What the Hell, Dean!

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Sam helps her out of the bar to the sidewalk, as Dean follows behind slightly befuddled. Dean's brow furrows in determination and before Mae and Sam even take two steps beyond the door, he scoops Mae up bridal style. She squeaks in surprise and looks at him with eyes wide as saucers.

"What are you doing?"

Chuckling, he strides towards the Impala. "I told you earlier, that I'd carry you."

"Yes but that was to the motel."

"Figured I'd start early." He turns to Sam. "Can you open the door?"

Shaking his head, Sam opens the door. "You two are crazy."

Dean just smiles, as he gently lays Mae down onto the backseat. He shuts her door and gets behind the wheel, while Sam settles into the passenger seat. Mae pries off her heels and sighs in relief, causing both brothers to chuckle.

"I'd like to see you guys walk around this city in heels."

"No thanks." Sam replies.

"I'll leave that to you, Sweetheart."

"Ugh, I need to stretch my calves out." She says, rubbing them. "I swear wearing these things all the time is my version of hell."

"Been there, not too far off." Dean quips, but a flash of pain belies the truth.

Sam turns in his seat to look back at Mae. "Constant, excruciating pain sounds about right."

"Oh, I'm sorry guys. I kinda forgot that you've both... well, you know."

"Spent time there." Dean finishes.


Sam gives her a reassuring smile. "It's ok Mae, it's been a long time for the both of us."

"I still don't want to remind you of it."

"Don't worry about it, Beautiful. Besides, knowing Crowley that probably is part of Hell."

She giggles at his joke. "You're probably right."

"We're almost there, how are your feet feeling?" Dean asks, looking in the rearview mirror.

"A little better. I should be able to walk soon."

Dean smiles. "Well, that's good."

"Guess you won't have to carry her after all." Sam says.

"What?" Dean almost shouts. "Oh no, I'm carrying her."

"Ok, good. I wasn't looking forward to walking just yet." Mae adds from the back and a large grin overtakes Dean's face, he drives the rest of the way to the motel smiling.

Getting her out of the car, he lifts her into his arms once more and she giggles at him while clutching her heels in her hand. Rolling his eyes, yet smiling at them, Sam walks on ahead to the rooms.

When Dean arrives at her door, Sam is nowhere in sight. He lets her legs slide down to the floor but keeps her firmly pressed against him, so that her feet are barely holding any of her weight.

"It's so hard to let you go." Dean whispers into her ear.

A shiver runs down her spine. "You still haven't."

"That's not what I meant." He chuckles. "I want you in the same room."

"I, I..."

"Hell, I want you to move into the bunker. I don't understand this pull towards you but only getting to see you some of the time, it's getting harder and harder to say goodbye."

"Well, I don't like being away from you either but I can't move into the bunker, it's not safe." As she explains, his face falls. "I might consider the same motel room next time, though."

"I guess that's better than nothing but why is the bunker not safe enough? It's warded you know."

She nods her head and smiles sadly. "While the Men of Letters did ward the bunker pretty well, it's nothing like what Bobby found for me."

"Can't you put those on the bunker too?" His eyes search hers pleadingly.

"I might be able to find all of them but it'll take a while. But until then I can't be out in the open, so much. Honestly the only reason I'm hunting with you is because I feel drawn to you." She pauses and takes a deep steadying breath. "If I'm found, it's not just me that'll be targeted, they will go after you too, and Sam."

He shrugs off her concerns. "We're Winchesters, we always have targets on our backs. Besides, they'll have to go through me to get to you."

He goes to brush her cheek but she shakes her head. "While I don't like being away from you either, knowing you are safe is better than the alternative because they will go through you to get to me and that would break my heart." She can barely get the last few words out because a lump is forming in her throat.

He pulls her as close to him as he can in a tight hug, resting his chin on her shoulder. After a few minutes, he turns his head slightly, her neck is right there and he can't help himself. He slowly closes the slight distance and kisses it.

She tenses at the sensation and grasps onto him, as her heels drop to the floor with two separate clunks. "D-d-d-dean." She stutters, losing all sense of her faculties and melts into him.

He hums in appreciation of her reaction. "Mmm, Dean." She moans, her breathing getting quicker.

Sam pokes his head out the door looking for Dean and is shocked by what he sees. "What the Hell, Dean?"

Slowly pulling away from her, Dean begrudgingly turns his attention to his brother, while Mae hazily stares off into nothingness. "What?"

"What do you mean, what? You were kissing her neck."

As if finally realizing that Dean had stopped, Mae blinks a few times and turns her head to see an angry looking Sam. "I'm going to go get ready."

As she hurriedly enters her room, Dean begins to walk over to his large and irate brother. "So are you going to explain yourself?"

"Explain what?"
Sam rolls his eyes in exasperation. "Kissing her!" He points towards her door.

"Oh yeah, I did. But at least she wasn't kissing me."


Mae pops back out her door and grabs her shoes. "Sorry, just needed to get these." She says, holding them up to the boys.

Sam grabs Dean by his shoulder and ushers him into their room. "Keep explaining your reasoning."

"You said not to swap bodily fluids with her and I didn't."

"But Dean, you know very well that would lead to more. What if I hadn't come out when I did, you would have been locking lips within minutes."

"And what if I did, would that be so bad? She has been around us for months now and she's been helping us, nothing evil. So I don't see why I can't kiss her."

"We still don't know what the deal with her is and why the two of you are drawn together like magnets."

Dean throws his hands up in the air. "Well, I don't care anymore. When we get back from this case, I'm going to kiss her."

"I guess that's up to you and her but I still don't think it's a good idea."

Dean goes over to his duffle. "Let's just get changed and try to figure out where we need to hunt this thing."


With her back to the door and her hands tightly gripping her heels, she lets out ragged breaths trying to control her breathing. This man has got my head spinning. Wants to date me but no kissing, then he does that! How am I supposed to be around him and not want more?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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