An Amazing Date

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Driving farther and farther from the axe throwing restaurant, Dean's mischievous grin grows wider and wider. He keeps insisting that it's not much longer and she starts to get slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you sure I'll be back in enough time?"


"This isn't just some plot to get me to stay another night?"


His one word answers are getting on her nerves. "Wow, Winchester I've heard of terse but could I get a few more words here?"

"Yes." He laughs and she looks at him with a grimace. "I have to stop somewhere before we get to our second part but trust me the drive is worth it."

"I believe that what you've planned is worth it but I'm just thinking about leaving before they pick up on where I am."

"Who are the 'they' you are always talking about?"
"Many different creatures and even some humans I think."

"But why?"

"What do you mean?"

"You told me that you're being hunted but I don't think you told me why."

"I guess you could say my skills have caused some trouble in the monster world and they don't like me. There's actually a bounty on my head."

"Woah, you're like the girl version of me and Sam."

At this her laughter fills the car. "Kinda, I guess we piss off a lot of high level baddies."

"You know it." Slowing down he steers the car to the parking lot of a grocery store. "Ok, so we need to go in and pick up a few things."

"A supermarket..." She looks at him sideways with a smirk. "Wow, Dean Winchester really knows how to show a lady a good time."

He looks shocked by her words, then she begins laughing once more. "You had me going for a little bit there, Sweetheart."

Getting out of the car, he comes over for her door again and after she's out, they gravitate towards each other and both slide their hands to the now usual spots. Walking into the store, they grab a cart and head for the closest aisle.

"What are we looking for in here?" She wonders aloud.

"Food." He pauses to look at her and laughs. "We need to get things we like to eat."

"Ok, you really aren't giving out many details are you?"


She smiles up at him. "You really are incorrigible, aren't you."

"Of course, and you love it."

"Yes, I ..." She looks off to the left and gets distracted. "Ooh, can I get this?"

"Yeah, anything you want, Sweetheart." He pauses for a moment. "Well, almost anything."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not going to buy the whole store or the people in it."

"Oh Dean!" She nudges him with her hip. "Stop. I would never ask you to buy anybody. Human trafficking is illegal, you know."

They both stop in the middle of the aisle and laugh at their own antics, causing some of the other shoppers to stare but the pair don't even notice. Picking up a few things here or there they finish shopping in pretty short order. After paying for their items and securing them in the backseat with the leftovers, they get back into the front and begin driving once more.

"We sure are driving a lot."

"Do you mind that?"
"No, not really. Good company and beautiful car, I'm good."

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