Overprotective with A Side of Salt

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Sliding into the booth at the diner, Mae has to keep moving in because Dean is joining her, while Sam sits alone on the other side. She blushes at his nearness and he smirks at the glow on her cheeks.

The server promptly comes over. "Hi, I'm Pete, I'll be your waiter this evening. Can I get you guys started with something to drink?"

"Water." Sam replies.

Dean grunts. "Coke."

"Sprite, please." Mae says.

"No problem." He says, smiling down at her.

Dean catches the look on Pete's face and his eyes narrow. He inches closer to Mae, as the three of them look over the menu. The server returns quickly with their drink orders but leaves once more to allow them time to choose from the menus.

Bustling back over after a few minutes, Pete asks. "Do you know what you want or would you like a few more minutes?"

"We're good, man. I'd like the grilled chicken breast sandwich but instead of fries, I'll have a side salad." Sam orders.

"Bacon cheese burger with cheese fries." Dean says, smirking in Mae's direction.

The corners of her mouth twitch up at his amusing antics. "I'll have a turkey club, light on the mayo, and cheese fries sound great."

"That they do." Pete responds, with a grin and a wink at Mae he slips away from the table.

Going into protective mode Dean slinks his arm around the back of the booth and gives the server a death stare. "What the hell was that about?"

"Huh?" Mae asks, distracted by his arm behind her.

Dean swivels his head back around to her and he scoffs. "He just winked at you."

"Did he?" She just stares into his eyes, getting lost there and feeling her stomach do somersaults.

He gazes back at her and feels the same irresistible pull he always does and begins to zone out. "Yeah..."

"Ok you two, enough goo goo eyes. We have a grave to find, then dig up, salt, and burn."

They both turn their attentions to Sam with far off looks on their faces. Mae blinks a few times then angles her body back to the table, nodding her head. Dean however still seems out of it and it takes him a moment or so before he shakes his head to clear it.

"You know Sam, I couldn't help but notice that even though it's not just salad, you did order something very healthy with some salad..." Mae grins at him with a twinkle in her eye.

Dean laughs and nudges her with his shoulder. "She's got you there Sammy!"

Sam rolls his eyes. "Least I'm taking care of my body."

The three sit there talking about much of nothing, drinking their drinks, and having fun; their laughter filling the diner at times. When Pete nears the table to say their food is almost ready and ask if they need any refills, Dean snakes his arm around Mae's shoulders and glares at the server.

"Dean, honestly you're going to give that poor man a heart attack with the looks you're giving him." She chides, as she gently hits his shoulder.

"Perhaps he should keep his eyes to himself."

Sam rolls his eyes. "How about we just eat and then get on with this case."

"That'd be great, if Skippy here ever brings us our food." Dean grumbles.

Mae looks over at him. "He said it was almost ready."

The next few minutes before the food arrives thankfully pass with more conversation about the case and of course levity thrown in. Just as Pete walks up to the table, a loud burst of laughter makes him almost drop his tray.

Sam helps him steady the tray. "Whoa, careful there."

"Well, this definitely seems like the table to be at, you guys are having a lot of fun." Pete says, passing out their food.

"Got that right!" Dean smirks at Mae and she giggles as she bites into half of her club.


Walking through the cemetery, checking the headstones for Charles Scott, the three seem to be on a wild goose chase, as they have found nothing in the last half hour. Frowning as they round yet another mausoleum, Sam wonders if they have the wrong graveyard.

"Is there even a Charles Scott or did Dean make him up?" Sam grumbles.

Dean stops searching. "Hey, I didn't make him up, he was right there on your computer. If anything, this town's records are wrong."

"Are you sure it said he was buried here? Perhaps there's another cemetery or possibly on private property?" Mae asks.

Sam runs a hand over his face. "There weren't any other burial sites in town that I could find, I mean this is a pretty small town."

"Haven't we been in this section before?" Dean asks, looking around.

Mae shakes her head. "No, but they do all look very similar."

"I feel like we've searched this whole place." Sam states.

"Not quite but almost." Mae grimaces and points. "We have those back two sections to go."

Dean nods then suggests. "Let's split up and signal if you find anything."

"We should start in the middle and go out to the edges." Mae strategizes aloud.

The boys nod and silently begin to search down the center of the stones, Mae follows behind them. At the end of the row, Dean catches Sam's attention and nods to the left, Sam acknowledges and heads right. Mae pauses for a moment before going left to help Dean.

It's not long before their section is completed, then they walk towards where Sam is still looking. Before they reach him, Sam holds up his hand and lets out a whistle, signaling that he found something, Dean and Mae hurry over to him. Looking down, there it is, a tombstone for one Charles Scott.

They set up a schedule where two are digging and one is on lookout duty, carrying on this way things move pretty quickly and soon they are at the wooden casket. Opening it up Sam and Mae climb out of the hole, making way for Dean to douse the remains in salt and gas, then toss in a lit match book. They all stand there staring down transfixed, as the fire grows and the bones turn to ash.

"Let's get going before someone notices the fire." Dean says, gathering their supplies.

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