Police Work and Distractions

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The trio confidently stride up to the front desk and spy the officers bustling and talking on the other side of the counter. The Sheriff is standing off to the side of an officer's desk reviewing reports. He looks up when he notices movement out of the corner of his eye.

Upon seeing the suits, he walks over to greet them. "What can I do for you gentlemen? And lady?" He adds glancing over at Mae.

The boys flash their badges and Dean offers their names. "We are Agents Chris and Frehley, and we are here to investigate the disappearances and the bodies that have been showing."

"Ah yes." He nods his head in understanding. "And you are?" The Sheriff turns his attention to Mae.

"Holiday, Forensics." She replies, offering her hand to him.

He shakes her hand and smiles. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sheriff Hayes."

"Nice to meet you too. However, if you don't mind, could you point me in the direction of your morgue? I need to start swabbing the cadavers for particulates and get them back to my lab."

"Of course!" Hayes says with a nod. "Go down this hallway here, on the left is a staircase that will lead you directly to the morgue in the basement."

"Thank you." Mae notes his directions and starts towards the route he indicated.

Sheriff Hayes watches her walk away until her form is out of view. "How do you work when she's around?" He asks, biting his lower lip.

"Great, actually." Dean's tone turns icy. "Because she's an amazing scientist, who has brought down many criminals with her skills. What is she up to, four or five now?" Dean turns to Sam for support.

"Five cases solved." Sam confirms. "This will be her sixth, with us at least."

"I could use someone like that in my district." The Sheriff remarks.

Dean purses his lips. "How would you get any work done, Sheriff?"

The Sheriff's eyes pop out, his face tinges pink, and he starts to stammer, but Sam redirects the conversation. "Can we discuss these cases in a more private location?"

"Of course." Bobbing his head mechanically he shows them to his office, still a little flustered by what just happened.

Once their talk with the Sheriff is over, the boys make their way down the same staircase that Mae had used about twenty minutes prior. Winding down all the steps Dean complains about the Sheriff and how he had almost no new information. Upon entering the morgue, they see her examining one of the handful of bodies laid out on the tables, while the Coroner sits at his desk writing up some paperwork.

"Any new clues?" Sam asks, as they near her.

Straightening up, she puts a swab in a clear plastic bag. "I have a few samples to analyze but there's nothing conclusive from my initial observations."

"Wow, you've really got the lingo down." Dean remarks with a smirk.

"I should, I wanted to study either genetics or forensics in college but..." She trails off.

"Your grandparents." Sam says barely above a whisper and she nods, closing her eyes.

Opening them once more, she smiles sadly. "But the past is what it is and can't be changed."

Both brothers shift uneasily where they stand. "Any bodies for us to look at?" Dean asks, steering the conversation back to the case.

"I've already finished with these three, but the two over there still need to be examined." She says, nodding her head to the ones behind her.

They finish up with the bodies and are soon exiting the police station. They all feel the chill in the air that hadn't been there when they entered. As they walk down the block to the Impala, Mae starts to shiver and she draws her arms as close to her body as possible.

"Wow, it got really cold out here." Sam exclaims.

"Yeah, it has. I wonder..." Dean glances over at Mae and immediately takes off his jacket. "Here take this."

He drapes his jacket over her shoulders and his scent overtakes her. She stops dead in her tracks causing the brothers to pause too. Dean just shrugs but Sam notices that her eyes are glazed over and half shut. He thinks, She looks as if she is in a trance.

"Better?" Dean asks.

Finally meeting his gaze after a few moments of staring off, she mumbles a semicoherent. "Yeah, thanks."

Dean shares a look with his brother. "Let's get to the car, I'll turn the heat on."

She is still standing there dazed and not moving, so Sam takes her by the back of her elbow and steers her to the car. Dean opens the back door for her, blinking a few times she pulls the jacket closer to her and sits down on the back seat.

As if she is coming up for air, she looks up at them, smiles, and says. "I'm much warmer now."

After closing the door, Dean looks over to Sam. "Is she getting sick or something?"

"I don't know what that was, maybe we should just get her back to the motel."


The entire ride back she wears a goofy grin on her face, being engulfed by his cologne makes her feel loopy. Her thoughts drift. Being wrapped in his jacket is nice but his arms would be better...

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