An Unexpected Wake Up

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Mae's eyes flutter open slightly, as she awakens but soon they close again as Dean's scent surrounds her causing her to roll onto her side, sighing and smiling to herself. As if a bucket of ice water is dumped on her head, her eyes snap open wide and she sits up on the bed, she looks around to find an unfamiliar room.

"Crap!" she groans.

She gets off the bed and realizes that she is still wearing the same clothes from yesterday but her shoes are missing. Hesitantly she approaches the door and opens it just a crack. Sighing in relief she recognizes the halls of the Winchester's bunker, however panic sets back in pretty quickly when she looks down at her watch.

She rakes her hands through her hair. "I've been here all night!"

Hurrying down the hall, she searches for the den, so she can reclaim her shoes and get out of there. I can't believe I fell asleep! I never should have stayed for food. She scolds herself. Finally reaching the den door she enters to find both brothers sitting on the couch with papers in their hands. They look up at her, confusion evident on their faces, as she pauses in the doorway, her eyes scanning the floor. Her face lights up when she finds her quarry and she quickly walks over and puts her shoes on.

Fumbling with the laces she mutters. "Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!"

Upon completing her task she rises from the floor and heads for the door. Looking back over her shoulder she says a quick goodbye to the boys before hurrying down the hall to the main room. The brothers look to each other, then get up and head off after her.

"Wait, Mae." Sam calls out. "Where are you going?"

She stops and turns to face them. "I have to go home."

Dean rubs the back of his neck. "We thought you might want to eat breakfast and keep researching."

"I've already stayed here longer than I should have!" She says with an alarmed tone in her voice. "I need to go."

"Are you going to come back and help us with the case?" Sam asks.

"Yes, umm, maybe later tonight." She pauses and thinks for a moment. "I can come over and cook some dinner and we can keep working."

Sam nods his head. "Sounds good, see you then."

"Any requests for dinner or anything I should avoid?"

"I'm sure whatever you make will be great." Sam reassures her with a smile.

Dean makes a puppy dog face as he asks. "Any way we can have some more pie?"

"Sure, Dean." She smiles coyly at him. "Later guys."

With that last remark she darts up the stairs and exits through the door. Sam and Dean stand silently for a few moments before exchanging baffled glances.

"What was that all about?"

"Beats me." Sam shrugs. "But at least we have more time to figure out what tests we want to try out."

"Wonder what she's going to make?"

Sam shrugs his shoulders. "I'm gonna go get some actual shut eye, since we didn't sleep that much last night."

"I second that idea, I'm pretty beat."

The brothers head off towards their respective rooms. As Dean enters his room he looks at his bed and thinks back to last night when he had her in his arms and laid her down right there on the very bed he was going to sleep in. His eyes hood in lust at his thoughts, after a minute or two he shakes his head to help clear them out.

Better check before I sleep. He scans the room, checking every nook and cranny he can for any sign of hex bags, coins, or any other supernatural object that she might have stashed in his room. In his line of work he needs to be careful, there are many supernatural beings and even some humans who want the Wincesters taken out.

Upon finding nothing except some dust bunnies, he finally lays down on the bed, ready for sleep to come. Taking a breath in, her scent floods his senses and he groans out at the delicious feeling it causes in his stomach. He desperately wishes he were here last night with her curled up on his chest, sleeping peacefully while he held her but he knew he'd done the right thing.

Not knowing why he felt the way he did around her, nor what she is up to, caution is his best option. She isn't like his usual one night stands and if what he is feeling is real emotion and attraction to her he didn't want to screw it up. Rolling over onto his stomach, he buries his face into his sheets, once more relishing in her sweet scent before drifting off to sleep.

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