The Wrong Ghost

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Mae rolls over in her sleep with a smile on her face, she cuddles into a pillow, dreaming that it's Dean. The next moment she is startled awake by the sound of pounding on her door, she sits up bolt straight, her entire demeanor changed, as she stares intently at the door. She gets off the bed and crouches on the floor, ready to attack, her eyes scanning her surroundings. More bangs erupt from her door, causing her to tense all the more. I put up the wardings right, how has he found me?

"Mae! Wake up, we've got a problem."

She breathes a sigh of relief upon recognizing Dean's voice on the other side. "I'll be there in a second."

She goes over to the door and looks out of the peephole, just to set her mind at ease. Opening the door she notices Dean's hair is mussed and he's in his pajamas with no shoes on. She mentally high fived herself for making sure to wear cute pajamas.

He runs his hand through his hair, as his eyes scan her body. "Umm..."

"What's wrong Dean? Why did you wake me?"

"Right, we've got a problem. It seems we picked the wrong ghost."

Her eyes go wide. "What?"

"There was another attack early this morning."

"I'll get dressed and be over in a few minutes."

Nodding, he smiles once more at her sleepwear. "Awww, but those look great on you."

"Get outta here Winchester!" She pushes him away from her door and closes it.

"Gonna save that image, right up here." He says through the door, pointing to his temple.

He hears her laugh on the other side of the door and he smiles knowing he made her chuckle. Turning around he goes back into the room he's sharing with Sam, to find his brother already dressed and looking over the case information trying to find what they missed.

Grabbing a few things from his duffle, Dean makes his way to the bathroom. "She's awake and will be over in a few."

"Great, I could use another set of eyes on this."

"I'll be out soon to help too."

Sam smirks over his laptop in the direction of the bathroom. "Trying to make yourself look pretty for someone?"

"I always look pretty, Sammy." Dean retorts. "I'm just sprucing up a bit."

"Better hurry up then." Sam says, as he gets up to answer the knock at the door.

"Hey Sam. So what's the deal, we burned the wrong bones?"

Sitting back down in front of his computer he starts scrolling. "Yeah, either that or we missed an object that contains part of his DNA."

"Well, we narrowed it down to three possibilities right?"

"Hmm hmm." He looks up at her questioningly. "What you got in mind?"

"We could each take one and track down anything that could contain a part of them."

Dean overhears her plan as he exits the bathroom. "I think that's a great idea but what if the spirit attacks?"

"Yeah, there have been many times we get thrown right when we are about to finish off a vengeful spirit." Sam adds.

"Hmm, true true." Mae nods. "We could stick together and go after each person systematically."

"That's gonna be a lot of salt and lighter fluid." Dean says, rubbing his chin.

"Well, what else can we do?"

"We could go ask the last victim from this morning, they survived." Sam replies pointing to the screen.

"Why didn't you lead with that information!? Let's go boys!" Mae grabs her bag and heads for the door.

She looks over at Dean. "Aww, I liked the messy 'just woke up' look, but this works too." She winks at him and he smirks.

She saunters out the door, very pleased by his reaction. Sam gives Dean an amused smile and follows Mae through the open door, leaving his brother to grab their gear and lock up.


Walking into the hospital room, the trio see a bandaged woman laying in the bed nearest the window. As they approach, she pulls her eyes away from the view outside and adjusts the beige blanket covering her.

"Sorry to disturb you, but we have a few questions about the attack this morning." Sam says politely.

"I already gave my statement to the police." She replies.

Dean pulls out a notepad and pen. "Yes, they sent us back out with a few follow up questions."

"What follow up could they possibly have?" She asks, looking nervously to the side. "I just got a little scared and fell."

Smiling earnestly at her, Sam steps closer. "What frightened you?"

"Umm..." She pauses, a look of uncertainty flashes over her features. "I'm not sure what exactly made me jump."

"It's ok, take your time, this morning was traumatic." Mae comforts the woman.

Dean leans forward and asks. "Was there anything unusual that happened during your accident? Cold spots, flickering lights, or things moving?"

"Cold spots? Unusual? No! Why would it?" The lady replies, too emphatically.

"We're not saying that it did." Sam tries to soothe the situation. "But if anything odd did happen, we would believe you."

"You would?" She asks, eyes wide as saucers.

Mae nods. "Of course, we deal with strange stuff all the time."

"There was this woman but it was like she was there but not there at the same time. And she came out of nowhere, screaming at me about being unfaithful." The words come tumbling out of her mouth and she appears to be on the verge of tears. "It just happened last night... How could she have known?"

"Woah, ok, slow down." Sam holds up his palm. "So, this woman, can you describe her for us?"

"Describe her?" Her mouth drops open. "You actually believe me!"

"Yes, and any details you can give us will help." Dean prompts.

"Alright." She nods her head.

After talking to the lady and taking her statement about the attack, the three walk back to the car. Sam pulls up the obituaries of the prospective spirits on his phone to compare them to the description.

"We can eliminate Charles Scott, she said it was a woman." Sam says, swiping to the next one.

"The other two are both women but can we tell any details from the old black and white photos?" Mae asks.

Dean peers over at his brother's phone. "Good question."

"Well, it looks like both had dark hair." Sam comments. "But she did mention the woman was younger, like late thirties."

Mae nods her head. "And the obit says the second lady died in her mid sixties."

"Well, let's check out Ava Caldwell. Sammy, can you look online and see if there are any possessions or remains of hers anywhere in town?" Dean asks.

With a quick nod, Sam gets to work on his phone and smiles only moments later. "Got a hit. There's an article that says some of her things are kept in a glass box at the mausoleum where her ashes are."

"Looks like we're headed back to the cemetery."

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