The Worst Service

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Upon inspecting her food, Mae looks over to Dean's burger. "Well, she definitely got my order wrong, this is a turkey burger and it's basically raw. How did yours go, Sam?"

"Well, it's a salad at least and chicken but it doesn't look the greatest."

"Ugh, I'm so hungry and this lady is trying to starve and poison me."

"At least this, I know we can share." Dean cuts his burger in half and hands it to her.

Staring down the burger she takes a big bite and mumbles out. "Thank you."

"No problem, Sweetheart."

She lays her head on Dean's shoulder. "You are not only sweet but also my hero."

The brothers both chuckle at this statement. "Half his burger doesn't grant him herodom." Sam shakes his head, while digging into his salad.

"When you are very hungry and offered half of someone else's food, in my book, yep, that's cause for being a hero."

"You are welcome to half my fries too." Dean smiles at her, as she quickly snatches one off his plate.

"I was hoping you would say that!"

"Speaking of fries." Sam wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Where are my sweet potato fries?"

"She also hasn't come back with another water for you yet." Mae points out.

Sam flags her over to the table and she reluctantly comes over. "Yes?" She curtly asks him.

"I'm missing my sweet potato fries."

"Oh." Candy shifts her weight to her other foot. "We are out, would you like some regular fries?"

"Sure." Sam nods his head. "Also that water I asked for."

"Oops, guess I forgot about it because I already got you one, not too long ago." With that snide remark she leaves the table once more.

Mae throws her hands up in exasperation. "This has got to be the worst service I've ever seen."

"Yeah it is pretty bad." Sam agrees.

"My order came out just fine."

They both look at Dean and roll their eyes simultaneously. "That's because miss thang over there wants to jump your bones."

"Really and how do you know that?"

Sighing in frustration Mae looks over to Sam. "Is he always this thick when it comes to women hitting on him?"

"No, actually he's usually really thick when it comes to women not wanting him to hit on them."

"Hey, this isn't pick on Dean time. Let's eat and get to our investigation."

Sam and Mae nod in agreement and the three of them eat their food as quickly as possible. Candy doesn't really pay their table much attention after rudely walking away.

"Maybe you should have had Dean order your fries and water." Mae says, with a shade filled glance at the server across the diner.

"Yeah, then I would have gotten them."

Dean rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah I get it, she only got my order right because she thinks I'm cute or something."

"She'd be all up in your lap if you let her." Mae retorts.

"Let me go pay, so we can get out of here."

Dean starts getting up but Mae follows him. "I've got this one, you boys go get the car ready."

The brothers exchange a look before shrugging. Sam grabs his things and heads to the door. "We'll see you out there."

"Don't be too hard on her, Sweetheart. It's not her fault that I'm just so sexy." Dean whispers in her ear and she chuckles, while hitting his arm playfully.

"I won't hurt the little skank's feelings, just going to pay." She leans close to Dean and whispers back to him. "She wishes she knew how sexy you actually are."

He leaves the diner in a slight daze with a pink tinge to his cheeks, while Mae calmly walks over to the register. Candy regrettably gets up from the chair she had been sitting in for most of their dining experience and comes up to the register staring daggers at Mae.

"How much do we owe?" She asks, as politely as possible.

Candy makes a big show of getting her notepad out and ringing up the check, before snidely saying. "Sixty four fifty."

"Wait, how could three meals cost that much at a diner? The burgers alone were less than eight bucks on the menu."

"You must have gotten old menus or something." Candy tries to lie through her teeth.

"Oh, I get it. You want to charge us more because the guy I was sitting with didn't respond to your oh so obvious flirtations."

"What are you..."

Mae cuts her off. "First off, your service was horrible, second, what we ordered either came out wrong or didn't come out at all, third, hitting on a customer who clearly isn't receptive to it is outlandish and makes you look both stupid and easy. I will pay for the food we actually got and not a penny more."

The server stares at Mae wide eyed and unable to speak, especially when she sees that the entire diner, including the cook from the back, are watching the whole scene. "W-w-w..."

"Here is the money for our food based on the price from the menu. You will notice, my meal and drink are excluded because what you brought me was both wrong and unfit for human consumption."

Mae hands her the money and turns to walk out but stops when the girl finally finds her voice. "What no tip?"

"Sure, I'll give you a tip, keep your paws to yourself and serve all your customers equally."

One of the other servers comes over and smiles at Mae. "Thank you, she does this all the time and this is the first time anyone has called her out for it!"

With this last sentiment the entirety of the staff begins to clap, Mae exits the diner and walks to the Impala with her head held high. Dean is standing beside the car giving her a knowing look.

He opens the door for her and smirks down at her as she takes her seat. "I see you didn't stick to what you said."

Peering up at him, she shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You said you were just going to pay and not quote 'hurt the skank's feelings'. But what I saw was a bit of a show." At the word skank Sam chuckles from the front seat.

"I did just pay but she decided to over charge us to the tune of sixty four dollars and then started to ask questions. So I laid it out for her, mainly saying that her behavior was unprofessional."

"Really?" Dean studies her face to see if she's telling the truth.

"Yes, then she had the gall to ask for a tip."

Sam turns around to ask. "Did you actually give that horrible waitress a tip?"

"In fact, I did but it was purely advice about treating her customers the same. And the rest of her coworkers were happy that I pointed out her mistreatment of customers. Apparently this wasn't the first time."

"Is that why they were clapping?" Dean asks, while getting into the driver's seat and starting the car.


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