise. "Why haven't you told us before?"
"I wasn't sure how you guys would react or how many cases we would go out on. And since this is case three..."

"Gotcha, gotcha." Sam nods at Dean. "I'm good with wardings, how about you?"

Dean slides his arm around her back. "Fine by me."

Smiling at them both, she moves away from Dean's side and gives his arm a quick squeeze. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she begins walking around the perimeter of their room with her head down. As she goes along, the brothers can hear her softly saying an incantation. When she finally ceases after about two minutes, ancient symbols flash across the walls in a blaze of red before fading away. Opening her eyes, she slowly faces them, only to see both their mouths agape.

"Wow, you don't have to paint stuff on the walls or anything?"

"Umm, no."

Sam tilts his head in confusion. "I've never seen any of those runes before."

"Yeah, Bobby delved deep to find them, it took him weeks to find the texts and even longer to translate it into something even remotely able to be spoken."
"Right, Dean said you knew Bobby and that he trained you to hunt."

"Uh huh."

"But he never said anything about you and we never saw you at his house or on any hunts with him."

She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and crosses her arms. "He knew my life depended on keeping my secret and hiding me at all costs. So you wouldn't have known anything."

"Makes sense, but still that makes me wonder what this secret other half of you is and why it's so dire."

"The fewer people who know the better, especially since the three people who did know are now dead."

"But Bobby was taken out by Dick Roman, and that had nothing to do with you." Dean points out.

"Yeah, I know but my grandparents died because of me and I will not have that happen again. Not to you." She looks at Dean, as she says the last part and her eyes begin to well with tears.

Dean reaches out to her and rubs up and down her arms. "Hey, shh, shh, it's ok, we don't need to know. Sam is just... I don't know Sam."

"I'm sorry, I mean we kinda should know but putting your life and ours in danger is a good reason to not know." At least for now.

Wiping away the tears that are threatening to fall, she sighs. "Let's just get started on the case."

"Right." Dean nods.

Sam turns his attention back to his laptop. "Ok, so far all we know is that in the last few months there have been a few attacks around the lunar cycle but not enough to rouse suspicion because there's been only one body here or there. But the past two nights there have been multiple attacks and three bodies have been found so far, and there might be more."

"Wow. What's got this wolfie so amped up?" Mae asks, sitting across from Sam.

"Not really sure but we only have tonight left to locate him or else we'll have to come back."

Dean pushes a chair close to Mae and sits next to her. "We need to work quick or else we'll have to wait another month to take him down."

"Where do you guys wanna start?"

Leaning back in his seat, Sam sighs. "We have a few places we need to check out and we need to find some of the attacked victims."

"So we split up, divide and conquer."

Dean's eyes go wide and he shakes his head. "Oh no, you're sticking with me."

"Why? I can take care of myself!"

"I know but..." Dean trails off.

"But what, Winchester?" Mae crosses her arms.

Dean rubs the back of his neck nervously. "I just wanted to spend more time with you." He admits.

"Oh! Ok." A large smile spreads across her face and her cheeks tinge pink.

"That reminds me, where do you go when you aren't with us?"


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