Bobby ... As In Singer?

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Parking the car back in the motel lot, Dean looks over at Sam. "Hey Sammy, can you help me with something in the trunk?"


The boys walk around to the trunk of the car. "What do you need help with?"

"Nothing really, I just wanted to talk about Mae."

"She did an amazing job digging tonight. You know she's better than you."

"Hey! I do alright. But, watching her work..." Dean trails off, biting his lower lip.

Sam holds his hands up. "Please don't finish that thought Dean."

"Hey guys, anything I can do?" Mae asks, exiting the Impala.

Dean gestures to Sam with his head towards the motel. "I'll see you in there." He murmurs.

"I'll come back and check the parking lot in about ten minutes just to make sure you guys aren't still standing here." Sam replies just loud enough for Dean to hear.

Looking up at Mae, Dean shakes his head. "No Sweetheart, we got everything sorted."

"Yeah, I get first dibs on the shower." Sam laughs and sends Mae a goofy grin.

Looking around at their clothing, she laughs with him. "We did get pretty dirty."

"I will see you both later." Sam waves and makes his way to the motel.

Dean shuffles a few things around in his trunk and glances sideways at Mae. "So, I'm guessing that wasn't the first grave you dug up."

"No." She chuckles softly.

Closing the trunk, he turns to stand beside her. "How did you get so good at this?"

"I had a great teacher."

"Oh yeah? Who?" He asks, sliding his arm across the back of her shoulders as they start walking to the motel.

She tucks her head down and looks away. "Umm... Bobby."

He comes to a dead stop, gripping onto her arm. "Bobby, like Bobby Singer, Bobby?"

"Yes." She responds, barely above a whisper.

Staring at her so intently, he can't believe what he just heard. "What? How?"

"When my grandparents died, I had to run but they had a safe house set up for emergencies. And when I got there, I found all these notes from them telling me what to do in many different situations." She holds her hand over her mouth for a moment, trying not to break down in the parking lot. "The one note had a name and number on it, that I should call if..."

"And it was Bobby." Dean finishes, finally loosening his hold on her.

She nods her head, taking a deep breath in, she finally meets his eyes. "He taught me so much about hunting, wardings, and he's the reason I know so much. Most of the contacts I have are from his networking."

"Wow, this is a lot to take in." He shakes his head in disbelief. "How did we not know this? I mean I know Bobby worked with other hunters but, not one mention of you."

"He told no one about me because I asked him not to." Her eyes flick to the side then back to him. "He knew I had to stay hidden."

Gently he glides his hand down her back, stopping at her waist, he pulls her closer to him. "Completely understandable."

They make their way silently to her room, neither really knowing what to say. Arriving at her door, he lets go of her waist to stand in front of her but she catches his hand as it slides by. Gazing down at their hands, she pauses for a moment before looking up to his beautiful face. Their eyes lock and the air between them nearly crackles with electricity.

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