Miscreant Ghosties

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Driving down the highway with classic eighties rock playing, Mae stares out the window of the backseat, looking at the moving scenery. But even though the view is beautiful, her mind is elsewhere. Why does his touch affect me so much? I swear if Sam hadn't gotten my attention, I would still be sitting in the bunker, relishing in the sensation of his fingers on my skin.

Trying to shift her thoughts, she leans forward hanging her elbows on the front seat. "So Dean, tell me about these Thule cases that you've worked."

"Well, we first met them when this rabbi spontaneously combusted in a college town bar. And we had to take them out with the help of a golem and the rabbi's grandson, who by the way didn't even believe in his grandfather's stories until the golem showed up at his door."

"Wow, so how did you end up killing them?"

"Head shot was the only thing that slowed them, then we had to burn and bury them, the necromancing bastards can come back if you don't put them down proper."

She nods her head. "Any other times you faced them?"

"Other than when they reincarnated Hitler, no but I assume there are still more out there."

"There always is." Sam adds.

"I think I'm going to have to pick both of your brains for my database!" She says excitedly.

"Your what now?" Dean questions.

"I have a database of different creatures and other supernatural things, umm, kinda like how some hunters keep journals."

Nodding his head and turning in his seat slightly, Sam says. "Our dad kept one of those, it really helped us out when we first started doing this on our own."

"I hope you don't mind but you two are in there as well."

Dean swerves the Impala a little at this comment but straightens out. "We are?" He asks with bewilderment in his voice.

"Well, sure." She starts to twist a piece of her hair in between her fingers. "You guys have saved the world countless times, it seems only right that you are included."

The boys bob their heads in approval. "Plus, I've read all the books that were written about you."

Both of their jaws drop, Dean recovers first. "You read those books?"

"Yes, of course I did."


"Research of course, and you should be happy that I did because reading those books and knowing what you both have done for each other and the world is the reason I decided to intervene when the British Men of Letters took Sam."

"Oh." Is the only response she gets.

"I hope I haven't offended or hurt you guys in any way."

"No, it's just..." Dean starts.

"Those books are a sore spot for us." Sam clarifies.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's just that." Dean pauses for a few moments. "There's just so much in them about our personal lives."
"Yeah..." She says barely above a whisper.

Pulling off the highway into a town that is just big enough to be on the map but not big enough to lose it's small town charm, Sam directs Dean to the nearest motel. The awkward tension from before slowly dissipates, as they grab their bags from the trunk.

"Same room arrangements as before Sam?" She asks.

Swinging his laptop bag over his shoulder. "Sure, I'll see what I can do."

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